I wasn't 100% sure until I saw the photo above, but the Oriental Linen stitches that outline the lady's maid's dress and show fold lines are too light in color. I'm going to need a darker gray, darker even than the face outlines. So that will be pulled out tonight. In the photo above you can see the ovals on her dress, some outlined, some filled in. I decided that it would be best to outline an area with the darker Flax N Colors stitches, then fill in with the longer laid Silk N Colors stitches. Whether you stitch the centers first or stitch the outlines, a stitch is going to be slightly disturbed by the stitch that comes next and shares its hole. Better to disturb tent stitches than long ones, don't you think?
Yesterday NC Pat posted a very interesting comment: "
If you are going to have texture in the other two, go with the Rhodes, if not then I would do the tents, as they are both defining the design......Just my humble opinion.....and hiding behind the chair!"
No need to hide, Pat! You make a good point. When does one decide to do lots of texture on all three outfits and when do you do less texture in one (or more) than the other? I think this is a matter of individual taste as there really doesn't seem to be a rule. Putting texture on all three women will make them all equally important and concentrating the bulk of the texture on the central figure of the Geisha will make her the most important figure. I think I am going to make the Geisha the most important person in the design as she holds the central motif--the peach. That seems to make sense to me.
But truly it all depends on what you are doing with a piece.
Jane/Chilly Hollow
Main blog at http://blog.360.yahoo.com/chillyhollow