Monday, August 1, 2011

Today is Robin King Day

I added a new article to the CH Stitch Guide blog this morning, a review of one of Robin King's stitch guides which she kindly loaned me for review.  If you are on the fence about signing up for her Creepy Creatures Halloween set through your local shop, then perhaps reading what her guides are like will help you make up your mind.  The previous article on the CH Stitch Guides blog has links to Robin's commercially available guides so you can find the Creepy Creatures set that way to take a peek.

I also posted about one of Robin's pieces today on this blog, which I didn't realize (most Blog articles are written a week in advance) until this morning.  So today's not Monday--it's Robin Day!  LOL

Enjoy your day, Robin.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at

Counted Down Under

Because not everyone is into painted canvases like me, I'm pairing today's tale of Robin's Insomnia canvas with an interview Sara Leigh has done with Carol Young of Carol's Counted  Canvaswork in Australia.  Carol's a counted thread designer with a wonderful take on fancy stitches and happy colors.  You'll enjoy getting to know her, even if you aren't really much of a counted person like me.

You can see Carol's newest designs underway on her blog.  I find it fascinating to see them develop, even though I'm not much of a counted thread stitcher myself.

By the way, Pat has mentioned a counted thread Yahoo Group called The Stitch Specialists that some folks who are really into that technique might be interested in.  I don't belong myself (Are you kidding?! I can't even count the same small line of stitches and come up with the same number consistently?!)

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at

Stitching When You Can't Sleep

Robin King's Imsomnia (Maggie Designs)
This piece is for all the folks who just can't sleep tonight.  It's a Maggie canvas stitched by Robin King, who was instrumental in getting the design put on needlepoint canvas and getting Amy Bunger to do a stitch guide for it.  The whole thing makes me laugh, from the woman who is knitting madly in her search for occupation when she can't sleep to the cats, each of whom wears a sweater and none of whom have the least trouble sleeping whenever/wherever they please.

It cracks me up!

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at