Monthly Clubs

Newest additions to shop clubs are listed at the top of each section.   Some clubs may no longer be offered.  I remove them when I discover this, but many shops don't update their website when older clubs are no longer available.   If you find a dead link or defunct club, would you let me know?  I don't have time to go through this long list to find the dead links, so your help would be appreciated.  Email chillyhollow at hot mail dot com with updates.  Thanks!

The categories are:   

Beach and Ocean Themes    
Counted Canvas Clubs
Day of the Dead (also see Halloween)
Designer Clubs (these are clubs offered to the shops by the designers themselves)
Easter and Fourth of July and Hanukkah
Edible Themes
Halloween  (also see Day of the Dead)
Miscellaneous Themes
Religious  (also see Easter and Fourth of July and Hanukkah)
Texas Themed Clubs
Thread Collector Clubs
Valentine's Day 

Hope the club of your dreams is somewhere on this list.


Beach and Ocean Themes

Needlepoint Junction will offer the Under the Sea Club 2 from Melissa Prince.  You can choose either 7 or 11 designs to stitch.  The club starts October 2024.

The Needlepointer will offer Kelly Clark's "Darling Dolphin Club" starting in August-September 2024.  Stitch guide by Kelly herself.  There will be a private Facebook group with videos to help you master the techniques Kelly uses.

Starting in June, 2024, The Needlepointer will offer Melissa Prince's "Abstract Sea Creatures" Club, featuring seven ornaments of ocean critters, with stitches and threads chose by The Needlepointer staff.

Enriched Stitch will offer Melissa Prince's Abstract Sea Creatures Club starting late Sept.-early October 2023.  There are six four inch ornaments with guides from Enriched Stitch staff.

Osterville Needlepoint also has a Cape Cod Mystery Club starting in June 2023.  Every other month you'll receive a mystery project.

Osterville Needlepoint has a Lobster Buoys Club in 2023-24.  There are twelve canvases, designer and stitch guide writer not credited.

The Needlepointer will offer Eye Candy's Hoot Owl Club starting March 2023.  There are six owls, all with the designer Ada Hayden's guides.

The Needlepointer's Summer Lovin Club will start August-September 2022.  There are six sections on this collage canvas showing summer activites or themes, all by Pippin.  A variety of stitch guide writers have helped with the guides, including David McCaskill, Patricia Sone, Meredith Willett, Laura Taylor, and Jill Rigoli.

Enriched Stitch will offer Melissa Prince's Sea Creatures Club starting April 2021.  Stitch guides likely by Suzie Vallerie.

BeStitched will offer Melissa Shirley's Seaside Houses club starting in 2020.  You can get the five houses as individual canvases or all five houses on one canvas.

The Needlepointer will offer Pippin's Saucy Seagull Squad club starting April 2020.  Stitch guide writer unknown but there are four canvases.  The last is still being designed.

The Flying Needles in Florida will offer Dianne's Seaside Series from Plum Stitchery starting in mid-April 2019.  There are a dozen small beach-themed round ornaments.  Stitch guide writer is Diane Colitz of The Flying Needles.

The Stitching Studio has Pointe2Point's Lighthouse club in 2018.

Three Crabbies (Pippin) is the summer club —it starts August 2018-- from The Needlepointer.

Stitch guide writer for these three little crab canvases is unknown.

Good Harbor Needlepoint will offer a four part "Summer by the Sea" club starting in December 2017, featuring Painted Pony's lovely house.  Guide by Sue Reed.

Julie Mar's "It's All About the Beach" Club will start the end of September 2017 at Needlepoint Junction with six beach-themed canvases.

Needle Orts has two clubs, The Spooky 13 Ornament Club and the Twelve Days of a Beachy Christmas club.  The Beachy Christmas ornaments I believe are from Elizabeth Turner Designs but I am not sure about the Spooky ornaments.

Needlepoint Junction has several older clubs with beach themes.  There is the Hilton Head Island Christmas Village club (unknown designer) and the Year at the Beach ornaments set (unknown designer also), most with Christmas themes.  They also have the Fish of the Month club, which is colorful tropical fish ornaments (also unknown designer). has the new Tropical Breezes ornament club from Associated Talents.  Five of the ten are exclusive designs for the shop.

Fireside Stitchery has the Melissa Shirley Starfish, companion ornaments to the King and Queen of the Sea, also from Melissa.  The stitch guides for these are from Palma Seljan, and they are fabulous!

Here is the Queen of the Sea (Melissa Shirley) club.  I don't see the King on the site so he may not longer be available but do inquire as he is fabulous!

Fireside also has the Seaside Christmas club from Associated Talents (see Christmas below).


Needlepoint Obsession will offer the Stork Club from Will Bullas/CBK in 2024.  No info on stitch guide writer.  Contact the shop for more information.

M's Canvashouse will offer the Flamingo Club in 2024--six flamingo ornaments from The Meredith Collection.  Guides probably by Meredith herself.

3 Kittens will offer the Birdhouse Series from Labors of Love in 2024.  Guides by 3 Kittens staff. There are six designs in all; you pick how many you want to stitch.

The Needlepointer will host the Exotic Birds Club starting January 2024.  There appear to be five bird ornaments.  Designer and stitch guide writer unknown.

The Needlepointer will ship Eye Candy's "Hoot Owls Club" starting March 2023.  Six months, six owls.  Stitch guide writer unknown but might be Ada Hayden of Eye Candy.

Bedecked and Beadazzled will offer the Birds in Teacups Club (designs by Emily Garces)with guides by Mary Legallet starting November 2022.  There seem to be three bird/teacup canvases.

Enriched Stitch will have a Bird Bells Club in Summer 2022.  There are five bells, each with a different bird.  Canvases are probably from VGN and guides probably from Suzie.

Needle Works in Austin, TX's "Snowbells Club" from Fancy Stitches in Texas will offer Pepperberry's six bells decorated with winter birds starting June 2022.  Guides by Eleanore Mungiguerra.

EyeCandy's Cute Little Birds Club in 2021.  There or 8 or 9 birds which are available in larger or smaller sizes (or you can mix and match).

Three Kittens will offer Rebecca Wood's Birds of the Month Club in 2021.

The Needlepointer will offer Melissa Prince's "Abstract Sea Creatures" ornaments starting July 2021. Seven canvases, one an exclusive to the shop, and guides by Jana Bendawald.

Bedecked and Beadazzled will offer The Aviary by Zecca as a club starting July 2021.  There are eight canvases of either a double sided bird or a single sided bird and an egg. The club comes with the wooden tree, too.   Guides by Ruth Schmuff.  Optional thread/bead kits are available.

Enriched Stitch will offer VNG's Silly Little Birds Club starting March 2021.  Stitch guides by Suzie Vallerie.

Peacock Alley has a yearly exclusive peacock design by Sharese.  The 2018 and 2019 versions show the bird in front of a shop.  2018 has a Christmas tree and 2019 has the Effiel Tower.  

Amy Bunger's shop now offers the Carter Clubs, the various months clubs that Lori Carter has written guides for.  The themes are Christmas, Halloween, Birds or just Seasonal, but all offer Lori's unique talents.

Family Arts Needleworks in Phoenix will have four of Kelly Clark's birdhouses as a club (guides by Paulette) starting in September 2020.

Colour Complements is partnering with Kam Wenzloff to create the What a Hoot club of six owls.  There is enough thread in the kits to stitch a back side to your owl.  (You can see all the owls at the bottom of the page.)

2 Needle Chicks will offer the Berries and Citrus Fruits Club (designs and guides by Jennifer Riefenberg) starting early summer 2020.

Enriched Stitch is offering their six piece Melissa Prince Beautiful Birdhouses Club again in March, 2020.

BeStitched will offer the Vicki Sawyer/Melissa Shirley Feathered Fascinator Series in 2020. There are six bird designs, each with a Lisa Kessler stitch guide, one shipped each month.

Moore Than Needlepoint has a great six piece Birdhouse Club.  Designer and stitch guide writer unknown.

Vallerie Needlepoint Gallery will offer the Tropical Birds club from Scott Partridge to shops starting January 2020.  There are five ornaments available.

Bedecked and Beadazzled will introduce the colorful Flight! in June 2019.  The quail, oriole and pheasant are all from Orna Willis and come with Orna's stitch guide.

The Needlepointer will offer EyeCandy's six "Fancy Feathered Friends" as a club starting in January 2019.

The Stitching Studio in Richmond has the "See No Evil" winter birds from Hingham Square Needlepoint as their winter club in 2018.

Eye Candy says that Quail Run will have a colorful quail ornament series starting in July 2018.  There are six canvases; no word on who is doing the guides.

Enriched Stitch will have Kelly Clark's four canvas Beautiful Birdhouses Club starting in July 2018.

3 Kittens has the Birds of the Month Club (designs by Rebecca Wood) starting September 2017.  Twelve round ornaments, stitch guide writer unknown.

Chaparral will offer starting in June 2018 a Cardinal Series using six of Vicki Sawyer's birds, guides by Carolyn Hedge Baird.

Scott Partridge's six Silly Little Birds are a designer club offered by his distributor, Vallerie Needlepoint Gallery.

Stitchers Garden in Illinois will offer the Silly Little Birds club, too.

Six of Eye Candy's Mod Birds will be a club at Stitches in Time (Houston) starting in April of 2018. Three of the set are exclusive to the shop.  A feather tree is included for display.

The Stitching Studio and Gift Boutique will offer the "See No Evil" mystery club in 2018 with a canvas of three birds in winter gear from Higham Square Needlepoint.  Stitch guide writer unknown

Fireside will offer the Halloween Birds Club starting in December 2017, featuring three clip on bird canvases from Labors of Love.

Amy's Golden Strand will offer the Rebecca Wood Four Seasonal Bird Ornaments club this year starting in August 2017.   Stitch guides by Lori Carter.

Needle Works in Austin starts their Krazy Bird Club from Zecca in October 2017. Six birds, six ways to have fun.

Nashville Needleworks is offering the four double-sided hummingbird canvases from Danji as a club in 2017.

Moore Than Needlepoint in Pinehurst, NC will offer Labors of Love's "For The Birds" club in 2017.  The six birdhouse canvases with their inhabitants are exclusive to the shop starting April 2017.    I don't know who created the guides.

Fireside Stitchery will offer eight "Backyard Birds" from Labors of Love in 2017.

Nashville Needleworks has several clubs in 2016--Songbirds by Danji's Laurel Burch will arrive in four installments.

Fireside will offer the Exotic Bird Club (clip on bird canvases from Labors of Love) starting in Sept. 2016.

Bedecked and Beaddazzled will start Eye Candy's Scandia Bird Club in September 2016.  The background bird design is included with the set.

French Knot's Halloween Birds series from Needle Deeva will start in March 2016.

BeStitched is going to offer the Feathered Fascinator Series from Vicki Sawyer/Melissa Shirley starting in May 2015 and again in November 2015.  Stitch guides for these five small ornaments are by Lisa Kessler.  "Don't be a bird watcher; be a bird stitcher!"

Enriched Stitch is going to take the five small chick portraits from Vicki Sawyer/Melissa Shirley and turn them into little eggs in their Chick Club.  Suzie Vallerie (the shops owner) will be creating the stitch guides.  This club starts in April 2015.

Fireside Stitchery is considering doing a club featuring Danji Owls for 2014.  Here is the Halloween owl, one of four owls in total.

Enriched Stitch is doing to do a club featuring the Labors of Love birds starting in January 2015.  There will be six birds.

Beth's will also have the Labors of Love clip on birds club with eight different species ready to clip anywhere.

Vickie Yohie has posted photos of three of the Debbie Mumm/Melissa Shirley owl canvases that A Good Yarn Sarasota is offering as a club this year.  Vickie has done the guides for them. Contact the shop (second link) for details.

Homestead Needle Arts has a Birds Ornament club starting in April, 2014.  I believe the canvases are from Melissa Prince, but I am not certain.  There are eight four inch round ornaments featuring the mocking bird, cardinal, blue jay, woodpecker, kingfisher, chickadee, goldfinch, and painted bunting.

The Needle Works is about to start a club called Birds in Bloom in January 2014.  The wings are all silk ribbon and the birds are finished with real feather tails (furnished by Needle Works) and stand up legs.  (The bird designs are by Needle Deeva and the guides for all six are by Eleeonore.)

Enriched Stitch is going to offer the smaller size of Melissa Prince's birdhouses as a club.  You can see several of the designs and read details of the club here.  The second link below shows all the small birdhouses in the club and the third shows the latest finished piece. These are going to be very cute!

Creative Stitches and Gifts is doing an exclusive series called Birds of America from Melissa Prince in 2013.  There are 8 round ornaments of birds in the series which are not on their site yet but you can see them in their ad on page 24 of the January-February 2013 issue of Needlepoint Now.

Needlepoint in Paradise has two Christmas-themed clubs planned for 2017.  The first is "Countdown to Christmas" from Point of It All Designs (stitch guide by Cinda Ryan) and the second is Janet Burnett of Burnett and Bradley's (formerly A Collection of Designs) six Santas, each with a coordinating reindeer and sled.

Pocket Full of Sittches is participating in Eye Candy's Hoot Hoot owl series.

Christmas Themes

BeStitched will offer the Betty Bubbles Club starting the end of March 2025.  There are six Betty ornaments with guides from BeStitched.  The designs are from Gingham Stitchery.

Flying Needles will offer Kate Dickerson's Twelve Days of Christmas Pears Club again starting in April 2025.  Guides by the Flying Needles staff.

The Needlepointer will offer Plum Stitchery's Nutcracker Club starting April/May 2025.  Guides are by Jinny of Stitch Style.  The club is 9 months, with one ornament each month.

Needlepoint Junction offers the Laura Love Christmas Ornament club starting January 2025.  There are six round ornaments, each with a word.  No info on stitch guide writer.

Needlepoint Junction will offer Melissa Prince's Twelve Days of Christmas Ornaments Club starting. late January-early February 2025.  No information on stitch guide writer but you can sign up for the club with or without finishing included.

The Needlepointer will offer the Whimsical Round Ornaments Club in 2025.  There are eight ornaments, designer and stitch guide writer unknown.

Barbara's Needlepoint will offer the fifteen piece Mittens Club from Cindy and Beth in 2025.  The mittens feature Santa or a snowman and the guides are by Sandy and Barbara.  You can order your mittens on either 13 or 18 count.

The Needlepointer will offer Plum Stitchery's Nutcracker Club (guides by Stitch Style) in April/May 2025.  This is a nine month club with nice ornaments.

The newest club from The Needlepointer is Christmas - Candy Canes from either Danji or Melissa Shirley (I'm not sure which), with guides by Cynthia Thomas.  The club starts in March/April 2025 and there appear to be six candy cane designs.

Old Town Needlework's Christmas Club for 2025 features nutcrackers.  Designer and stitch guide writer unknown.

The Betty Loves Bubbles Club from Kirkland Studio/Gingham Stitchery starts in Feb. 2025.  Stitch guide writer unknown but there are six canvases. Contact The Flying Needles for more information.

What's the Point? will offer the Camilla Moss Christmas Club in 2024. Designs by Camilla Moss/Walker's Needlepoint.  There are seven ornaments.  Stitch guide writer unknown.

Enriched Stitch launches their Happy Holidays Club in mid-November 2024.  There are five canvases from Danji.  (You choose either Christmas or Hanukkah for your fifth design.). The stitch guides are from Enriched Stitch.

Stitch Boutique will offer the Around the World Advent Club starting January 2025.  No information about the club beyond that there are two canvases a month with a total of 24.  Call Stitch Boutique Winchester for more information.

The Needlepointer will offer Rebecca Wood's "An Out of This World Christmas" ornament set starting February 2025.  There are seven ornaments in this seven month club.  Stitch guide writer unknown.

Nimble Needle in Atlanta will offer the Holiday Packages Ornament Club starting January 2025.  Choose either 9 Christmas or 9 Hanukkah designs that fold into a 3-D package.  Designer and stitch guide writer unknown but this is a shop exclusive.  Contact the shop for details.

Family Arts will offer Julie's Snowman Club starting September 2024.  Two ornament canvases will be mailed each of the five months of the club.  Designs by Renaissance Designs, guides by Julie, threads background only so stash can be used for the rest.

Flying Needles will offer Abigail Cecile's (PLD Designs) "Vintage Ornaments Club" starting September 2024 with six vintage ornament designs.  Two of the colors included are exclusive to the shop.

Flying Needles offered Kate Dickerson's Twelve Days of Christmas Pears Club in 2023.

What's the Point? Needlepoint will offer Gingham Stitchery's Rocking Reindeer Club.  There are nine reindeer ornament designs by Amelia Bond.  Starting date and stitch guide writer unknown.  Contact the shop for details as nothing's on the website yet.

The Needlepointer will offer Eye Candy's "Brilliant Baubles" Club again starting in December 2024-January 2025.  There are thirteen ornaments in Eye Candy's signature bright colors.  Stitch guide writer unknown.

Family Arts will start their Stash Buster Tiny Snowmen Club in September 2024.  The ten small ornaments are from Renaissance Designs.  There will be two snowmen a month available the first Friday of each month. I think the shop wrote the guides but contact them for more information.

The Needle Works in Austin will offer the Santa's Hat Club starting September 2024.  The six cute Santa cap ornaments are from A Stitch in Time with guides by Donna Gunter.

Crandall Needlework will offer Alice Peterson's "Christmas Cubbies" club in 2024.  Guide for this depiction of a shelf full of Christmas china and decorations is by Carolyn Hedge Baird.  Contact the shop for details.

The Wool and The Floss will offer Patricia Sones "Pretty Packages" club starting September 2024.  There are five canvases, intended to be made up into 3-D packages.  Currently this club is sold out but you may be able to get on a waiting list.  

Topiary Trees from Alice Peterson is the Needlepointer's revived club from 2022, starting again October/November 2024.  Stitch guide writer unknown.  This is a shop exclusive.

Village Needleworks in Omaha will offer "Czechoslovakian Christmas Trees" club starting in July 2024.  There are six trees (stitch guide writer unknown) which you will receive each month for six months.

