Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Introducing the FrameLok UPDATED AGAIN

Look what Ian did for his mother!  They are called FrameLoks and they are little gadgets that fit inside the corners of your stretcher bars to keep them square.  If you look at the comments you'll see a photo of Ian's creation in use.  You simply use thumbtacks to attach them inside the stretcher bar corners once you assemble them.  Then the stretcher bars can't wiggle out of shape slightly as you stitch or carry them around in a tote bag or suitcase.

These will start to show up in the shops around Christmas 2019.

UPDATE:  Labors of Love in Atlanta has them in stock, and they were hand delivered by the creator!  (use the right side arrows to see more pictures)

UPDATE #2:  Stitch Stash thinks these will hang over a bit if you are using the narrower mini stretcher bars.  Not really a problem I don't think.

UPDATE #3: has a little video showing frame loks in use.

Saturnalia Stitching shows off all the colors of FrameLoks.  

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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© Copyright August 1, 2019 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.