My Tudor Dog Holi has the outer skirt almost finished now. This is a four step stitch. First you stitch the framework of steps that makes up the box frames. I did this in an overdyed green medium perle from Gloriana that was an experiment, not an item you can buy. (It was a gift from a dear friend who sweet-talked it out of Gloriana's owner.) Then I filled the perimeter of each box with tent stitches done in Kreinik's 5982, which is a deep green and gold (I used #16 medium braid). The third step was to fill the empty middle of the box with overdyed Kreinik in ThreadworX's yellow and orange #71072. You use a modified cashmere stitch for this.
I've not done the fourth step yet. You are supposed to add a long stitch that reaches most of the way across the box (but not all the way) in a long slanting stitch / in the same thread as the tent stitches that go around the edge. The slant echoes the \ diagonal of the underskirt and makes the patterns flow together visually.
I like how this looks so far and will decide whether to do the last step, and if so, in what thread, later.
Jane/Chilly Hollow
Main blog at http://blog.360.yahoo.com/chillyhollow