Needlepoint For Fun is offering Abigail Cecile's Twelve Days of Christmas ornaments done in Jacobean style.  The club starts in July 2024.  I think the guides are by Abigail Cecile herself but I'm not sure.

Stitch Needlepoint will offer the Lightbulb Club in 2024.  There are six lightbulbs, designer and stitch guide writer unknown.

Stitch-Stash will offer a three canvas Cozy, Merry and Bright Club in June, July and August 2024.  Designs by Goodpoint Needlepoint.  No stitch guide writer listed but the three canvases each feature a Christmas-y theme and a word.

Stitch Middleburg in Virginia will offer the Advent Calendar Club in 2024.  Design by Kate Dickerson, stitch guide writer unknown.

The Needlepointer will offer the Christmas Block Tree Club starting July-August 2024.  The designer and stitch guide writer unknown but the design is on 13 count.  The fairy lights with installation instructions are included in the last shipment of this six month club.

Forest Acres Needlepoint will offer Jessica Tongel's Nativity Set starting in June 2024. There are four round ornaments with a stained glass look, to be stitched using Stefanie Chase's guide (she's The Joy of Needlepoint).

The Retro Christmas Ornament Club at Chaparral is a set of four Christmas ornaments from The Curious Cowgirl.  I don't know who wrote the guides but the ornaments can be finished as ornaments or standups and they come with vintage fabric and red trim for finishing. The club starts May 2024.

Stitch-Stash Rehoboth and Darien will offer the four ornament "Nutcracker Club" starting March 2024.  Designer unknown but Patti Hoffman of Stitch-Stash did the guides.

Park Avenue Needlepoint will offer Patty Paints' "Little Snow Globe Club" starting March 2024. (there's been a delay in the start month due to a thread delay for the kits). Guide writer unknown (Karen Kugel?) but there are six Christmas-themed little designs and the plastic globe for finishing.  Contact the shop for more information. will offer the Star Santa of the Month with a free guide starting January 2024.  The designs are from Associated Talents.  Not sure who wrote the guides.  

Stitch-Stash will offer the Nutcracker Club starting March 2024.  There are four cute round ornaments, with guides by Patti Hoffman.  The designer is unknown.

The Wool and the Floss will offer WIP Stitch's "Nutcracker Club" starting mid-April.  There are nine four inch round ornaments in the club.  A project bag is included.  Stitch guide writer unknown.  Kelly Clark has matching magnets and a scissor fob if you are interested (second link below).  More photos of the stitched rounds in the third link.

Stitch-Stash will offer their "12 Days of Christmas Club" starting March 1, 2024.  Designer unknown but the guides are by Julia Snyder and are to be purchased directly from her.

The Flying Needles will offer their Twelve Days of Christmas Pears Club again starting May 2024.

Needle Works will offer KCN Designers' "Santa's Village Club" starting January 2024.  Guides from Cindy McKown.  There are four canvases showing North Pole scenes.

Old Town Needlework's 2024 Christmas Club features six shaped ornaments by CH Designs/Danji.  Guides by Nancy Yeldell.

Hanging By A Thread in Shreveport, LA offered the 13 Days of Southern Christmas (ornaments by WIP) in 2023.  Guides by Nancy Rutledge.

BeStitched will start Love You More's Christmas Plaid Club in January 2024.  There are five canvases with Christmas figures (Santa, reindeer, fox, bear and raccoon), all wearing plaid and with a plaid background.  Guides by BeStitched's Lisa Kessler.

M's Canvashouse will offer a Vintage Victorian Glass Needlepoint Ornaments Club in 2024.  There are five ornaments in pastel colors with beads modeled on Victorian blown glass ornaments.  Designer and stitch guide writer unknown.

Needle Works in Austin will offer the Santa's Village Club starting January 2024.  There are four little North Pole houses from KCN Designers, guides by Cindy McKown.

Old Town Needlework will offer a Christmas Club using fancy Christmas balls from CH Designs/Danji.  There appear to be six Christmas ornaments.  The stitch guide writer is Nancy Yeldell.

Bedecked and Bedazzled has started the Kelly Clark Nutcrackers and Trees club with their holiday kitchen theme.  Designs and guides all by Kelly Clark.

BeStitched will offer Danji's Triangle Santas in 2024.  There are eight Santas, with guides written by Lisa Kessler.

The Enriched Stitch will start their "Twelve Days of Christmas Wreath" from Melissa Prince in late February-early March 2024.  There will be four installments of this club.  The guides are from Suzie Vallerie.

Needlepoint Obsessions' "Christmas Closet" offers four Christmas outfit designs.  Designer and stitch guide writer unknown.

Needle Works in Austin, TX will start the Santa Village Club from KCN Designers in January 2024.
There are four canvases with scenes from the North Pole, all with guides by Cindy McKown.

Augusta Needlepoint in Georgia offers the NPJ Christmas Lightbulb club starting August-September 2023.  Designs by NPJ Designs, guides from Stefanie Chase.  You can choose six or twelve month kits.

The Needle Works in Austin will offer The Twelve Days of Christmas Texas club starting September 2023.  Club members will receive two Texas-themed ornaments a month.  Guides by Donna Gunter and the canvases are from TNW Designs.

The monthly clubs from Two's Company in South Carolina are now available (wholesale only so your favorite shop will have to order for you) from JJ Needlepoint Designs since Jane has retired and sold the shop.  Available under "Standups" are her classic Cat and Dog of the Month series, the Nutcracker and Halloween series, the Thanksgiving series and the Funky Reindeer series.

Nashville Needleworks will offer Raymond Crawford's Nativity Ornaments Club in the fall of 2023. there are twelve ornaments; stitch guide writer unknown.

Chaparral Needlework will offer the Advent Candle Club starting November 2023.  There are five candles, each with a different motif.  Designer unknown but guides are from Stefanie Chase of The Joy of Needlepoint.

The Needlepointer will offer the Christmas Lights Club starting August 2023.  There are six small light bulb ornaments, designer and stitch guide author unknown.

Wallace Paper Company will have their first club starting in 2023 with this Twelve Days of Christmas ornament series.  No information on designer, stitch guide writer or start date.  Contact the shop for more information (second link below).

Ridgewood Needlepoint will offer the Holiday Sweaters Club (nine little Christmasy sweater canvases from Kristine Kingston) in June or July 2023.

Needlepoint Lane in Spartanburg, SC will offer the Sweater Club starting July 2023.  The six Christmas-themed sweaters are by Kristine Kingston.  Guide writer unknown.  

Emily's Stitchery is also planning the Christmas Sweater club from Kristine Kingston starting July 2023.  There are five sweaters with a Hanukkah sweater underway.

Nimble Needle in Atlanta will offer Rachel Donley's Gingerbread House Advent Calendar in 2023.  Rachel Donley is adding a Hanukkah house to the set for Nimble Needle Atlanta, too! (second link below)

Louise's Needlework will offer Danji's Christmas Mugs Club in February 2023.  No information on who wrote the guides.

I think these are the six cup canvases in the club.

The club isn't on the website yet so you will need to contact the shop.

Stitch Boutique will offer the Santa Club starting April 2023.  Canvases by The Collection Designs and guides by Elaine Aidonidis.  There are six round ornaments, three Santa and three Mrs. Santa.

Nimble Needle in Atlanta will offer Rachel Donley's Gingerbread House Advent Calender starting June 2023.  

Contact Nimble Needle for details.

Old Town Needlework offered the Christmas Gnome club in 2021.  Six gnomes, designer and stitch guide writer unknown.

Old Town Needlework's 2022 "Christmas Club" offers six small ornament squares.  The designer is Associated Talents but the website doesn't say who did the guides.  It's possible that Don Lynch of Associated Talents did the guides.

Chaparral Needlepoint in Dallas will offer the Twelve Days of Texas set starting May 2023.  Designs by WIP Stitch.  Buy eleven and the twelth is free.

The Wool and the Floss opened sign ups for their nine ornament Reindeer Garland Club in February 2023 with the club projected to start in May 2023.  The designs and guides are from NDLPT Designs.  As long as the supply holds out, red and white curlique feed sack fabric is optional but costs extra for finishing.

Park Avenue Needlepoint will offer The Twelve Days of Christmas ornaments starting mid-January 2023.  No information yet on designer or stitch guide writer.

Stitchers Garden in Illinois will offer the Happy Holidays Sign Club starting January 3, 2023.  There are seven canvases (with a choice of either Christmas or Hanukkah plus a choice of Birthday or Easter).  

The Needlepointer in Sacramento will offer the Mini Baubles Club from Eye Candy starting March 2023.  Twelve canvases, and I think Ada Hayden of Eye Candy did the guides.

Old Town Needlework will offer the Gingerbread Houses club from CH Designs/Danji starting January 2023.

Nashville Needleworks will offer the Christmas Cookie Club starting December 2022.  Call the shop for details.  There are two sets of six cookies and if you order both, you get the 13th cookie free. Set A is: Santa, Star, Reindeer, Angel, Tree, and piece of candy. Set B is: Sleigh, Snowman, Candy Cane, Mitten, Elf, Gingerbread Boy.

Bedecked and Beadazzled will offer Zecca's "Tall Trees" starting December 2022.  Guides for the three trees are by Ruth Schmuff.

The Flying Needles will offer Raymond Crawford's Christmas Treasures Club starting March 2023.  There will be a 7th ornament exclusive to the shop that will be revealed later.  Guide writer unknown.

Stitching Fox will have Danji's Twelve Days of Christmas Candy Canes club in November 2022.  Guides by Vicki Goodrum.  The candy cane designs are exclusive to the shop for now.

BeStitched will offer the Christmas Dress Club starting December 2022.  Four Christmas dresses, designer Love You More.  Guides by Lisa Kessler.

BeStitched will also offer the Triangle Santa club in 2023.  There are eight Danji Santas.  Guides by Lisa Kessler.

Needlepoint by the Bay will offer the Snowman of the Month Club will begin in January 2023.  There are twelve ornaments, each with a monthly or holiday theme.  Designer and stitch guide writer unknown.

Family Needle Arts will offer the Holiday Cup series from Rachel Donley (guides by Julie) starting September 2022.  Contact the shop for details but I think there are six coffee shop cups in Christmas colors.

Family Needle Arts will also offer the Christmas Village series starting October 2022. Contact the shop for details but Paulette is doing the guides.

Louise's Needwork will offer the Love You More "Merry Christmas" sign club in 2022.  Guides by Lisa Rusche.

Labors of Love in Atlanta will offer the Twelve Days of Southern Christmas clue starting Sept. 2022. Designer is WIP Stitch Needleworks and guides by Labors of Love's own Mark Young.  You can sign up starting July 2022.

Pocket Full of Stitches offers their Wonderful Whimsies club with a dozen Twelve Days of Christmas ornaments.  No info as to designer, stitch guide writer or the start date yet.

Pocket Full of Stitches is having a Woodland Wonders club in 2022.  There are twelve canvases.  Designer and stitch guide writer unknown.

Stitchen Time in Kentucky will offer Leigh Design's Christmas Cocktails Club in 2022.  There are eight ornaments. Call the shop for details.  Stitch guide writers unknown.

The Needlepoint Clubhouse will offer Stitch Stash's "Twas the Night Before Christmas" ornaments as a club this year, using the designer's guides.

Their website lets you pick from out of town with mailing or...

...local pickup for the set.

Stitch Stash has both a Red Cup and a Blue Cup club.  Canvases from Rachel Donley and guides by Patti Hoffman.

Stitchin Time in Louisville, KY will offer Leigh Designs' Christmas Cocktails club tarting June 2022.

The Flying Needle will offer the Jolly Santa Christmas Club (six ornament designs by Maggie, guides by Carolyn Hedge Baird) in 2022.

The Flying Needle will also have the Nutcracker Ballet Club starting in March 2022 (sold out).  Designs by Rebecca Wood.  Guides by Carolyn Hedge Baird and Dianne Colitz.

Chandail will offer the Victorian Christmas Collecton club starting in 2022.  The twelve canvases by Fiori and guides by Patricia Sone.

Old Town Needlework will offer CH Designs/Danji's Snowman Christmas Club ornaments in 2022.  Guides by Nancy Yeldell.

Old World Christmas has several clubs offered in 2020.  There are two Days of California clubs, a shop exclusive, the Kirk and Bradley Halloween stand ups with June McKnight stitch guides, Strictly Christmas's Santa of the Month Club, Kathy Schenkel's Santas Around the World, and The Without Women There Wouldn't Be Christmas Club, also from Kathy Schenkel.

Barbara's Needlepoint will offer the 13 round ornaments in their Elf Club (designs by Cindy and Beth with guides by Sandy Slunecka) in 2022.  

Barbara's will also offer Ann Hanson's Angel Club in 2022.  There are ten angels.  Contact Barbara's for more info.

Queen Anne Stitches will offer a Snowman Club starting December 2021.  There are five snowmen from a variety of designers.  Guides by Sherry Bray.  Contact the shop through their Facebook page.

Needlepoint By the Bay will offer the Ugly Sweater Club starting Jan. 2022.  There are seven sweater-shaped ornaments, each with a fun Christmas design.  I think the designs are by Renaissance.

Needle Works in Austin, Texas will offer the Abigail Cecile "Vintage Jeweled Ornament Club" starting January 2022.  These four ornaments are exclusive to the shop.  Guides by Carol Wallin.

Stitch-Stash will offer Christmas Coffee Cups (designer is Rachel Donley I think) starting January 2022.  There are twelve cups and Patti Hoffman is writing the guides.  It looks like there aer also blue cups and you choose at least four.

The Flying Needles will offer the six ornaments from the Nutcracker Ballet Club (designer is Rebecca Wood and guides by Carolyn Hedge Baird and Diane Colitz) starting March 2022.

Park Avenue Needlepoint will offer the No Place Like Home club starting Feb. 2022.  There are six canvases of houses in winter, probably from CH Designs/Danji.

Labors of Love (the shop) will offer Labors of Love (the designer)'s Retro Christmas Bulb Ornament club starting November 2021.  There are six canvases that ship monthly.  No info on who did the guides.

Nashville Needleworks will offer the Magical Gnomes club in 2022.  No information on the club but there appear to be two large gnome canvases and six small ornaments.  The gnomes are from Janice Gaynor.  

The Flying Needles will offer the John Johannsen Navitity Set (there are nine figures plus the manger that is optional) with a Carolyn Hedge Baird guide in 2021.

Needlepoint in Paradise will have Pepperberry's six Christmas Caps Club in 2022.  Guides by Cinda Ryan.

Louise's Needlepoint will offer a Christmas Silverware Holders Club in 2021 or 2022.  No details available yet.

BeStitched's latest club is the four canvases in the Christmas Gnome Club from Geoffrey Allen/Love You More.  Guides by Lisa Kessler.  The club starts in October 2021.

Stitch-A Needlepoint offers the Lightbulb Club in 2021.  

Chaparral will work Love You More's Snowmen ornaments in 2021.  Kelly is doing the guides.

Three Kittens will offer the Strictly Christmas Christmas Train Club in 2021.

The Needlepointer will start their "Christmas Tree Building Blocks" club in September 2021. Designer and stitch guide writer unknown.

Needlepoint This! will offer the NYC Club starting May 2021.  The ornaments are all about NYC at Christmas time, designs by Kirk and Bradley and Rachel Donley, with guides by Julia Snyder.

Needlepoint This! will offer Prairie Designs' Twelve Days ornaments with guides by Julia Snyder staring in June 2021.

What's the Point? Needlepoint will offer a Wreath Advent Calendar from Jessica Tongel Designs that has a wreath and twenty five small ornaments.  Call the shop for details.

The Needlepointer will offer Twelve Brilliant Baubles by EyeCandy again starting in May 2021.

BeStitched will offer Devon Nichlson's Christmas Train Club again starting in May 2022.  There are ten canvases in the train.  Stitch guides probably from Lisa Kessler.  The shop will have online help available, too, probably in the form of videos.

Old Town Needlework will offer six Christmas Santa Gnomes as their 2021 club.  Designs by CH Designs/Danji.

Pocket Full of Stitches will offer Woodland Wonders from CH Designs/Danji in 2021.  There are a dozen trees, each with a figure for Christmas fun.

Needle Orts will offer Santa's Village starting with The Snow Factory in 2021.  A new building is promised every six months.

The New York City Holidays Ornaments club will be offered by Enriched Stitch starting in late spring 2021.  Stitch guides by the Marquis Sisters.

Bestitched Needlepoint will offer Danji's Santa Club starting in June 2021.  Stitch guides by Lisa Kessler.  There are six Santa heads and a Zoom class held part way through the club to answer questions.

The French Knot will offer a new Mexican Nativity series from EyeCandy starting February 2021.

The French Knot will offer the Sasi Patchwork Christmas Tree starting July 2020.

Old Town Needlework will offer the Six Gnomes Club by Danji Designs (with guides from Nancy Yeldell) in 2021.

Needle Works will offer the Abigail Cecile and Julie Mar Nativity Club starting mid January 2021.

Needleworks will also offer the Painted Pony Reindeer Club starting March 2020.  Four reindeer canvases and a Santa.

Enriched Stitch will offer Maggie's Woodland Animals Club in 2021.  The four canvases ship quarterly.  Stitch guides probably by Suzie Vallerie.  Starting date unclear.

The Wool and The Floss will offer Patricia Sone's Blue and White Nativity set as a club in 2021.  Guides by Patricia.

The Needlepointer will offer Pippin's Playful Polar Bears Club starting February 2021.  There are five canvases with polar bears and ornaments and presents, all with Mary Ward-Smith stitch guides.

Amy Bunger's shop now offers the Carter Clubs, the various months clubs that Lori Carter has written guides for.  The themes are Christmas, Halloween, Birds or just Seasonal, but all offer Lori's unique talents.

Needlepoint in Paradise will offer Kelly Clark's Christmas Trees as their 2021 club.  There are a dozen trees in Florida colors with beach themes, all from Kelly Clark.

The Needlepointer will offer the Geometric Mini Socks Club from A Stitch in Time starting January 2021.  There are ten little socks, stitch guide writer unknown.

Nashville Needleworks is having a Twelve Days Club in 2020.  The designs are from Tricia Lowenfield and guides by Laura Taylor.

Northwest Needlepoint will have a Scandinavian Christmas Basketweave Monthly Club in 2020.  I don't know who the designer or stitch guide writer is but you'll get two ornaments a month for five months starting June 2020.  Contact the shop for details.

Chaparral will offer Otomi's Twelve Days of Christmas ornaments as a club in 2020.  Guides by Carolyn Hedge Baird.

What's the Point? is doing a Christmas Fun Foliage Club using the Plum Stitchery designs.  This is a shop exclusive in 2020.

What's the Point? is also doing a Christmas Tag Club from The Meredith Collection in 2020. will offer Kirk and Bradley's Festive Foxes Club starting in April 2020. There are three foxes in sweaters doing Christmas chores, one for each of the three ornaments.

Chaparral plans an oomi Twelve Days of Christmas club in 2020 with guides by Carolyn Hedge Baird.  There's nothing online about this yet so you'll need to contact the shop for details.

Stitch-Stash is starting the Anne Fisher Sled Club.  There are six canvases with stitch guides available extra.

The Porcupine Needlepoint Shop will start the Snow Cone Monthly Series in January 2020.

Osterville Needlepoint will offer Love You More's "Gnome Holiday" club starting in September 2019.

The French Knot in Fort Worth will start their Ornament of the Month Club with four Christmas-themed ornaments starting in January 2020.

The Needle Works will offer the Painted Pony Santa and His Sleigh Club starting in March 2020.

The Needle Works will also offer the five Kelly Clark Nutcrackers Club in 2020.

And the Needle Works will have the Danji Santa Club with six Santa triangles exclusively for the shop in 2020.  Corliss Englert is doing the guides for the Santas.

The Needlepointer will also offer the five piece Holiday Llamas from Danji starting November 2019.

The Needlepointer will offer Eye Candy's Twelve Brilliant Baubles club starting in January 2020.  These Mid-Century Modern ornaments are for the 1960s throwback fan.  Stitch guide writer unknown.

Amy's Golden Strand will do the Red and White Christmas Singles Club starting the fall of 2019. Designer and stitch guide writer unknown although it looks like Amy Bunger has done some of them herself.

The Needlepointer will offer "5 Holiday Fa-La-La Llamas" as a club starting November 2019.  Designs by Danji.  Stitch guide creator unknown.

Annie Lane's whimsical Twelve Days of Christmas set will be the Wellesley Needlepoint club starting Fall 2019.  Here's a sneak peak of three of the designs.

Here is the whole set of twelve animals.

Osterville Needlepoint will offer the Gnome Holiday club starting in September 2019.  There are four gnomes from Labors of Love in the club, one every other month.

The Labors of Love shop is going to have a Christmas Pudgy Ornaments club.  The club starts in October 2019 and the canvases and guides are probably by Labors of Love.

Enriched Stitch will offer the Ho Ho Ho Stitchalong (design by Melissa Shirley and guide by Suzie Vallerie) starting in July, 2019.

Bedecked and Beadazzled will offer a second Kelly Clark candy club starting in July 2019 with Kelly's "Simply Scrumptious!" club.  There are 9 Christmas-themed candy pieces.

Fancy Stitches is doing an Eye Candy Texas Ornament club in 2019.  It comes in a Twelve Days version or a plain one.

Amy's Golden Strand will offer the four piece Pine Cone Club starting in May-June 2019.  Canvases from Susan Roberts and guides by Cindy McKown.  Guides by Lori Carter.

The French Knot will offer Melissa Shirley's Elegant Candy Canes starting in June or July 2019.  There are eight of them with guides by Paula Feelison.

Amy's will also offer the Kelly Clark Mod Holiday Tree Club starting around August 2019.

Louise's Needlework will offer the Twelve Days of Christmas and Backgrounds club (Petei) in 2019.  The club uses Petei's Twelve Days of Christmas series to explore various background stitches.

Fireside Stitchery will offer the State Santa Face club (Meredith Collection) starting May 2019. Looks like you can stitch all the available states or just pick the one (or ones) you want.

The Needlepointer will offer Pippin's "Bodacious Brown Bears" club starting in April 2019. Th club has five bears with their Christmas presents, stitch guides by Laura Taylor.

Eye Candy's Twelve Days of Christmas in Texas club starts in May 2019 at Fancy Stitches.  This is also available in a non-holiday version.  Use the right side arrow to see all 12 of the stars.

Stitch Boutique of Boston will offer the Gingerbread Monthly Club in 2019-2020.  Six gingerbread-themed canvases are available.

Thistle Needleworks/AP Needlearts will offer the Twelve Days of Christmas (Kathy Schenkel) creamsicle ice cream sticks starting in January, 2019.  This is a shop exclusive.

Nimblefingers will offer the Surprise Santa series in 2019.  Canvases from Petei, guides by Chris Tirey.

Stitch by Stitch in Larchmont will have the Three Reindeer club starting probably in February 2019.

Family Arts will offer EyeCandy's Bejeweled Bargello ornaments  in 2019.

Park Avenue Needlepoint will offer their Snowflake Cap Series in 2019.  Six cute winter knit caps, designs by Patty Bee.

2 Needle Chicks will offer the Reindeer Club in 2019 as a bi-monthly reindeer ornament with a patterned tree shape on their heads hiding the antlers. 

Old Town Needlework will offer CH Designs/Danji's Christmas Club ornaments in 2019.  Guides by Nancy Yeldell.

The March 2019 club for Enriched Stitch is Merry Stitch Along, a club all about Raymond Crawford's Christmas design, with three monthly stitch guides from Mary Susan.

Thistle Needleworks in Connecticut will offer Kathy Schenkel's Twelve Days of Christmas Dreamsicle canvases starting in January, 2019.

A Stitch in Time in Connecticut will offer Renaissance Design's A Woodland Christmas as their club for 2019.  There are five cute forest critters ready for the holidays.

These charming Melissa Shirley Holly Hearts (guides by Carolyn Hedge Baird) will be a club for Chaparral starting in January 2019.

What's the Point? Needlepoint will have another Vintage Santa club in 2019.  The club will have a Susan Roberts Santa, one from Danji and three from Heidi Stanley.

Needlepoint in Paradise will offer Kathy Schenkel's seven Snow Cones as one of their two 2019 clubs.  Needlepoint in Paradise's other club will be Julie Mar's Twelve Days of Christmas ornaments.  Contact the shop for details and to sign up.

Needle Orts will offer 13 months of Beautiful Bargello Ornaments in 2019.  Available on Congress cloth or 18 count needlepoint canvas, you can choose from traditional colors or tropical colors or get a custom color just for you.  (Note that these are probably counted designs.  Contact the shop for details.)

Chapparral will offer four Holly Day Hearts from Melissa Shirley Designs in 2018.  Guides by Carolyn Hedge Baird.

The Forest Needle will offer the six Happy Santa Faces from Danji as their club starting December 2018.

Osterville Needlepoint will offer the Santa and Mrs. Club in 2018.  Pre-order now.  There are 3 Santas with a coordination Mrs. Santa ornament.

The Needlepointer will offer Pippin's Ho Ho Ho Hats Club with three tiny Santa hats soon. There is an optional thread pack and an optional self-finishing kit available for these cuties.

Needlepoint in Paradise will have two Christmas-themed clubs in 2019:  Julie Mar's Twelve Days of Christmas ornaments club and Kathy Schenkel's Snowcones ornaments.  Each club has 12 pieces.  Detail story come on their website.

What's the Point?  will offer a Vintage Santa club by Heidi Stanley in 2019.  Here's sneak peek.

Chaparral's newest mini-series is "Holly Day Hearts" from Melissa Shirley, with guides by Carolyn Hedge Baird.  There are four hearts with holly designs that look like packages.

The French Knot offers the Mary Lake-Thompson Nutcracker ornament club starting January, 2018.  The four round ornaments have guides by Chris Freshtand.

Nashville Needleworks will offer Melissa Shirley's "Glitter Houses" as a club in 2018.

Enriched Stitch will offer Melissa Prince's five six Abstract Forest Animal ornaments as a club starting in October 2018.

The Needlepointer is also offering the same Abstract Animal club from Melissa Prince starting in September 2020.  This time there are seven animals as Melissa has designed a heron as an exclusive for the shop.  Guides by Suzy Valerie and Jana Bendawald.

Labors of Love says Nimble Needle-Atlanta will offer Dimensional Bells from Labors of Love again.  The original club was in 2016 but will encore July 2018.  The first kit is the gingerbread house bell, complete with custom made peppermints to attach.

Osterville Needlepoint has the darling Santa and Mrs. Club (from The Collection) starting in July 2018.   Every month you'll receive one of six Santa or Mrs. Santa round ornaments for your holiday fun.  The guides are from Joyce Gresh.

The French Knot in Fort Worth will offer Pippin's Christmas Ball Ornaments as a club starting in July 2018.  Stitch guides by Paula Fehleison.

Melissa Shirley's Christmas Hearts start in Winter 2018 at BeStitched.

Park Avenue Needlepoint will offer six Sno Cones from Kathy Schenkel Designs in 2018.

They also have the Ho Ho Ho Christmas club, canvases from Patty Bee.

Wool and Willow will offer Plum Stitchery's Twelve Days of Christmas ornament club in the summer of 2018.  Email the shop at to register.

3 Kittens did Strictly Christmas' Christmas Train Club in 2017. Six canvases over four months, stitch guide writer unknown.

The Needlepointer will offer Pippin's Reindeer Games canvases as a club starting in June 2018.  Stitch guides are by David McCaskill, June McKnight and Laura Taylor.  There are six reindeer canvases and three tree canvases to round out the 9 piece set.

Chandail will offer Chandail's Creche in 2018.  This Nativity set is a shop exclusive from Rebecca Wood, with guide by Kathy Kulesza, Cindy Howland and Saira Hiamelfarb.

Stitch Boutique of Boston will offer Patty Paints' six star-shaped ornaments as a club in 2018.  Call the shop for details.

Ridgewood Needlepoint will offer a Twelve Days of Christmas club in 2018.  Designer and stitch guide writer unknown.  The designs and stitch guides will be suitable for any skill level.

Nashville Needleworks will offer Alice Peterson's "Winter Village" as their club starting in January 2018.  Model being stitched by Connie Glenn Camp and photo posted on Facebook.

Amy's Golden Strand will offer Raymond Crawford's The Twelve Days of Christmas Stars as a club starting January 2018.  Stitch guides by Lori Carter.

Fireside is also offering Raymond Crawford's Twelve Days of Christmas Stars, starting in February 2018.

Amy's Golden Strand will also offer A Christmas Singles Club in 2018, with a Christmas tree from Kelly Clark, a Santa from Carol Dupree and a snowman from Kathy Schenkel. This club starts December 2017.

The French Knot in Texas will offer Mary Lake-Thompson's Four Nutcracker ornaments as a club starting in January 2018.  Stitch guides by Chris Fershtand.

Hingham Square Needlepoint will offer an Old World Santa Tree Skirt from Pepperberry in April 2018.  Details to come.

Park Avenue Needlepoint will over the Ho Ho Ho! Club starting in January 2018.  There are three round ornaments in the club, each with "Ho" in letters on a patterned background.  Designer and stitch guide writer unknown.  Contact the shop for more information. 

The Needlepointer plans a "Christmas Sampler Club" with this Pippin design starting February 2018.  Each of the six sections will have a guide by David McCaskill, June McKnight, Jill Rigoli, Laura Taylor, Robin King or Cynthia Thomas.

Enriched Stitch will offer the "Christmas Diner Club" starting in January 2018, with four restaurant-themed canvases with a Christmas twist, featuring guides from Suzie Vallerie and Nancy Taylor.  Designs are exclusive to the shop.

Needlepoint in Paradise offers two clubs in 2018—Susan Robert's twelve ornaments on a blue and white snowflake background and the twelve Winter Wonderland houses from Danji.

Good Harbor Needlepoint offered Melissa Shirley's HO HO HO canvas as a club starting April 2017. Guide by Susan Rokowski.

Porcupine Needlepoint Shop in Sewickley, PA will offer dimensional Christmas Bells as their monthly club in 2018.

Amy's Golden Strand is going to offer Raymond Crawford's Twelve Days of Christmas Stars as a club in 2018.  Guides by Lori Carter.

The Christmas Mod Holiday Duo club from Nashville Needleworks starts December 2017.  Canvases from Maggie but I don't know who did the stitch guides.

Good Harbor Needlepoint offered Soaring with Santa as their 2016-17 club. Design by Melissa Shirley with stitch guide from Patricia Sone.

What's the Point? Needlepoint offers Kelly Clark's Handbell Choir ornaments, which feature Twelve Days of Chrismtas motifs, stitch guides and finishing fabric from Kelly Clark.

What's the Point? will also offer a new Mini Sock Club in 2017.  Great for table decorations.

Enriched Stitch offers Melissa Prince's "Twelve Days of Christmas" Wreath as a club, guide by Suzie Vallerie.

Starting in May 2017, Good Harbor Needlepoint will offer the Melissa Shirley Ho Ho Ho canvas as a club, stitch guide by Susan Rokowski.

Family Arts will offer three Vintage Christmas and three Halloween-themed ornaments from Pippin in 2017.  Guides from Julie Elder.

Amy's Golden Strand will offer Associated Talent's Light-Hearted Club (guides by Lori Carter) starting May 1, 2017.  This five month long fun adventure will bring you five Christmas light bulbs, one each month, with time to have them finished for Christmas 2017.

Amy's Christmas Singles Club for 2017 will start in April with Debbie Mumm's "Red Bell," followed by Fatell Design's "HoHoHo" ornament and end with Maggie's "Santa with Tree." These are small projects specifically designed as travel projects.  No stranded threads you have to lay!

Hingham Square Needlepoint will offer Alice Peterson's row of Christmas houses as a six month club starting in August 2017.  Sally Baer did the stitch guide for the houses.  Nothing is on the shop website yet so call them for details.

Old Town Needlework has the Southwest Nativity Club, featuring thirteen characters in total.

The Needlepointer will offer the Holly Leaves club, featuring six little leaves with Christmas motifs from CH Designs/Danji, starting in April, 2017.

The French Knot will start the Strictly Christmas S A N T A Candlestitcks club in March 2017. Guides by Chris Fershtand.

Ridgewood Needlepoint will have the "Classic Santa Claus Club" in 2017.  Canvases are from Susan Roberts and the stitch guides by Gretchen Viggiano and Vanessa Holloschutz.  There are six Santas, each on a striped background.  This isn't on their website yet so call the shop for more information.

Fireside is going to offer Fleur de Paris' "Candy Cane Elf Bear" for 2017.   I think the bear's little vest is from dede Odgen but I don't know who wrote the stitch guide.  The bear is included, you just stitch his outfit.

Old Town Needlework has a series of small Christmas squares (designer Associated Talents?) with a Southwestern touch.

Old Town Needlework also offers a dozen of Cheryl Schaeffer's Light Bulb Ornaments.

Old Town also has Associated Talents' eight Micro Mini Socks as a club.

Ridgewood plans a Santa Club for 2017.

Amy's Golden Strand will offer Associated Talent's little Christmas light bulbs in their "De-lightful Club."  Stitch guides for all five by Amy Bunger.

Christmas Treat Bags from Kathy Schenkel (and guides by Cynthia Pigg) starts as a club at Fancy Stitches in March 2017.

Fancy Stitches will also start their Candy Cane Series in February 2017.  Gudies by Cynthia Pigg and canvases from CH Designs/Danji.

The Needleworks in Birmingham, Michigan will offer Renaissance Designs' "Winter Wonderlands Club" in 2017.  There are five very small canvases of Christmas/winter animals to stitch.  The shop also has a "Sparkling Snowflakes Club" with six snowmen ornaments that appear to be from Renaissance Designs as well.

Park Avenue Needlepoint will have a Christmas Ornament Club using little stocking canvases from Associated Talents in 2017.  This isn't on their website yet.

Hingham Square is going to offer a club of Sally Baer/BB Needlepoints' three stunning "Whimsical Mini Socks" starting in February 2017.

The Needlepointer will do a Sparkle and Shine Club starting in March, 2017, featuring five Associated Talent Christmas ornaments.

What's the Point? Needlepoint will offer the Twelve Days of Christmas Bells from Kelly Clark in 2017.  This will probably start in March 2017.

French Knot plans a Strictly Christmas S-A-N-T-A Candlesticks letters club  starting in March 2017. Guides by Chris  Fershtand.

Yarn Explosion in Roanoke, Virginia will start a Christmas Village club (canvases by Kelly Clark and guides by Lynn Mason) in February 2017.

A Stitch in Time plans to do "A Christmas Village" as a club in 2017. Both the canvas and the stitch guide are from Alison Hodgkiss.

Hingham Square Needlepoint will offer Carol Dupree's Four Santa club starting in November 2016, with stitch guides by Marcia.

Hingham Square also has the Precocious Rudy reindeer club (canvases by Pepperberry Designs, stitch guides by Laurie Walden) that started in October 2016.

Needlepoint in Paradise has two Christmas-themed clubs planned for 2017.  The first is "Countdown to Christmas" from Point of It All Designs (stitch guide by Cinda Ryan) and the second is Janet Burnett of Burnett and Bradley's (formerly A Collection of Designs) six Santas, each with a coordinating reindeer and sled.

Nimble Fingers plans a Debbie Mumm Christmas houses club starting in September 2016.

Fancy Stitches in Texas will team up with EyeCandy to offer the Merry and Bright Club, with five pieces, available in either traditional Christmas colors or brights.  Use the side arrows to see all the photos posted.  Looks like Martha Johnson is doing the stitch guides.

Nashville Needleworks has several clubs in 2016--Santa Trio from Maggie starts in mid-August 2016.  Each Santa arrives in September and October after that.

Fireside Stitchery will offer Associated Talents'  "Be Merry Be Jolly" piece as a club starting in September 2016.

The Porcupine Needlepoint Shop will offer Labors of Love's Old Fashioned Christmas ornaments starting in January 2016.

Needlepoint in Paradise will offer The Point of It All Designs' Count Down to Christmas Club in 2017.  There will be small ornaments and a tree that can double as a card holder or candy dish.  
Nothing is on their website yet.

Enriched Stitch will have a mini club called Christmas Feet, featuring an elf, Santa and Mrs. Santa's feet.  Canvases from Meredith Collection, stitch guide writer unknown, one canvas a month is shipped starting in July 2016.

Pocket Full of Stitches will start their Sweet Little Angel candy canes club (CH Designs/Danji) in June, 2016.

Old Town Needlework will offer an exclusive series called "Christmas Pear Club" by CH Designs/Danji for 2016.  Stitch guides by Nancy Yeldell.

Fancy Stitches will offer Eye Candy's Merry and Bright Contemporary Christmas Elegance set of five designs in two color schemes, starting Fall 2016.  Stitch guides are by Martha Johnson.

What's the Point? Needlepoint will offer Painted Pony's "Christmas Pears" design in 2016.  These are pear shapes inspired by the Twelve Days of Christmas and include unique charms.

The Needlepointer will have a Snowman Sampler club in 2016, featuring Kirk and Bradley and Oak Tree designs.

Good Harbor Needlepoint will offer this Melissa Shirley canvas as their "Soaring Santa" club in 2016.  Stitch guide by Patricia Sone.

Homestead Needle Arts is going to offer the "Santa and Me" Club starting in June 2016.  The canvases are from CH Designs/Danji and you can pick from any of the ones listed in the shop newsletter. There is Mr. and Mrs. Santa, elves, reindeer, Santa's workshop and a sleigh.

Wellesley Needlepoint is offering an exclusive club from Strictly Christmas in 2016 called "Twas The Night Before Christmas."  The little ornaments are all about the traditional poem and there is a Santa being designed that coordinates with the ornaments available at a discount if you are interested.

Needle House in Houston will start their new six Santa club called "Guess Who Is Coming to Town?" (canvases by Burnett and Bradley, formerly A Collection of Designs) in 2016.  Nothing is on their website yet but apparently the guides are by Nancy.  They also have a new "It's Deloverly" club from A Collection of Designs, their third set of Christmas light bulbs.

Family Needle Arts has two new clubs starting in March 2016--Paulette's Angels (designs by Paulette Paquette) and Santas, Santas, Santas (designer and stitch guide writer unknown).

Pocket Full of Stitches will start their "Simply Stocking" club in Marhc 2016.  This features a dozen little patterned stockings from Pippin.

The 2016 "Vintage Christmas Ornaments" set of six designs is ready to go at the Porcupine Needlepoint Shop in Pennsylvania.

For 2016 Fireside has the Kathy Schenkel "Count Down to Christmas" club, which has 25 small ornaments from KS Designs.

For 2016 Fireside also has the "Santa Cones" club from Sew Much Fun with six small Santas to stitch and finish dimensionally.

Old World Designs will team up with Kathy Schenkel and June McKnight for "Around the World Santas" in 2016.  Each month your Santa will be from a different location.  I've spotted Australia, Ireland and France so far.

Needle House's newest club is a set of six small Santas from Janet Burnett of A Collection of Designs (now Burnett and Bradley).  Guides from Linda and the canvases are exclusive to the shop.

Enriched Stitch will have a four lesson Nativity scene (unknown designer) available in March 2016 as an online class.

Chandail will add two new Melissa Shirley "Santa Bells" to their previous bell collection of bells in 2016. You can see the new Santas and the old here.

BeStitched will start the new Rebecca Wood "Selfie" series in January 2016. There are eight charming round ornaments featuring Santa, and his reindeer plus Frosty, with stitch guides by Lisa Kessler.

Two's Company is offering a Reindeer Club in 2016.  Here's a sneak peak at one reindeer being stitched.  Other details will be unveiled in mid-December.  By the way, the shop has a lovely eighteen piece Nativity set you can order as a monthly club or just separate pieces.  You can see it in the second link below.  The designer is unknown but I suspect the Nativity set was designed for them by a local artist in South Carolina.

Bedecked and Beaddazzled introduces their Christmas Elves clubs (you can stitch either the single elves or the banner or do both clubs) for 2016.  These canvases are based on cross stitch designs from Teresa Layman.

Pocket Full of Stitches has announced their 2016 club--"Brilliant Baubles" from A Collection of Designs (now Burnett and Bradley).  There are a dozen ornaments in mainly white and gold with touches of other colors ready for embellishment.

BeStitched has intruded their Santa Sleigh Series from Brenda Stofft for February, 2016.  There will be four installments, shipped every other month.

Melissa Prince Designs' "Christmas in New York Windows" will be the exclusive club for Old Town Needlework in Scottsdale starting in January 2016.  Stitches guides by Nancy Yeldell and Janice Doxey.

What's the Point?  Needlepoint has a new club--CH Designs/Danji's "Darling Holly Leaves" club--twelve holly leaves, each with a Christmas or winter theme.

Fancy Stitches in Texas is offering the exclusive EyeCandy "Stitch a Falling Star" Club starting in January 2016.  Cynthia Pigg is doing the guides for each of the five stars that offers a animals in a Christmas or winter theme.

Stitch Boutique of Boston will offer The Collection's six pink and green ornaments (also available in blue/silver, gold/silver or red/green) starting in November 2015.  Stitch guide writer unknown.

Stitch Boutique will also offer a Scott Church exclusive animal Christmas ornament club starting in January 2016.  Stitch guide writer unknown.

And Stitch Boutique will offer the Tacky Christmas Sweater club (from The Collection Designs) in 2016.

Osterville Needlepoint plans three clubs for 2016:  The Mitten, Round and Stocking Clubs.  Each club has four small mittens, round ornaments or mini socks with Christmas themes, all from CBK artists (Scott Church, Michele Noiset and Laura Megroz.

Bedecked and Beaddazzled will offer The Elves Club exclusively at the shop in 2016.  Canvases by Teresa Layman and guides from Ruth Schmuff.

Needleworks in Birmingham will offer Kimberly Ann Designs' "Twelve Signs of Christmas" ornaments, stitch guides by Sally mi.

Enriched Stitch will offer the DC Designs Santa Club soon. The seven canvases are on order now.  They are less than 6 inches tall, perfect for the Santa fan,

Needlepoint in Paradise will offer two clubs starting in January 2016:  A Collection of Designs' "Christmas Lights" ornaments and Shelly Tribbey's "Twelve Days of Christmas Skates" (complete with skate blades which you can use or not).  Each club has twelve ornaments, delivered monthly.  I don't know who did the guides but these are exclusive to NP in Paradise in 2016. is doing a new Mini Stocking Club (A Collection of Designs, now named Burnett and Bradley) with six small mini socks.  The guides are by Jinny Barney.  Return all to the shop by August 2016 for finishing and one stocking gets free finishing.

Chandial has the Melissa Shirley bell-shaped snow globe Santa set as a club again in 2016.

Nashville Needleworks plans a club with Raymond Crawford's Nativity set.  Guides by Connie Glenn Camp.  Watch their website for details.  (The Nativity set is on page two in the second link below.)

The Needle Works will offer Danji's Roll Up Nutcrackers club starting in January 2016.  I don't know who did the stitch guides but it might have been Colleen, the shop's owner.

Hingham Square Needlepoint will offer Pepperberry's "Precicous Rudy"--seven humorous round reindeer ornaments with stitch guides by Laurie Walden starting in October 2015.

What's the Point? will offer a dozen canvases in their Holly Jolly Christmas series of ornaments from CH Designs/ Danji starting January 2016.

Needle House is going to offer a third Christmas lightbulb series called "It's Deloverly" (I think from A Collection of Designs) in 2015-16.

Needlepoint in Paradise will offer two clubs in 2016:  A Collection of Designs' Christmas Lights (12 canvases) and Shelly Tribbey's Twelve Days of Christmas Skates (also 12 canvases).

The Heartstrings/Artist Collection Twelve Days of Christmas blocks are the latest 2015 club for Louise's Needlework.

I think Homestead Needle Arts is doing this same Heartstrings Twelve Days of Christmas club, too.[UNIQID]

What's the Point? Needlepoint will repeat their Heartstrings/Artists Collection Classic Caroler Club with updated threads.

Nashville Needleworks has a new club--Leigh Designs' Russian Santas!  The stitch guides are all by Carolyn Taggart. They are not on the Nashville Needleworks' website yet.

Purr-fect Holiday Ornaments is an exclusive set of cat-themed round Christmas ornaments from Nenah Stone for Beth's Needlepoint Nook.  Guides by Cynthia Thomas.  The second link shows all of the six designs stitched.

Old World Designs will offer Kathy Schenkel's Santas of the World as their 2016 club.  No word on which of the series they will pick.

Louise's Needlework has a new club, Susan Robert's Snowflake Ornaments with guides by 
Diane Snyder.  There are photos of all seven that are stitched and finished on Facebook but there may be more in the series.  This starts October 2015.

The French Knot's 2015 Ornament of the Month series now has six entires:  Decorations' Elf Shoe (January), Nutcracker Cane from CH Designs/Danji (February), Maggie's Moose (March), and a double-sided Santa from Susan Roberts for March and April.  Looks like July has a flying reindeer but there's no further info on that or June's entry yet.

The French Knot will have Maggie's Moose series as a club starting in September 2015.  There are four canvases with guides by Paula Fehleison.

The French Knot will start a club using Patti Mann's Nesting Nativity set in June 2015.  There are nine canvases.  Stitch guide writer unknown.

Quail Run in Scottsboro, Arizona will start their Twelve Elves Wreath in October 2015.  There are eight little gnome-like Santas on a pine bough background.  The designer and stitch guide writer are uncredited.

Needle Arts - New Orleans is doing a Twelve Days of Christmas in New Orleans series designed exclusively for them by Jude Designs, so it is all Big Easy-themed. There is a baby in a king cake, two streetcars rolling, three hot beignets, four fiery flambeux, five gold doubloons, a six pack of Dixie Beer, seven seven Pat O'Hurricanes, eight horns blowing, nine sloppy roast beef po boys, ten pecan pralines, eleven Who Dats on the field and of course. twelve raw oysters!  The shop doesn't have a website but they do have a Facebook page.

Nimble Fingers has posted photos of a new series using Dupree's small Nativity set on their Facebook page.

Nimble Fingers also plans to do the Painted Pony Native Indian Nativity set as a club this year.  Here are two photos, also from their Facebook page.

And in 2016 Nimble Fingers will do a Texas Nativity set.

Nimble Needle in Atlanta will be offering Labors of Love's Retro Bulb Ornaments club in 2015.  The series, beautifully stitched by Mark Young from Labors of Love, evokes an old fashioned Christmas and starts in February 2015.

Quail Run will offer the Nativity Tree Club in nine lessons during 2015.  Sorry, no designer or stitch guide writer name is listed.

What's the Point? has posted photos of their Painted Pony Night Before Christmas series on their Facebook page. There are ten individual reindeer pulling Santa in his sleigh.  The guides are by The Hippie Stitcher, Linda Breman.  This club will be repeated in 2015-2016.

The French Knot in Fort Worth, Texas will start the Darcy Predmore/Patti Mann Russian Nesting Dolls Nativity set in June 2015.    Guides by Karen Williams.

Family Arts will have a darling club using Renaissance Designs' Woodland Christmas animals.  Stitch guides by Julie.

Needlepoint in Paradise will have a Labors of Love Bells club for 2015.  There are a dozen bells but only four are pictured.  The shop is also having the Kirk and Bradley Snow Cones club, with a dozen smiling snow cones, exclusive to the shop.

The Needlepointer is going to do an exclusive Christmas tree club from Pippin Studios in 2015.  Here are four of the trees, posted on Facebook.  Use the side arrows to see them all.

What's the Point?  Needlepoint will start their Pippin Mini Stocking club in January 2015.  There are nine stockings, all on 13 count.  You can buy one or all or anything in between.  Four of the nine are pictured stitched on Facebook.  Use the side arrows to see them all.

The Porcupine Needlepoint Shop is going to do Raymond Crawford's Nativity Letters set as a club starting in January, 2015.  The shop's 2014 winter snowmen cone designs are still available (second link) as is the 2013 project, Christmas Kisses.

Ridgewood Needlepoint is going to have a Twelve Days of Christmas round ornament club (designer unknown) in 2015.  The club starts January 2015.  If you sign up you get free finishing and the Day Seven canvas free.  Here are the finished models.

What's the Point? Needlepoint in Ohio has announced a Sweet Candy Canes club featuring candy canes from CH Designs/Danji.  The second link below shows four of them on Facebook.  Use the side arrows to see them all.

Pocket Full of Stitches has announced their newest Christmas Club to begin in March of 2015.  It's called Frosty Friends (designer is CH Designs/Danji) and features four snowmen ornaments, four Santa ornaments and four penguin ornaments.  All the ornaments are three inches in diameter and are on 18 count mono canvas.

Creative Stitches and Gifts in Dallas has a brand new Cowboy Nativity from Kathy Schenkel starting in January 2015.  This is an exclusive for the shop currently.  There are ten figures plus the creche.  Photos on the shop website--

Beth's has brought back David McCaskill's Gifts Galore club which has outlined canvases and many new updated fibers to create your tree and packages.

Beth's Needlepoint Nook has brought back a classic club called Santa's Faces (Kathy Schenkel) with a dozen Santa head ornaments.  Fun!

Beth's also has the Angel Belles club, with six Susan Roberts angels with bell skirts.

Beth's also has the Pick 6 Ornaments club.  Pick from a variety of designers' ornaments and get a free personalized mini sock.

The newest Needlepointer club starts in October 2014 with Christmas Rounds (unknown designer).  There are eight round ornaments with Santas, a teddy bear, snowman, penguin, etc.  There are stitch suggestions instead of a detailed guide for each ornament.

Pocket Full of Stitches is having a Tacky Sweater Party for their 2015 Christmas club.  There are sweaters, vests and cardigans, all from A Collection of Designs.  The fun starts in January 2015.

Family Needle Arts is doing Christmas Crackers.  Stitch guides by Julie.  I don't know who the designer of these little designs is.  Sorry. has announced their newest club--the Twelve Days Bauble series by Kirk and Bradley.  These 2.75 inch round ornaments all come with the complete kit including hanger.  I don't know who wrote the stitch guides.  Sorry. j=fe6716747360047f7617&m=fef51c76766702&ls=fdf31774776c027d711d7774&l=fef71776746d01&s=fe241373726c067d731c72&jb=ffcf14&ju=fe2a17727561077b731276&r=0

Old World Designs plans a series of a dozen Strictly Christmas Santas with guides by June McKnight starting in December 2014.  Here is the first one, the pink cupcake Santa.  You can stitch one or all twelve.

The newest club from Beth's Needlepoint Nook is Decorate Your Tree--Your Way.  I think this is an Advent piece but I'm not certain.

Family Arts has a new club of the Danji candy cane Santas. I found photos of four of them stitched on Facebook.  There is nothing listed on their website (second link) but you can contact the shop for further information.

Porcupine Needlepoint Shop's 2009 Santa Table Top Christmas Tree Skirt club is still available. Their Christmas Candy Club from 2008 (second link) is also available.  So is 2007's Nativity set.

Chandail has an exclusive series of designs from Brenda Stofft called Tis the Season to Be Jolly for their newest club which will start at the end of August 2014.  Each canvas comes with a cart with a separate word on it.  The canvases are finished to sit on the carts.  The stitch guides are from Kathy Kulesza and Cindy Howland.  Some of the finished models are seen here.

Needlepoint in Paradise has the Amanda Lawford Songs ornaments club for 2014.  There are a dozen round ornaments, each about a holiday song.

Pocket Full of Stitches is doing an Advent-urous Tree Club (from A Collection of Designs) for 2014.  The little ornaments will have a tree that is being designed right now.  The second link shows the attachments.  A custom display is being built for the shop and you can order one of these if you like.  Photos of that are in the third link.

The 2015 club at Needle Works in Austin, TX will be a Brenda Stofft Twelve Days of Christmas Triptych.

Judy's Stitchery Nook in Harlington, TX is doing the Heartstrings Nativity set, stitch guide by Lea A, Peacock.

The shop is also doing Raymond Crawford's Gingerbread Express, guide also by Lea Peacock.

Pocket Full of Stitches offers the Meowy Christmas and the A Barker's Dozen clubs for pet lovers.  I believe both series are by Kathy Schenkel.

In Stitches Atlanta is doing the Twelve Days of Nutcrackers club this year, canvases by Susan Roberts and stitch guides from Janet Alter.

Old Town Needlework is featuring a new designer in the Danji stable--CH Designs-for their 2014 Christmas club.  The eight ornaments  are all snow or Christmas-themed, perfect for those wanting to recreate a White Christmas.

Needlepoints Ltd. has the Kathy Schenkel Garland club.  Choose from eight different garland ornament designs:  Halloween, Thanksgiving, Nativity, Jolly Christmas, Jolly Christmas Stripes, Tiny Inspirations, Tiny Christmas Inspirations or Hannukkah garlands.

Nimble Fingers has the very unusual Dog Days of Christmas series.  It's totally different and fun!

The Porcupine had a pink and green Christmas Kissing Ball as their 2013 club.  This is still available.

The Porcupine had the Nutcracker Suite (six roll up nutcrackers) club for 2011.  This is still available.

For 2009 The Porcupine had the table-top Christmas tree skirt, with each panel featuring a cute Santa.  This is still available.

For 2008 The Porcupine did little Christmas Candy pieces.  This is still available.

For 2007 The Porcupine did a Nativity set (designed by Rebecca Wood?).  This is still available.

What's the Point? is doing a Nutcrackers by Julia club.  Photos of the models are posted in albums on their FB page.

What's the Point?  also has a Tiny Nutcrackers club.  Designer unknown.

What's the Point? also has a new exclusive series of mini stockings from Pippin on 13 count.  There isn't anything on their website but their FB page has a photo of the first.

Enriched Stitch has just posted photos of the first Santa from their four Leigh Russian Santas club, which will start in March 2014.  Holly Hills Santa is magnificent!  Becki Gebhardt is doing the guides.  There will be a fifth canvas, the Golden Snow Maiden, as part of the set (second link) but she can be ordered separately from the club.

Enriched Stitch has posted photos of The Russian Santas and One Russian Maiden stitched now.  This club will start again in March 2015.

3 Kittens is doing the Leigh Russian Santas club this year with four of Leigh's Santas plus an exclusive Snow Maiden canvas.

BeStitched has announced the Endless Presents Club featuring the brand new Melissa Shirley Christmas present ornaments. This club will start in April 2014. and is being rerun in 2020.

BeStitched has added the new Autumn-themed Melissa Shirley presents to their club.  You can see the newest ones here.

Chandail is planning a Petei Santa club with Julia Snyder doing the stitch guides.  This will start in October, 2014.

3 Kittens has the Shelly Tribbey Twelve Days ornaments club this year.  Stitch guides by Cynthia Thomas!

Family Arts has a new club for 2014 with Kelly Clark exclusive Christmas sock ornaments.  Kelly posted photos of three models on Facebook and there are photos on the FA website (second link below.)  Stitch guides by Paulette.

The Kelly Clark mini socks aren't on the Kelly Clark website yet or at Family Arts but there's another photo of four of the models on Facebook (second link).  They are elegant and classic little mini socks.

Canvasback is doing a wonderful Kathy Schenkel Nativity club this year.

What's the Point?  has posted seven photos of their newest 2014 club, Kathy Schenkel's Santa's Workshop figures, on their Facebook page.  There is a backdrop that shows the sleigh and a reindeer in front of a brick building with a big picture window (you can see elves building toys on a long table through the window) and six figures of elves and Santa.

Here is the ad for What's the Point?'s Santa Workshop club.

The French Knot will start a Raymond Crawford Christmas ornament series in March 2014.  You can see the set here.

The French Knot is also doing an Ornament of the Month series for 2014.  So far, the ornaments are all Christmas-related except for one Halloween pumpkin.  The 2014 series includes four Petei Santas with guides by Diana Bosworth.

Serendipity Needlworks in Tuscaloosa has a Debbie Munn Christmas ornaments club (stitch guides by Julia Snyder) featuring this set of Christmas charm.  Eight canvases were in the club and six more will be added in 2014.  Sorry, there's nothing on their website about the club.

Almost Paradise is doing a Nativity set for their 2013 club.  I don't know the designer of this set or who does the stitch guide for the pieces, but it is a very pretty set.

Nimble Needle-Atlanta just announced a Twelve Days of Christmas ornaments series from Shelly Tribbey (stitch guides by Jan Rogers) club.

Enriched Stitch is going to do a Russian Santa club using Leigh's newest series, starting in March 2014.  The guides will be by Becki (Gebhardt?)

3 Kittens is also going to have a Leigh Russian Santa club but nothing's on their website yet.

Needle Orts has two clubs, The Spooky 13 Ornament Club and the Twelve Days of a Beachy Christmas club.  The Beachy Christmas ornaments I believe are from Elizabeth Turner Designs but I am not sure about the Spooky ornaments.

What's the Point? Needlepoint has just posted photos of their new Kathy Schenkel Mrs. Santa Getting Ready for Christmas club.  Mrs. Santa lifts weights, cooks, bathes the baby, etc.  The designs look like small stand ups and are something different that celebrates mothers and housewives.

Nashville Needleworks is doing Raymond Crawford's Nativity letters set and his Christmas train set as clubs.

Beth's Needlepoint Nook has added three new Santa designs to last year's Wild Ride Club from Brenda Stofft.  This year  (starting in March 2014) Santa is riding a polar bear, a bobcat and --my favorite!-- a llama.  The newest three are at the first link below, while Brenda Stofft's designs from last year are at the second and third link as it is never too late to join this series.  UPDATE:  There will be a Santa's Wild Ride Four for 2015.  The ad in the November/December 2014 issue of Needlepoint Now show Santa riding a sheep, a horse, a brown bear, a hippo and a giraffe.  The last link below shows the models.

The Nimble Needle's Jan Rogers has done guides for the Shelly Tribbey Twelve Days of Christmas round ornaments.  This club will start in January 2014. You can see the original ornaments here.

Fireside is also introducing Crissy Cat from Sew Much Fun in January of 2014..  This dimensional cat is covered in Christmas patterns for your stitching fun.

Needlepoint in Paradise has two new 2014 clubs called Signs and Songs.  The Signs club has twelve of Kathy Schenkel's Tiny Inspirations signs decorated for the holidays, while the Songs club features a dozen Associated Talents ornaments inspired by Christmas songs.

The Needlepointer has a new club of Raymond Crawford mini stockings call Six Stockings to Stuff.  The shop also has The Twelve Days of Christmas Nutcrackers this year (second link.)  Sorry, I don't know the designer for the nutcrackers.

Fireside has a Christmas Presents Club (unknown designer and stitch guide writer) with tiny little presents with holiday themes or words.  The twelve small designs can be made up into three small four-sided boxes.  (See the Halloween Presents Club below.)

Fireside also has the Reindeer Carrots Club (Associated Talents?) which has nine carrot shapes (one for each of Santa's reindeer) covered in Christmasy patterns.

What's the Point? had a similar Foodie for Rudie club (also by Associated Talents?) which is still available.

Fancy Stitches has several 2013 and 2014 clubs with Christmas themes including Needle Deeva's Fab Fir trees (guide by Vicky DeAngelis), and Kelly Clark's Terrific Christmas Tree Club (guide by Kelly herself).

Chandail's newest clubs for 2014 are Elves Socks from A Collection of Designs.  Stitch guides are by Cindy Howland and Kathy Kuleza.

Needle House in Houston is introducing a new A Collection of Designs lightbulb series called It's Delicious to coordinate with their previous set called It's Delightful.  The new series is six lightbulbs with Christmas treat patterns.

Louise's Needlework has a nice Christmas bell club from Associated Talents.  This is an exclusive series at the shop.  The second link shows one of the bells stitched, from their FB page.

Louise's website home page shows two more bells.

The Village Ewe has a Twelve Days of Christmas series that might be from Kathy Schenkel.  Their site doesn't say--I'm guessing here.

Hingham Square Needlepoint is starting a Christmas village club (unknown designer) in November 2013.  No details on their website yet although I've seen ads in the needlepoint magazines.

2 the Point has thirteen monthly clubs to choose from.  The 2013 club is Snowman Stars by Maggie.  Follow the links to see the Stars or earlier clubs.  Some canvases may no longer be available (particularly the Petei ones) but it's worth an email if you fall in love with some of these.  After two years, you can pick up an individual canvas or still sign up for a full club.

2 the Point also has a smaller club from Susan Roberts featuring Gingerbread Houses.  This is a bi-monthly club and each house is 3-D.

Park Avenue Needlepoint hasn't updated their website yet with the 2012 monthly club but they do have the 2011 set still up--Kathy Schenkel's Favorite Things Santa and Mrs. Santa ornaments.

Park Avenue is also going to do the Associated Talents' Christmas tree club in 2013.  Details on the Park Avenue Needlepoint Facebook page.

Park Avenue Needlepoint has also announced two more new Christmas clubs--Popsicles and Dream Bars and Christmas Stars.  The ice cream bars are from Kathy Schenkel.

The Christmas Stars are from Patty Paints.  You can see more of Park Avenue's Star club on Facebook.

Needle House is introducing a series of Christmas light bulb designs from their own Nancy Laux.  These are not something you'll find at every shop and will make a lovely swag or just fun and quick ornaments for next year.  You can see the images at the bottom of their Autumn newsletter.

Needle House is continuing their From Russia With Love club of Faberge-style eggs from A Collection of Designs.  Each egg is now (December 2014) available separately and you can buy each as a kit.  They also plan to participate in the Golden Cracker (Melissa Shirley) club and in the Raymond Crawford Gingerbread Holiday Train starting in August 2012. All Aboard!

Fireside also has a Fabrege Eggs Club (Lee Designs). There are a dozen of these classic designs.

The newest Needle Works club is a six piece Brenda Stofft Nativity.  Everything you want to know is here.  The second link shows the finished Holy Family from this set while the third link has the angel.

Chaparral's newest series is Elegant Ornaments from Trubey. Chaparral also is doing Keep Christmas in Your Heart, a series of hearts with Christmas themes from a variety of designers, all stitched by Carolyn Hedge Baird.  Previous clubs are still available, too.  Click on the photo for each set to go to a new page showing off the entire set's models.

The Top Drawer has a club that features one small Christmas ornament each month from a variety of designers.  You can see the set here.

The latest monthly club from What's the Point? is from Labors of Love, featuring Victorian Toy canvases. Right now these canvases are exclusive to this shop.

They've added a Nativity Club, too!  The shop has a lot of past clubs still available, as well.  See the second link below.

Speaking of Victorian inspired designs, Kirk and Hamilton has created a Dickens Christmas figure set. This will be the new club from What's the Point? and it is so new, it's not on their website yet.  This will also be an exclusive for this year.

What's the Point? is doing the Raymond Crawford Candy Train club this year as well as Linda Lahm's Sports Santa club, but previous clubs are still available if you missed the train for those.  Go to the home page to get a glimpse of their new exclusive Kirk and Hamilton Dickens club.

To the Point has set up a Maggie Snowman Star club.  Follow the links to see the canvases and details of the club.

Squiggee has announced an exclusive Nutcracker gingerbread character club through Adornment Needlepoint in Winston Salem, NC.

Needlepoint in Paradise (Naples, FL) is starting a Nativity set.   Note that the creche doesn't come with the Nativity figures.

The Needlepointer has a Christmas Pear club (Melissa Shirley).

Pocket Full of Stitches has just announced their newest monthly club, Kelly Clark's All Cracked Up! Nutcrackers, which starts in March of 2013.  For now these canvases are exclusive to PFOS.

A Stitch in Time is doing a second Kelly Clark Heritage ornaments club starting in July 2013. The stitch guides are by Alison Hodgkiss.  The original Heritage ornaments club with guides by Gina Luizzi is still shown on their website as well (second link).

A Stitch in Time has the Melissa Shirley Pretty in Pink Christmas ornaments series on their website. The stitch guides are by Alison Hodgkiss.

The French Knot starts Kelly Clark's New Christmas Pears club in July 2013.  It looks like the guides are all written by Karen Williams (third link).

Beth's Needlepoint Nook has posted photographs of their Three Tier Tree club on their website.  There are six trees, each made up of three sections that hang on a common cord. has the new Tropical Breezes ornament club from Associated Talents.  Five of the ten are exclusive designs for the shop.

Needlepoint Junction has the Hilton Head Island Christmas Village club (unknown designer)  and the Year at the Beach ornaments (unknown designer) set, most with Christmas themes.  I think these are still available as special orders.

Fireside offers the Seaside Christmas ornaments from Associated Talents, which are small ocean-themed ornaments and mini socks for the beach Christmas.

Po's Needlepoint posted a photo of the first of their Kelly Clark Twelve Days of Christmas pears on their Facebook page.  The second link shows all the pears unstitched.

Po's Needlepoint is also doing the Rebecca Wood Nativity as a club, starting in July.

BeStitched is doing a Pick Your Own Club with Melissa Shirley angels.  Details here.

What's The Point? Needlepoint is starting a Joy Juarez club with two round ornaments and two stockings.   Each features Santa or a small girl, all with floral touches and the Victorian feel that Joy does so well.

A Stitch in Time is doing a Pretty in Pink club, full of Christmas and winter themed ornaments from Melissa Shirley. The guides are from Alison Hodgkiss.

Chandail has the Naughty and Nice double-sided Santa.

Chandail has the Melissa Shirley Twelve Days of Christmas Angel set.

Chandail has Christmas crackers for your stitching pleasure and they also have Jumbo Candy Canes.

Chandail's upcoming series for 2013 is Tony Minieri's Christmas Song ornaments, a charted series based on Christmas music.

Chandail also has two new sets of mini socks from A Collection of Designs.  One series is called Witches' Stockings and the other is called Elves' Stockings.  You can see some of the designs here.

Fireside Stitchery has the Christnas Danglies ornaments from Sew Much Fun.  These are joined doll ornaments (snowmen, Mr. and Mrs. Santa, elves, penguins, bears, etc.) for your tree.  (See Halloween for the Halloween Danglies Club.)

Fireside also offers their Santas Old and New Club (unknown designer) which has classic Santas from an older club with a few new favorites added.

Suzanne is showing off her Children's Christmas Pageant series from Pocket Full of Stitches on her blog.  These are an older series PFOS did designed by A Collection of Designs.  Work forward in time to see more about Suzanne's set.

What's the Point? Needlepoint has posted they will be offering a Princess and Me Snowman and Santa club this year on their official Facebook page.

The French Knot has added a Carol Dupree Nativity set and the Raymond Crawford Christmas Star set to their collection of monthly clubs.

Many of PFOS' older clubs are still available, such as this Kelly Clark Twelve Days of Christmas pear set.  The second link is to Suzanne's blog.  She stitched these and the photographs are terrific so you can really see what the set looks like if you work backwards to see earlier posts.  The guide was written by Rhea of PFOS.

Wait!  Looks like A Stitch in Time Needlework will do the second Kelly Clark Heritage Ornament set.  You can also see some of the Kelly Clark Nativity set which is also exclusive to the shop right now.

Wellesley Needlepoint Collection has a wonderful Victorian Caroler set from Kathy Schenkel.  This isn't exactly a monthly club but since it is an exclusive series for the shop and Kathy's pieces come with a stitch guide, you can do a monthly club yourself with the series.

Nashville Needleworks is doing Ashley Dillon's Christmas March as their newest stitching club.  Click on Kits on the left side of the page to see previous classes and clubs.

Needlepoint This! offered the Celebrity Star series, with various designers' star shapes in 2012.  It's still on their website (play the slide show to see them all) so it is probably still available.

Counted Canvaswork Clubs

Tomorrow's Heirlooms will offer "Seasonal Squares" from Kathy Rees as their 2019-2020 club.  This charted piece will be worked entirely with Jumbuck, which is a 50 percent silk/50 percent wool thread that is hand dyed so there are slight color variations.  If you like counted work and you are a threadaholic, this is for you.

Tomorrow's Heirlooms is teaming up with Sue Reed to create a club of counted designs starting in July 2019.  "Sue Reed's Heirlooms" will be four counted mystery designs with a seasonal theme.

Natalia Frank of Natalia's Fine Needlework is offering her Dollhouse Miniature Petit Point Kit Club again in 2018.  Geared toward the dollhouse and miniature world, Natalia's designs are shipped with the threads and silk gauze needed to finish the design.  Not all are rugs, either.  Twelve designs are planned for 2018. Details are on Natalia's website.

Family Arts offers Paulette's Counted Ornaments, which is small ornaments adapted from Kathy Rees' designs.

Nordic Needle asked Laura Perin for another long panel for a counted canvaswork club starting October 2016.  It's called Prairie Flower Panel. It's available in a pink or blue color ways.

Nordic Needle is offering a Petit Four Ort Box Club starting June 2016.  Designed by Debi (last name unknown) for the 2014 Oh So Sweet Retreat, this little box features Jean Hilton stitches on four sides and a flower flourish for the top.

EyeCandy Needleart is doing a designer club (available from your shop or directly from her with arrangements with the designer) called "Bejeweled Bargello Ornament Club."  This charted series of 12 ornaments with a bonus 13th ornament comes with all the needed attachments and will have an alternate more traditional color theme of red and green.  All you add are threads.

Tomorrow's Heirlooms is joining with Kathy Rees of Needle Delights to offer a counted canvaswork club called "Heirloom Delights."

Nordic Needle is  featuring the Laura Perin counted canvas work exclusive called Nordic Panel again in 2015, this time with three color ways.  The design will be stitched in ten segments.

A few shops offer clubs for those who love counted canvaswork.  Alex Paras (the online branch of Thistle Needlework in Connecticut) specializes in this.  Their Design-of-the-Month series currently has three clubs available.  "All That Jazz" is a geometric piece, "Funky Fantasy Flowers" has a vase of colorful blossoms, and "Butterfly Garden Series" has wonderful butterflies for you to stitch.  All series are from Finger Step Designs.  Note that not all of the Funky Fantasy Flowers series ornaments are still available.

Day of the Dead Themes  (See Halloween Themes)

Bestitched will offer Rebecca Wood's The Needle Nags Association (TNNA) Club.  Not sure when this starts.  Lisa Kessler likely did the guides but I'm not sure about that, either.

For 2016  Needle Works will do a "Day of the Dead Dogs" club using these six Brenda Stofft dog canvases.  Stitch guides by Colleen and Corliss.

Chandail has the Brenda Stofft Cat Faces pieces and the Day of the Dead  Mr. and Mrs. Skeleton dolls.

Fireside also has a club for the Brenda Stofft Day of the Dead Cat Faces, stitch guides by Palma Seljan.   Note that their set is different than Chandail's. This is not a designer series.

Designer Clubs
These are clubs straight from your favorite designers that shops can sign up for so these are available multiple places.

Summertime Stitchery's "Autumn on Main Street" club features three canvases from Heirloom Textile Company and Summertime Stitchery.  Guides for the three little shop canvases are by Jessica from Novels and Needlework.

Morgan Julia Designs is offering their 2025 Bar Cart Club quarterly (one design each quarter).  You can pay quarter by quarter or annually.  Designs to be released.

Spellbound Stitchery has the "Chaotic Critter" Club which has six raccoon holiday canvases with guides by Rebecca of ChaoticNeedlepointer.  The club started in 2024 and appears to be sold out.

Saturnalia Stitching is offering the "Summer of Stitching" club starting May 2024.  No word on who did the guides.  These will be available individually at the end of the summer.

Atlantic Blue offers their "Rockette Club" for fans of Radio City Music Hall starting in July 2024.  There are five ornaments, each featuring a different costume.  You can choose a sparkly red or sparkly green costume for one of the designs.  No word on who wrote the guides.

Morgan Julia is offering a Bar Cart Club starting March 2024.  Stitch guide writer unknown although this is a quarterly club with four surprise canvases and more.  The April offering has just been revealed (second link below) as the "Cocktails and Cotten Tails Bar Cart."  Looks like each shipment has all sorts of tools and treasures included.  This isn't just a canvas and threads club, in other words.  UPDATE:  As of August 2024 you can sign up for a quarterly club or an annual one.  See the Bar Cart page on her website for details (4th link below).

Stitchin Time in KY will offer Needlepoint Now Magazine's "Home" club in 2024. 

Needlepoint Now magazine is partnering with local needlepoint shops to offer Kam Wenzloff's "Layers of Leaves" wreath.  This is likely a counted canvaswork project with the guides by Kam.  Details in the magazine and in participating shops. According to Theresa of Homestead Needle Arts, there will be 10 leaf patterns each issue in the 2023 Needlepoint Now. The instructions, thread suggestions and finishing will be included in the articles. There will be 55 large leaves and 5 small leaves. The wreath will measure 18 x 18" and the base of the wreath is 15-1/2 x 15-1/2".  Of course you can change leaf colors from green to fall colors and make a garland.  There's no need to stitch 55 leaves, either.  

Needlepoint in Paradise will offer Vallerie Needlepoint Gallery's "Home" club in late 2022.  The first piece will be the home, then in 2023 the little interchangeable  Os will start to arrive.  I think the guides are from Suzie Vallerie herself.

Park Avenue Needlepoint will offer Kelly Clark's Nutcracker Club starting February 2020.  There are six nutcrackers, all with Kelly's guides.

Judy's Stichery Nook in Harlingen, TX will also offer Kelly Clark's Nutcracker Club in 2021.

Park Avenue Needlepoint will also offer Kelly Clark's Autumn Pear (starting October 2020) and Halloween Acorn clubs (starting February 2021).

Bedecked and Beadazzled will offer Kelly Clark's Acorn Club starting Feb. 2021.

Pepperberry will offer Halloween Lollipops (stitch guides by Laurie Walden) in 2020-21.

Kelly Clark will have an retailer acorn club in February, 2021.  She has three Autumn Pears as a retailer club starting in October 2020, too.  Below are the shops offering it I've seen.

Old Town Needlework will do the Silly Little Birds club from Scott Partridge, guides by Suzie Vallerie.  Thread kit available at an extra charge.

What a Hoot is the monthly designer club coming from Colour Complements.  This is a charted series with the chart coming from Kam Wenzloff with a new chart of a new colorful owl starting April-September 2020.  The kit has all the threads and instructions but you provide the needlepoint canvas.

Renaissance Designs has a series of twelve small ornaments, complete with stitch guides, in their Frosty Hats club.

Vallerie Needlepoint Gallery has the four canvas Beautiful Ladies club, available April 2020.

Kelly Clark has a new Egg Club available to all shops starting in 2020.  There appear to be eight Easter eggs.

Enriched Stick is participating in Kelly's Egg Club starting Feb. 2020.

Family Arts is also doing the Egg Club starting the end of January 2020.

Bedecked and Beadazzled is also doing the Egg Club starting February 2020.

Vallerie Needlepoint Gallery will offer the Tropical Birds club from Scott Partridge to shops starting January 2020.  There are five ornaments available.

Kelly Clark will do a Twelve Days Christmas Bells series as a designer club in 2019.  Contact her distributor, The Colonial Needle, to sign up if you are a shop.

Labors of Love will offer "The Pudgies" as a club starting in January 2020.  There are six designs.  Use the right side arrow to see five, all Christmas-themed.

Vallerie Needlepoint Gallery will offer the Fancy Flowers Retailers Club starting January 2019. Suzie Vallerie and Kim did the guides.  There are four 4x4 flowers that fit perfectly into the self-finishing coasters that VNG sells.

Scott Partridge's six Silly Little Birds are a designer club offered by his distributor, Vallerie Needlepoint Gallery.

A. Bradley Needle Arts has new Cookies of the Month, stitch guides by Mary Waldsmith.  You can see four models here.

What's the Point? will offer Kelly Clark's Handbell Choir Club in 2017, featuring Kelly's stitch guides for the 12 Days of Christmas-themed bells and finishing fabric.

Kelly Clark has a new club called "Seashore Tremendous Trees."  There are six trees in "Tropical" colors and six in "Coastal" colors.  Your local shop can arrange to sign up for one or both sets of colors for the trees.  Bedecked and Beaddazzled is participating in the club (second link below) starting in March 2017.

Julie Mar has a club of nine mitten ornaments called Polar Friends, featuring penguins and polar bears at play..  You can see some of them in TNNA's video from the show.

Three of the mittens have Texas themes.

Homestead Needle Arts is going to participate in Julie Mar's Polar Friends Mini Mitt Club starting in January 2017.

Julie Mar also has a Landscape Club and a Puppy Purse Club.

EyeCandy Needleart is doing a designer club (available from your shop with arrangements with the designer) called "Bejeweled Bargello Ornament Club."  This charted series of 12 ornaments with a bonus 13th ornament comes with all the needed attachments and will have an alternate more traditional color theme of red and green.  All you add are threads.

Needle Deeva's newest retailer club is called "Haunted Firs" with stitch guides by Mary Waldsmith.  There are nine spooky trees in their trademark triangular shape, ready to stitch.  Pocket Full of Stitches is going to participate in this club in 2016.  Threads are optional if you join this club with PFOS.

Needle Deeva is going to have a Hanukkah Retailer's Club featuring nine star shaped ornaments with a different symbol in the center of each star shape.  See the ad in the Nov.-Dec. Needlepoint Now magazine.  The first canvas will ship in mid-January 2015 and the other eight will ship in this order every month thereafter:  the dove, Golden Mogen David, Happy Hanukah Menorah, Holy City, Scroll, Lamp, Yarmulke, Dreidle, and Pomegranate.  Apparently Ridgewood Needlepoint and Enriched Stitch are going to participate in this club.  Looks like Pocket Full of Stitches will participate as well Stitch By Stitch in Larchmont, NY.  Quail Run will also start this club in January 2015.  A Good Yarn will also participate, starting in January I think.

Labors of Love has the Retro Bulb Club available.

Kelly Clark has announced a designer club starting in January 2015 called the Bee Skep Club.  Here is the first beehive, the Busy Bee Skep. There will be eight canvases. These aren't on her website, at least not yet, but she is posting photos on Facebook.  Use the right and left arrows to see more views.

Bedecked and Beadazzled is also participating in Kelly Clark's Bee Skep Club.

BeStitched is also participating in the Kelly Clark Bee Skep Club starting in January 2015.

The Flying Needles will host the Kelly Clark Bee Skep Club starting in January 2016.

Kelly Clark has added a clubs section to her website.

Kate Dickenson Needlepoint (formerly KSH) has a series of monthly patterned hearts, mini Preppy Whales, a mini Tropical Ornament Series, and a new mini Lily Circus Series, a mini Lily On the Water Series, a Provencal Fleur-de-Lys series, and a Parisian Fleur-de-Lys series.  There is also a Twelve Days of Christmas Series and a Matryoshka Doll series.  The new items don't have photos on the website yet.  I could not find information on which shops carry these on the website, though.!monthly-clubs/c1vlg

In Stitches Atlanta is participating in Kelly Clark's Fourth of July Firecrackers club this season.

Nimble Fingers in Texas is participating in Melissa Shirley's Sourpuss Pumpkins club starting in Feb. 2014.  They are also doing the Kelly Clark Heritage ornaments club.

Needle Orts in Alamonte Springs, Florida is also participating in Melissa Shirley's Sourpuss Pumpkins club.

Kirk and Bradley has announced their new Twelve Days ornament club.  No word yet on which shops are picking this up.

Labors of Love has updated their website, which now has a club page that lists all the shops using their canvases for monthly clubs.  Currently this includes an Alligator Club, The Tudors, Woodland Animals, Pumpkins and Perfume Bottles.

Nimble Fingers has a small Christmas Carolers club.  I think the designs might be from Rebecca Wood, but I am not certain.

Rebecca Wood has created a Goofy Ghouls club, with Cynthia Thomas doing the stitch guides.  The second link is the entire set.  Fireside is participating in this club, by the way.

EyeCandy has a seasonal owls series called Hoot Hoot that is going to shops that sign up for the series.  Here you can see the four owls (Spring, Summer, Halloween, Happy Holidays, Fall Harvest and Winter) with their threads pulled.

PFOS is participating in the Hoot Hoot owl club.

Melissa Shirley has a Golden Cracker club set up for the shops.  Robin King has done the guides for these ten designs.  Check with your shop to see if they are participating.  If not, the second link has a nice inducement to get these through them.

Entiched Stitch is participating in the Golden Cracker club, too.  And so is Fireside (second link).

Needle Deeva has done a series called Fab Firs.  I've seen several of these in person as Vicky DeAngelis, who wrote the stitch guides, sent them to my local shop for finishing where I saw them on display. They are small and delicate and very, very pretty.  Check with your shop to see if they are participating.  If not, you can sign up at Bedecked and Beadazzled or at Pocket Full of Stitches or Canvasback.

(By the way, you can now buy individual firs if you don't want the entire set.)

Needle Deeva also has a First Thanksgiving club, with guides by Vicky DeAngelis.  Pocket Full of Stitches is participating.

So is Enriched Stitch.  Details for First Thanksgiving (plus sign up bonuses) are described here.

Peacock Alley is doing the Needle Deeva First Thanksgiving club as well.

Raymond Crawford himself has set up two clubs for shops to sign up for.  He's done a gingerbread train and a S A N T A letter block series which you can see here.  Check with your shop to see if they are going to participate.  Canvasback is! (second link)

3 Kittens is participating in Raymond Crawford's Gingerbread Train Set.

BeStitched has kitted out Raymond Crawford's Halloween Train so contact the shop if you are interested in doing your own club.

PFOS is participating in the train club, too.  Here are photos of some of the cars stitched.

Absolutely Needlepoint is also doing this club for those who are in the Miami area.

PFOS is participating in the train club, too.  Here are photos of some of the cars stitched.

Absolutely Needlepoint is also doing this club for those who are in the Miami area.

Needle Delights has a Color Delights Club for Kathy's new Color Delights charts.  There are several ways you can participate.  See the information below.

The Classic Stitch in Illinois will offer Melissa Shirley's Sweet Heart Cupcake Club in 2013.

Also participating in the Sweet Heart Cupcake Club by Melissa Shirley is 3 Kittens.

The Enriched Stitch has announced they are going to participate in two designer monthly clubs this year:  Melissa Shirley's Fancy Forest Topiary (stitch guides by Rebecca Booth) and Melissa Shirley's Sweetheart Cupcake Club (stitch guides by Laura Walden).

Kelly Clark has a Christmas trees club.  I believe Needlepoint Junction is still participating.

Kelly Clark has a Tassels club.  Pocket Full of Stitches is doing that one.

Melissa Shirley has the Fourth of July Crackers club. Three Kittens is participating.

Kathy Schenkel has a mini Halloween treat bag club.

Needle Deeva has a new Christmas Cupcake club.  You can see the bare canvases at the bottom of their What's New page.

Pocket Full of Stitches has a few canvases left from two older designer series.  If you liked Kelly Clark's tassel club or Ruth Schmuff's Hoot Hoot owl canvases, check out what they still have in stock here.

Kelly Clark has announced a new club starting in July 2013--Firecrackers!  Enriched Stitch has signed up to offer the club through their shop.  Check with your local to see if they are participating, but if they aren't Enriched Stitch will be happy to add you to their club membership list.  But first, read the critique of this designer club in the second link below.

Pocket Full of Stitches is participating in the Stars and Stripes Forever firecracker club from Kelly Clark.

So is Fireside Stitchery.

And so is Nimble Needle.

The Little Shoppe of Stitches store is closing.  I don't know what this means for their clubs but as far as I know their line of 3-D canvases will still be available.

Kelly Clark's Christmas Candies club is still available at Nimble Needle.

Easter and Fourth of July and Hanukkah Designs

Emily's Stitchery offered a Hanukkah Sweater Club by Kristine Kingston. There are eight sweaters, with guides starting June 2024.

KC Needlepoint will offer their Polka Dot Easter Vignette Eggs in 2024.  There are there canvases from Pearly Gates Needlepoint and KCN Designers, with guides by Jinny Mcauliffe.

Nimble Needle in Atlanta will offer Rachel Donley's Cookie Countdown Hanukkah House in 2023.

Louise's Needlepoint will offer the Associated Talent's Fourth of July Stars club in 2023.  Stitch guides by the shop.  There appear to be three stars.

The club isn't on the website yet so you will need to contact the shop.

The Needlepointer will offer the Easter Bunny Family Club starting in March 2023.  Designer and stitch guide writer unknown but there are four bunnies in the family plus two Easter egg designs.

The Wool and the Floss has a four canvas Fourth of July club. This is a shop exclusive and the club is for August and September 2022.  The designs and the stitch guides are from Jinny of Stitch Style.

The Flying Needles in Florida will offer Kelly Clark's Sherbet Easter Egg Club, guides by Kelly herself in 2020.  Eight eggs.

The Needlepointer will start their Red White and BOOM Patriotic Club in June 2020.  The designs are from Kathy Schenkel and Danji and the guides all written by Mary Ward-Smith.

Ridgewood Needlepoint will offer Needle Deeva's Patriotic Club in 2020. Guides by Stephanie Dresher-Mandelbaum.  There are five hearts and a flag that Stephanie will finish as a cylinder to hold the hearts mounted on sticks.

Amy's Golden Strand will offer the Patriotic Cake Club (Rachel Donley Needlepoint Designs) starting in March 2020.  Stitch guide by Cindy McKown.

Ridgewood Needlepoint will offer Associated Talents' Stars and Stripes club in 2019.  There are five stars.

Enriched Stitch plans to start the Hippity Hoppity Easter Egg Club using five of Kelly Clark's little eggs in April 2017.  Guides by Suzie, Bccki and Mary Susan.  UPDATE:  The shop will offer this again starting in May 2019 and in July 2019 for the second batch.

Park Avenue Needlepoint will offer their Five Little Flags Club starting in March 2019.  Designs by Patty Bee and guides by the staff at the shop. shows off their Egg-celent Easter Club from Kirk and Bradley.  Three little eggs are included in the club which starts April 2019.  Stitch guide writer unknown.

Family Arts will offer Pepperberry's eight Spring designs in 2019.

Needlepoint This will offer And More's Bunny Box Club in 2019 (a rabbit that folds into a box holding the 13 eggs), using Julia Snyder's stitch guides.

Pocket Full of Stitches will offer six rabbit designs from Danji in their Hop To It Club starting in November 2018.

Park Avenue Needlepoint will have Patty Paints' Americana Series ornaments as this year's club, starting June 1, 2018.  Guides by Karen Kugel.

The Needlepointer will offer Peter Cottontail and Friends (Pippin) as a club starting May 2018.  Three three inch designs, these are designed to be fast and fun.  An optional finishing kit will also be available if you want to try finishing these yourself.

The latest club for April, 2018 for Pocket Full of Stitches is their Sweet Land of Liberty hearts series. The six hearts were designed by CH Designs/Danji.

Park Avenue Needlepoint will offer the Stars and Stripes Club (designs by Patty Bee) in the Summer of 2018.

Ridgewood Needlepoint had a Dreidel Club in 2017. Canvases by Needle Deeva, guides by Stephanie Dresher-Mandelbaum.

The Needlepointer will team with CH Designs/Danji to offer the six flower shapes with rabbit designs that make up the "Hop Into Stitching Fun" club in February 2018. I don't know who is writing the stitch guides.

The French Knot in Fort Worth, TX started the three Raymond Crawford "Easter Egg House" canvases as a club in October 2017.   Stitch guides by Paula Fehleison.

Good Harbor Needlepoint has their Bounce Into Spring rabbit as a club in 2017.  Design is by Melissa Shirley and stitch guide from Mary Legallet.

Nimble Needle in Atlanta will offer the "From Sea to Shining Sea" Patriotic Club from Labors of Love starting in July 2017.

Nimblefingers Needlepoint in Houston will offer Kelly Clark's "Six Elegant Easter Eggs Club" starting in March 2017.  Six eggs, all exclusive to the shop for now.  You must sign up for four eggs minimum with the two Easter chicks eggs available as an option.  Stitches and threads chosen by Chris Tirey.

The Needlepointer will offer Pippin Studio's "Patriotic" as their holiday sampler club for 2017.  Starting in August 2017, each month for six months you will receive a guide from David McCaskill, June McKnight, Jill Rigoli, Julia Snyder, Laura Taylor, or Cynthia Thomas for each section of this sampler design.  This is a shop exclusive as is their earlier holiday sampler club "Halloween," also from Pippin.

Bedecked and Beadazzled will have a "Celebrate the Red, White and Blue" Club starting in June 2017.  Canvas designs by Ruth Schmuff and guides by Megan in the shop.  There are six 4x4  inch ornaments and a 4x8 banner in the club.

Nimblefingers in Houston has a new Kelly Clark Easter Egg club that will begin March 2017.  There will be six eggs total.  The canvases are a shop exclusive for now.

Two more eggs--use the right side arrow to see the second.

Ridgewood Needlepoint plans a Bunny Fairy Egg club starting in January 2017.  Ridgewood also plans the Dancing Dreidel Club in 2017, featuring guides by Stephanie Dresher-Mandelbaum on five canvases from Needle Deeva.

Nashville Needleworks has several clubs in 2016--Two White Bunnies by Patti Mann will arrive in three installments.

Nashville Needleworks also has an exclusive Brenda Stofft series for February, 2017 called "Easter Babies" with six eggs featuring baby animals in the centers.  The guides are likely by Connie Glenn Camp.

Enriched Stitch is continuing their egg obsession with their new Exceptional Eggs club using Amanda Lawford's six little egg canvases.  There are six floral eggs and you'll get two each month starting in October 2016.

Fireside will start their Cone Bunnies Club in August 2016.  There are six small dimensional rabbits, all decked out in spring pastels from Little Shoppe Canvas Company.

BeStitched's newest club is the Patriotic Needlepoint Club, featuring canvases by Rebecca Wood and stitch guides by BeStitched's own Lisa Kessler.  The club starts in July 2016.

Louise's Needlework's offering the Pepperberry Designs Easter Club for 2016.  There is an optional four-piece Easter basket that uses a Laurie Walden stitch guide.

The Needlepointer is offering The Patriotic Popourri Club in 2016.  These 4th of July designs are from JP Needlepoint, Kathy Schenkel and Painted Pony.  I don't know exactly when the club will ship or who has done the stitch guides.  Sorry.

The Stitching Studio in Richmond, Virginia is starting a new club featuring Danji's character tulips in Spring 2016.  Stitch guides are by Kathy Balthrop, Jennifer Joss and Janice Gelpel.

Louise's Needlework will offer Pepperberry's Easter Club in 2016.

Nashville Needleworks will have "Easter Parade" as one of their 2016 clubs.  Canvases by Rebecca Wood and guides by Connie Glenn Camp.

Chandail has added a 2016 Bunny Egg to their exclusive 2015 Bunny Egg kit. Both designs are from Kirk and Bradley and are shop exclusives.

Although I'm not sure this can be described as a Hanukkah design, Chandail just announced The Jewish Family club for 2016.  Details to be available later but you can see the people and the little building here.  The club has parents, grandparents and three kids (one is in the house window) plus their house.

Quail Run will have the Patriotic Stars club in 2015.  Designer and stitch guide writer are unknown but there are six stars all together.

BeStitched will use the four new Debbie Mumm/Melissa Shirley Easter canvases featuring chicks or bunnies driving an egg, carrot, basket or jelly bean for their Easter Club this year.  This club starts in February 2015.  The first finished "car" is posted on Facebook (second link).

Enriched Stitch is working four Melissa Shirley bunnies as a club for 2014.  Here is the first finished, plus photos of the other three.

Here is the last bunny plus if Melissa will paint more, Suzy will stitch more.  Who's in?

It worked!  Melissa Shirley created Autumn and Winter Bunnies and they will be an Enriched Stitch club in 2015.

Nimble Needle in Atlanta has the exclusive rights to Raymond Crawford's Festival of Lights candle set for this year.

Ridgewood also will have the Hanukkah House exclusive to the shop in 2015.  This isn't exactly a club but I thought I'd mention it here.

Ridgewood is going to participate in the Needle Deeve Hanukkah Club starting in January 2015.  Signup deadline is November 22.

Beth's has a Holiday Goodie Basket club (unknown designer) with five holiday-themed baskets to fill with treats.

Beth's Needlepoint Nook is starting a bunny club (designer and stitch guide writer unknown) in Spring 2015.

Beth's also has a Celebrate the Fourth club featuring four Painted Pony small pieces for our nation's birthday.  This club starts August 2014.

And Beth's has an Easter Egg Club (Susan Roberts) with nine darling small eggs for your holiday.

Enriched Stitch just announced their newest club--the Americana Club, with canvases exclusive to the shop by Ewe and Eye/Maggie.  This club will start in October 2014 and has six canvases exclusive to the shop.  You have to choose three of the six available designs to participate in the club.  The designs range from casual to folk art, all in the red-white and blue stars and stripes color scheme that says Fourth of July.

Needlepoints Ltd. has the Kathy Schenkel Garland club.  Choose from eight different garland ornament designs:  Halloween, Thanksgiving, Nativity, Jolly Christmas, Jolly Christmas Stripes, Tiny Inspirations, Tiny Christmas Inspirations or Hannukkah garlands.

Nimble Fingers has the Melisa Shirley Patriotic Stars ornament club.

The Needlepointer has Melissa Shirley's Stars (and Stripes) on a Stick as one of their newest clubs.

Melissa Prince's Mon Petite Lapin series of rabbit designs will be the Creative Stitches and Gifts' monthly club in 2014.  You have to get all six designs.  The stitch guides are by Patricia Sone.  The shop has posted photos on their Facebook page.   Use the arrow on the right to see all six.  The second link shows some stitched in closeup.

Enriched Stitch is working four Melissa Shirley bunnies as a club for 2014.  Here is the first finished, plus photos of the other three.

Here is the last bunny plus if Melissa will paint more, Suzy will stitch more.  Who's in?

It worked!  Melissa Shirley created Autumn and Winter Bunnies and they will be an Enriched Stitch club in 2015.

Atlanta Needlepoint plans to start their Rally Round the Flag Club in October 2013.  I believe this is a set from Rebecca Wood.  You can see a photo of the set on Facebook (second and third link).

Bedecked and Beadazzled is participating in Kelly Clark's Firecrackers.  The stitch guides are by Palma Seljan, by the way.  That guarantees fun!

Nashville Needleworks is doing Melissa Shirley Easter Eggs as a club.

Edible Themes  (See Christmas and Halloween for Candy Canes, Peppermint Sticks, Cupcakes, Pears and Lollipops)

The Needle Works in Austin will offer the Cookie Club (designs by Initial K Studios) in 2025, with guides by Darragh Heidkamp.  There appear to be five round cookie ornaments with Christmas themes for your stitching pleasure.

Contact the shop for details or to sign up.

Homestead Needle Arts will offer their Vegetable Club starting November 2024.  There are four 6 inch square designs, each with an open stitch background.  No information on the designer or stitch guide writer but these canvases are exclusive to the shop.

The Needlepointer will offer A. Bradley's "Popcicles of the Month Club" with guides by Cynthia Thomas starting May 2024.

Bedecked and Bedazzled has started the Kelly Clark Nutcrackers and Trees club with their holiday kitchen theme.  Designs and guides all by Kelly Clark.

BeStitched will offer The Champagne Stitches Club starting August 2023.  There are seven champagne bottles, designed by C'ate la vie, with guides from Lisa Kessler.

The Needlepointer will start their Slice of Life Club starting July 2023. There are four canvases and an optional tote bag for finishing.  Designer and stitch guide writer uncredited.

What's the Point? Needlepoint will offer these four Fruit Canvas designs from Blueberry Point as a club in 2023.  Stitch guide writer unknown.

The Needle Works will offer Raymond Crawford's "Cocktails, Anyone?" Club starting in January 2023. There are four coaster sized canvases with a bonus "Cheers Tray" canvas that is also drinks-themed that's a Raymond exlusive for the shop.  Guides by Eleonore Mungiguerra.

The Wool and the Floss will offer the Strawberries Club from Abigail Cecile) in 2022.  There are seven strawberries.  I don't know who did the guides.

Stitch-Stash will offer Christmas Coffee Cups (designer is Rachel Donley I think) starting January 2022.  There are twelve cups and Patti Hoffman is writing the guides.

Bedecked and Beadazzled will offer the Sweet Treats club starting Feb. 2022.  The canvases are by Sandra Vargas and the guides by Megan Stahl.   An optional threads and other supplies kit is available for an extra charge.

The Needlepointer will offer the Melissa Shirley/JL Canvas Box of Chocolates club starting February 2022.  There are twenty-eight small truffle canvases plus a heart box and a smaller square box.

Family Arts will offer the Melissa Shirley Candy Corn series (guides by Paulette) in 2021.

Bedecked and Beadazzled will offer the Sandra Vargas Sweet Treats club in 2020. There are a dozen decorated cupcakes to dazzle your eyes with their lack of calories.

2 Needle Chicks will offer the Berries and Citrus Fruits Club (designs and guides by Jennifer Riefenberg) starting early summer 2020.

BeStitched will offer Patti Mann's Food Trucks Club again in 2020 starting in June.  There are nine small canvases in all and there are several options.  See the website.

Stitch Middleburg will offer Bad Bitch Needlepoint's NY State of Mind canvases as a club in 2020.

Pocket Full of Stitches will offer a Cup of Cheer club starting in October 2019.  Designer and stitch guide writer for these twelve teacups are unknown.

Bedecked and Beadazzled will offer a second Kelly Clark candy club starting in July 2019 with Kelly's "Simply Scrumptious!" club.  There are 9 Christmas-themed candy pieces.

The French Knot will offer Melissa Shirley's Elegant Candy Canes starting in July 2019.  There are eight of them with guides by Paula Feelison.

Barbara'a Needlepoint is going to offer a Strawberry Of The Month Club in 2018.  The strawberries are from Ann Hanson. Contact the shop via their Facebook page for details.

The Needlepointer will start their Stitch a Set of Kitchen Tools club in January 2018 with five utensils from Pippin.
Absolutely Needlepoint in Miami has a beaded fruit club in 2016.  I don't see anything on their website so contact the shop directly for details (second link below).

Ridgewood Needlepoint will have a new exclusive "Kitchen Utensil" club featuring a canvas of a metal and a rubber spatula, a rolling pin, a whisk and a roasting fork.  Buy four and the fifth canvas is free.  The canvases are $50 each with a complementary stitch guide.  Thread kits are also available for $100 which provides all the threads needed for all five canvases.  Finishing for each design is $60 but the fifth's finishing is also free.  This club starts in October 2015.

Needlepoint This in Dallas offers Raymond Crawford's "Cookie of the Month Club" as a shop exclusive. Available on either 13 or 18 count canvas.

BeStitched is offering six gingerbread people and a matching gingerbread house in their latest club for 2015--Danji's "Gingerbread Series."  The guides are by Jill Rigoli of Danji and the club will last for seven months.

What's the Point? Needlepoint is going to have the Danji Sweet Candy Canes as a club starting in 2015.

Nimble Fingers in Texas has the Kathy Schenkel Noel banner series for 2014.  It is similar to their Kathy Schenkel Gingerbread Friends banner.  I think they'd look very pretty together.

Peacock Alley is offering the Melissa Shirley Sweet Heart Cupcake club again this year, starting Feb. 8.

The Needlepoint has a fun new club called Chili Ristra.  Stitch a string of hot chili peppers from Pippin Designs, learn new stitches and have something unique for your kitchen.  This is an exclusive to the shop right now.

Nimble Fingers is doing Melissa Shirley's Vintage Pears with Beverly Churchfield's lovely guide as a progressive study club.

Fancy Stitches has Little Shoppe's 3-D Candy Kisses for 2013.  I put these in the Valentine area as well.

The Needlepointer has a club of Ribbon Candy (unknown designer) that allows you to buy the full kit or use your own threads.

Gone Stitching has the Fruit of the Month club.  There are six different small squares (6x6 inches) of various fruits, each with the same border.   The background appears to be the same color but done in different fancy stitches.  You can see four of the six on the shop's Facebook page (second link).  Use the arrows to see them all.

Chandail has several fruit, vegetable and pastry clubs.  Beaded vegetables--

And also beaded fruits--

Fireside has the Dimensional Fruits Club (from Sew Much Fun?) featuring six dimensional fruits that are similar to their previous Dimensional Pears club (second link).

Fireside also caters to your sweet tooth with their Valentine Lollipops Club from Melissa Shirley Designs.

Bedecked and Beadazzled will offer Melissa Shirley's Sweet Heart Cupcake Club starting in April.  The stitch guide for the series is by Laurie Walden.  These are the sweetest cupcakes you'll ever see without any calories.  Guaranteed!

Pastries in the Just Desserts club (Raymond Crawford)--

Chaparral has announced two clubs for 2013--Candy Hearts and a fun dressed up pig in red heart glasses.  The hearts have little sayings on them like the Valentine candy hearts do.  Sorry, I don't know the designer for either series or who is doing the stitch guide.

Quail Run has just announced its Melissa Shirley Sweet Heart Cupcake Club (stitch guides by Laurie Walden).  Contact the shop for details.

Nimble Needle in Atlanta has the Kelly Clark candies club for stitchers.  Their earlier clubs are still available as well, so click on the link and explore the Associated Talents clubs they have done in the past (Spooky Squares, Valentine Hearts and Thanksgiving Small Acorns and Indian Corn)

Halloween Themes (See Day of the Dead Themes)

Barbara's Needlepoint will offer Cindy and Beth's Halloween Club in 2024.  Guide by Katherine Becker using the Stitches to Go book.  There are 9 pieces in the set (6 tall figures and 3 short ones) and the club is limited to 25 participants.

Bedecked and Beadazzled will offer a Retro Halloween Club starting October 2024.  The designer is  Sandra Vargas and guides by Ruth Schmuff herself.

Flying Needles offered Maggie Sweet's (Gingham Stitchery) Spooky Sweet Club in 2024.  There are five Halloween ornaments of ghosts doing various things.

Needle Works in Austin will offer Amy Bunger's Home Study for Kelly Clark's Halloweenies starting October 2024.  There are eight monsters in this classic revival of Amy's club.

The Needlepoint's "Spooktacular Ornament" club will start October 2024.  There are twelve three inch round ornaments from Canvasworks, stitch guide writer unknown.

What's the Point? Needlepoint is collaborating with Gingham Stitchery to offer the Halloween Drinks Club. No idea who did the guides or when the club starts but there appear to be four 4 inch round ornaments.

The Nimble Needle of Atlanta will offer their three Pumpkin Palooza pumpkins club starting May 2024.  Each pumpkin has six panels so you get two panels each month.  It's a nine month club.  Designer and stitch guide writer unknown.  Contact the shop for details.

Needle Orts will start their 13 Days of Halloween club in September 2024.  I think the designer is Meredith Collection but the stitch guide writer is unknown.  Contact the shop for details.

BeStitches will also offer The Meredith Collection's "Thirteen Days of Halloween" ornaments club in 2023.  You can sign up for just the canvases and guides by Lisa Kessler or you can order threads, too.

BeStitches' "Halloween Cookies Club" starts February 2024.  The eight (?) cookie canvases are from Laura Love.  Guide writer unknown but likely Lisa Kessler.

Stitchin Time will offer Brenda Stofft's "Witch Hat Club" starting May 2024.  Guides by the Stitching Time staff for the six hat canvases leading up to Halloween.

The Needlepoint will offer the Sugar Skulls Club starting Feb. 2024.  A six month club with six skulls designed by an unnamed local Mexican artist.  Stitch guide writer unknown.

BeStitched will offer the 13 Days of Halloween Club starting February 2024.  There are 13 ornaments from the Meredith Collection; guides by Lisa Kessler.  You can get an optional thread kit if you like or just get the canvases and guides.

M's Canvashouse will also offer the 13 Days of Halloween Club starting September 2024.  This is the shop owned by the designer, the Meredith Collection and they will do the guides.

3 Kittens will offer the Trick or Treaters Club from Love You More in 2023.  Guides by Gwendolyn Lander for the five spooky characters.

BeStitched will offer Laura Love Designs' "Halloween Cookies Club" starting February 2024.  There are 8 small 4x5 ornament designs on 18 count and you can buy the canvases and guides alone or add a thread kit.  The guides are by Lisa Kessler.

Barbara's Needlepoint will also offer the 13 Witchy Ornaments Club (Cindy is the designer, Sandy the stitch guide writer) starting November 2023.  

Barbara's Needlepoint will have the Halloween Witch Stand Up Club (design by Cindy and Beth and guides by Carolyn Hedge Baird). There are four witches to be finished as domed standup.  Club starts fall 2023?

BeStitched will offer the Pretty in (Witchy) Pink Club starting October 2023.  There are four ornaments over four months.  Guides by Lauren Kessler of BeStitched and canvases from Spellbound Stitchery.

Emily's Stitchery starts the Halloween Owl Club in October 2023.  There are nine? owl ornaments, all dressed for Halloween.  Designer and stitch guide writer unknown.

The Needlepointer is offering the 13 Days of Halloween Club starting October 2023.  There is a spooky house and a dozen ghastly items in the 13 month club.  Designer and stitch guide writer unknown.

Enriched Stitch will start the Spooky Bunting Club starting September/October 2023.  There are six triangle canvases that spell out "spooky."  The canvases and guides are from Laura Love Designs.

The monthly clubs from Two's Company in South Carolina are now available (wholesale only so your favorite shop will have to order for you) from JJ Needlepoint Designs since Jane has retired and sold the shop.  Available under "Standups" are her classic Cat and Dog of the Month series, the Nutcracker and Halloween series, the Thanksgiving series and the Funky Reindeer series.

The Needlepointer's "Sparkleween Club" starts June 2023.  If pumpkins and candy corn are your favorites, you'll love this 9 piece club.  Designer and stitch guide writer not credited.

The Wool and the Floss will offer the Spooky Spirits Club in mid-May 2023.  These five ornaments are from Stitch Stash.  Jinny of Stitch Stash also did the guides.  The second link below is a video that introduces Jinny and talks about her collaboration with The Wool and The Floss.

BeStitched is offering Rebecca Wood's brand new "Spooky Halloween Club" starting January 2023.  There are seven ornaments with guides by Lisa Kessler of BeStitched.

Park Avenue Needlepoint will have three Kangaroo Paw Halloween pieces for their summer 2022 club.

The Needle Works in Austin, TX will offer the Witches Hat Club starting Fall 2022.  Three witch hats from KCN Designers with guides by Cindy McKown.

Family Needle Arts will offer the Spooky Banner series starting October 2022. Contact the shop for details.

The Nimble Needle in Atlanta will offer the Spooky Storefronts Club starting February 2022.  Eight ornaments from unknown designer with unknown stitch guide writer.

Old Town Needlework will offer the Haunted House Club starting November 2021.    The six canvases are exclusive deigns by CH Designs/Danji and the guides are by Nancy Yeldell.

BeStitiched will offer Melissa Shirley's Halloween Hearts Club again starting 2022.  There are seven hearts, with an optional thread kit.  Stitch guide by BeStitched's Lisa Kessler.

Needle Works in Austin will offer the six Whimsical Witches Club starting September 2021.  Stitch guides by Donna Gunter and canvases from Danji.

Family Arts will offer the Melissa Shirley Candy Corn series (guides by Paulette) in 2021.

Needlepoint This will offer the 3-D Green and White Pumpkins starting August 2021.  Designs from Whimsy and Grace with the guides by Bonnie Varney.

The Needlepointer will offer Canvasworks' "Spooky Halloween Ornaments" club starting June 2021.  There are a dozen small round ornaments, each with a spooky theme.

The Needlepointer will offer the Pippin Pumpkin Patch club starting May 2021.  Four pumpkins canvases sized for self finishing coasters are in the club.  You can buy the threads kit, finishing kit and the coasters separately if you desire.  

Needle Works will start their Pumpkin Club in January 2021.  Designs by Danji, guides by Eleonore Mungiguerra.  The four pumpkins will ship monthly January - April 2021.

Chaparrel will offer Kate Dickerson's Funky Pumpkins in 2021, using Carolyn Hedge Baird's stitch guide.

Stitch Boutique in Winchester, Massachusetts will also offer Kate Dickerson's Funky Pumpkins starting May/June 2021.  They will use guides by Elaine Aidonidis.

Enriched Stitch has a Kelly Clark mini Acorn Club this Fall 2020. There are three acorns, all with Suzie Valerie guides.

Amy Bunger's shop now offers the Carter Clubs, the various months clubs that Lori Carter has written guides for.  The themes are Christmas, Halloween, Birds or just Seasonal, but all offer Lori's unique talents.

M's Canvas House will offer six McPumpkins starting in October 2020.  The guides are by Meredith Willet herself so you know they'll be fun!

Stitch by Stitch in Larchmont will offer Kangaroo Paw's Halloween Rounds.  There are six rounds of these, plus the shop exclusive bat as they are intended to be a garland and the club should start in October 2020.  All the beads and sequins are included as well as stretcher bars.

Louise's Needlework will offer Pepperberry's Boo Candleholders Club in 2020.  No details yet except that there are three canvases, one for each letter in BOO.

Park Avenue Needlepoint will offer Three Plaid Pumpkins Club starting in January 2020.  Designer  is Patty Bee, stitch guide writer is Karen Kugel.

Nashville Needleworks will offer Shop Til You Drop Dead from Rebecca Wood as their club starting October 2019.  There are four spooky shops in this series.

Fireside Stitchery is adding two new kittens to their Halloween Cat and Kittens club from 2017.  The designs are from Associated Talents but I don't know who wrote the stitch guides.  The new kittens are the Haunted House and Patchwork Pumpkins kittens at the bottom.

The Needlepointer is going to expand their Halloween squares from Pippin into another club with three bats, three hats, three boots and three spiders on 12 three inch squares.

Amy's Golden Strand will offer the Hammerschmidt Halloween Club by CBK starting around August 2019.  Guides by Lori Carter.

Ridgewood Needlepoint will off Melissa Shirley's four Halloween Pumpkin Houses Club in 2019.  Call the shop for details but I do know Gretchen did the guides for these.

Family Arts will offer Labor Of Love's Halloween characters in 2019.

The Needlepointer will offer Pippin's Charlotte's Cronies spider ornament club starting November 2018.

Bedecked and Beadazzled will offer a Monster Mayhem Club (designs by Sandra Vargas and guides from Gail Washington) in June, 2018.  Four monsters, countless fun.

Pocket Full of Stitches will start their Tales from the Crypt Club in April 2018.   Nine little coffins, each with a Halloween theme inside.  Designer and stitch guide writer unknown.

Old Town Needlework will offer The Candy Corn Halloween Club in 2018, featuring Associated Talents' candy corn ornaments and guides from Associated Talents, Nancy Yeldell, and Janice Doxey.  Call the shop for details.

Good Harbor Needlepoint will offer the hilarious GHOUL Harbor Club, a set of six Halloween round ornaments, starting December 2017.  Designer and stitch guide writer unknown.

Fireside will offer the Halloween Birds Club starting in December 2017, featuring three clip on bird canvases from Labors of Love.

The Needlepointer will start Kathy Schenkel's spooky "Boo Banner"  in November 2017.

Fancy Stitches will offer the "Stitch a Spooky Stars Club"with five star shaped ornaments from Eye Candy and guides by Cynthia Pigg, starting January 2018.

BeStitched will offer Melissa Shirley's Halloween Houses Club starting October 25, 2017.  There are five houses in total, all brand new designs.

Family Arts is starting their Hallowed Home Study (stitch guide by Julie, canvas from Melissa Shirley) the end of October 2017.

Enriched Stitch will start their Halloween Feet Club in September 2017.  Canvases from The Meredith Collection. These will be fast as all three designs are 5 inch rounds on 13 count.

The Needle Works will offer Brenda Stofft's four Halloween Topiaries as a club starting in January 2017.  The Halloween Topiary canvases are exclusive to this shop for now.

Pocket Full of Stitches has listed all their current (2016) Halloween-themed clubs on their blog.  Click on a photo for a better look.  Thanks!

Pippin's Halloween Sampler will be the next club at The Needlepointer, starting in January 2017.  The stitch guides for each section are from Laura Taylor, David McCaskill, Cynthia Thomas, Jill Rigoli, Julia Snyder and June McKnight.

Stitch By Stitch will offer Melissa Shirley's Halloween Ornament Club in January 2017.

Nimblefingers in Houston, Tx will offer a "Halloween Signs" club starting in September, 2016.  There are a dozen little signs.  Use the side arrow to see the others. will offer Kirk and Bradley's Hexes and Hats Witch Club starting in September 2016.  There are six "snow cone" style ornaments for your Halloween fun.  Virginia Barney is your stitch guide writer.

Nashville Needleworks has several clubs in 2016 including Along Came a Spider.  There are no details on this one on their website yet.

Park Avenue Needlepoint's 2016 club is Hats Bats and Sacks.  There are six designs (designer and guide writer unknown) featuring two bats, two sacks and two witch hats.

Louise's Needlework's newest club for 2016 includes the Pumpkin Patch Club.  The trio of pumpkins are from Labors of Love, stitched using the Got Stitches? book from Gone Stitching.

Needlework Unlimited is doing a shop exclusive club from Needle Deeva of nine Halloween characters starting in April 2016.  The guides are by Needle Deeva also.

French Knot's Halloween Hearts with Skull Vase series from Needle Deeva will start in March 2016.  Karen Williams and Chris Fershtand did the stitch guides.

Connie Glenn Camp (of Nashville Needleworks) just posted a photograph of her finished "Haunted Hooter" on Facebook.  This terrific Halloween owl was created by dede Odgen and is a Nashville Needleworks club.  Contact the shop (second link below) for details.

Nashville Needleworks also has Melissa Shirley's "Wicked" as a club.  Guide by Connie Camp.

The Needlepointer's newest club is from Pippin--"Hats and Bats and Boots."  These 9 little ornaments (three of each) will start arriving in your mailbox in March 2016.  The thread pack is optional.

The French Knot will offer Needle Deeva's Halloween Birds series as their 2016 club starting in March 2016.

Needlepoint Clubhouse has Come Meet the Jacks club, six horrible pumpkins for Halloween with stitch guides by Connie Camp.  Designer unknown but these are exclusive to the shop.

Nimble Needle Atlanta's new club (starting January 2016) is "Halloween Windows" from Rebecca Wood Designs.  Six canvases delivered bi-monthly and it looks like they are finished with special frames.

Fireside Stitchery's new club for the fall of 2015 is "Spinning Pumpkins" from Little Shoppe Canvas Co.  These are twelve small decorated pumpkin canvas, shipped in four shipments of one canvas with three pumpkins on it.  They can be finished several ways.

Family Arts Needlework also just announced The Jack Stack Mystery Project which will start in September 2015.  I don't know the designer or stitch guide writer.

A Stitch in Time will have the House on Haunted Hill canvas (from Elizabeth Turner( as their 2015 club starting in September 2015.  Stitch guide from Alison Hodgkiss.

Fireside Stitchery will offer a second set of Sew Much Fun's Halloween Danglies in 2015.  There are six characters:  Bride of Frankenstein, bat, two different owls, male and female skeletons. The original Halloween Danglies set are still available (second link).

Needle Works in Austin will offer Labors of Love's brand new Halloween Ball characters as a club in July, 2015.  Guides by Corliss and Colleen.

Golden Thread Needlearts will offer the Melissa Shirley Candy Corn Club.  Call the number in the ad for more information.

Fireside has the four Danji Witch Owls as a club for 2015.  Two are already stitched and can be seen here.

Carolyn Hedge Baird is going to stitch JP Needlepoint's Stack of Jacks Halloween pumpkins as a series for Chaparral starting in February 2015.  You can see a photograph on Facebook.  This design will be divided into four parts, with a new stitch guide each month, but the threads and canvas delivered up front.

3 Kittens is going to do a Punkins Club for 2015 using any one of eight fancy pumpkins from Leigh Designs.  Pick your favorite and learn lots of fun ways to stitch it. is partnering with Kirk and Bradley to create the Jack O' Lantern series of ornament kits.  There is a price discount if you get all six.

BeStitched has announced a new club starting in August 2014 featuring Rebecca Wood's Halloween ornaments and a tree skirt.  There are ten small ornaments plus the pumpkin covered tree skirt.–-1st-month/dp/23842

The Needlepointer has announced their newest Kathy Schenkel club--Ghosts, Goblins and Ghouls! This six piece Halloween treat bag club comes with finishing instructions and all the finishing supplies needed to do your own finishing.

BeStitched is going to have a Halloween club from Rebecca Wood starting in August 2014.  There will be ten small round ornaments and a tree skirt.  Nine of the ten ornaments are shown on their blog.  The second link shows the tree skirt and all ten ornaments although the photos of the ornaments aren't very clear.

Park Avenue Needlepoint has announced a new Halloween club.  The three little socks are from Associated Talents but I am not sure about the three witch hats.

Louise's Needlepoint offers the Ruth Chow Dimensional Pumpkin as one of their clubs.

Ruth Schmuff has been working Tapestry Fair's dimensional bat "The Count" as a shop club. I  Ruth is stitching the wings.

Here are the club details in case you want to join.

Enriched Stitch is going to offer Needle Deeva's Witchy Choo Shoes as a club this year starting in July.  The stitch guides are by the talented Cynthia Thomas.

Pocket Full of Stitches's newest club will start in July 2014.  It's called If the Hat Fits and features little witch hats created by Needle Deeva.  I don't know who has stitched these and done the guide but they are very cute.

Needlepoints Ltd. has the Kathy Schenkel Garland club.  Choose from eight different garland ornament designs:  Halloween, Thanksgiving, Nativity, Jolly Christmas, Jolly Christmas Stripes, Tiny Inspirations, Tiny Christmas Inspirations or Hannukkah garlands.

Nimble Fingers in Texas has both the Kirk and Hamilton poison bottles and the Kelly Clark Halloweenies club.  I think they are using Amy Bunger's guides for both but I am not certain.

Nashville Needleworks is doing You Don't Know Jack from as their 2014 club.  The stitch guide (you get a section for two pumpkins a month) is by Connie Glenn Camp and the canvas by Mary Tussey.  The canvas itself shows grinning pumpkins, each different and an evil black cat.  The second link shows the next to last pumpkin in the series.  Connie hints that Mary will design a companion piece called "Something to Crow About" for Nashville Needlework's 2015 club.

Fireside has the Halloween Presents Club, a fun new variant on their Christmas Presents Club described above. I think the dozen little squares, suitable for making into three four-sided boxes, are from Associated Talents.

Bedecked and Beadazzled has announced their newest club which will start in April 2014--the Tapestry Fair dimensional bat.  This large canvas has stitched wings and a soft bat center, although you can stitch the body itself if you wish.  Choose the correct link depending on whether you want to stitch the body or just the wings for more information.

Fireside Stitchery has announced their newest club--the Associated Talents Halloween Mask club, to start in April 2014.

Nimble Needle in Atlanta is teaming with Robin King to do a six month club featuring Melissa Shirley's Halloween Village.  This club stared in April 2014.  The fifth kit will be going out in January 2015.

Nimble Fingers is doing the funny Melissa Shirley Sourpuss Pumpkins as a club this year.

They also offer Melissa Shirley's Haunted Pumpkin ornaments.

Canvasback is doing the Creepy Characters Club from Needle Deeva, with stitch guides from Robin King.

3 Kittens is doing the same Creepy Characters Club.

So is Old Town Needlework.

Fancy Stitches has several 2013 and 2014 Halloween-themed clubs: the Kathy Schenkel Mini Halloween Trick or Treat Bags, and Eye Candy's Crazy Patch Boo-Nanza pumpkins and candy corn.

By the way, you can now buy the Crazy Patch Boo-Nanza pieces separately.

Nashville Needleworks is doing Susan Roberts/Tapestry Tent's Halloween March.

Chandail's newest clubs for 2014 are Witches Socks from A Collection of Designs.  Stitch guides are by Cindy Howland and Kathy Kuleza.

Chandail also will have the five stitching witches from Melissa Shirley.  Three are pictured here.

Chandail's got the Brenda Stofft's Witch Hats.  You can see two of them stitched here.

They also have Brenda's Day of the Dead cat faces, the Halloween village, and Halloween candy canes and also Halloween lollipops.

Fireside Stitchery's newest club are the Halloween Danglies from Sew Much Fun.  These are meant to sit up and scare you for Halloween.  (See Christmas for Fireside's Christmas Danglies club.)

Fireside is still offering their classic Patterned Candy Corn Club (Associated Talents?) which has six delightfully patterned candy corn shapes.

Pocket Full of Stitches will offer Needle Deeva's Beloved and Bewitched Club in 2014.  The designs are small Halloween themed hearts set on lollipop sticks.  You can see them here.

Want to join the Monster Mash Club (Labors of Love)? The Knotted Needle can fix you right up.

Needle Orts has two clubs, The Spooky 13 Ornament Club and the Twelve Days of a Beachy Christmas club.  The Beachy Christmas ornaments I believe are from Elizabeth Turner Designs but I am not sure about the Spooky ornaments.

Family Arts Needlework has announced a new Halloween-themed club from Rebecca Wood on their Facebook page (search on the name exactly as I typed it).  Classes for the eight windows, each featuring a different monster, start in January.  The club is so new it's not on their website yet.

Needlepoints Ltd. is offering the Cute and Spooky Series of twelve designs starting in January 2013.  I think these are Rebecca Wood designs.

Fireside has announced a Brenda Stofft Halloween Day of the Dead cat series with stitch guides by Palma Seljan.

The French Knot has ]the Collection of Designs Halloween Tree in their current clubs.

Fireside's newest club is a multi-part design called Graveside Witch from Patti Mann.  Here are the details.  The second link is the second witch called Spiderweb Witch in the series.

Fireside will also offer a Sew Much Fun club called Halloween Dangles.  These designs sit on a shelf with their legs dangling over the edge. Mummy is the first one in this series.

Fireside is doing a mini sock club called Mini Witch Socks.  Featuring small stockings from Associated Talents, this is a colorful and quick way to celebrate Halloween.

You can also pick up the Halloween characters from Debbie Mumm/Melissa Shirley's Trick or Treat Club from Fireside.

A Stitch in Time has the Kelly Clark Six Wonderful Witches club, stitch guides by Allison Hodgkiss.

A Stitch in Time also offers the Kelly Clark Mini Nativity Set, similar to the large Nativity done by Amy Bunger but on a smaller scale and with stitch guides from Alison Hodgkiss.

Chandail has the Halloween witch hats from Brenda Stoft

Chandail has the Kirk and Hamilton Poison Bottle set, including several exclusive designs.

Chandial has the Halloween Lollipops and Crackers clubs.

They also have Halloween Candy Canes and the Halloween Village set.

Chandail also has two new sets of mini socks from A Collection of Designs.  One series is called Witches' Stockings and the other is called Elves' Stockings.  You can see some of the designs here.

They plan to offer Melissa Shirley's single Stitching Witches canvases as a club starting in October 2013.

Needlepoints Ltd. has the Cute and Spooky Halloween House and characters as a club.  I believe this is a Melissa Shirley set.

Pocket Full of Stitches has announced their newest monthly club--Just Jacks by Kirk and Hamilton.  These little jack o'lanterns are silly and scary and just plain fun, plus they are exclusive to the shop for now.  PFOS is going to introduce their club with a visit from Jeremy Hamilton himself on April 25th.  A good time is guaranteed by all!

Beth's Needlepoint Nook has announced new clubs, both Halloween themed.  One is a dimensional Ruth Chow pumpkin called Pretty Lil Pumpkin while the other is small Halloween petite four ornaments club called Stitch Me a Treat (unknown designer).

Nimble Needle is going to do a dimensional pumpkin face club this year, using the Labors of Love pumpkin canvases.  You can see photos in their Feb. 2013 newsletter.  There are three sizes of pumpkin and the guides were written by Stacy Brown and illustrated by Robin King.

Nimble Needle in Atlanta has the  Associated Talents Spooky Squares club and they are also have the new pumpkins from Labors of Love.

Eye Candy and Ruth Schmuff Designs have a new club starting in April 2013 featuring the fanciest Halloween pumpkins and candy corn you will ever see.  It's called Crazy Patch Boo-nanza and there are six candy corns and three pumpkins.  Shops will be ordering the series to feature so stay tuned to find out if your local will be participating.

Miscellaneous Themes

BeStitched will offer the Betty Bubbles Club starting the end of March 2025.  There are six Betty ornaments with guides from BeStitched.  The designs are from Gingham Stitchery.

The Needlepointer plans to start their bi-monthly Kokeshi Club in July 2025.  There are six Japanese doll-inspired canvases from the designer Amber Yan.  Stitch guide writer unknown.

Barbara's Needlepoint will offer Ann Hanson's Floral Hearts club starting April 2025.  There are six designs, available on either 13 or 18 count, which ship every other month.  You may buy the canvases only or purchase the threads kit as well.  Guides from Barbara's Needlepoint staff.

Stitch-Stash is doing their monthly Pink series again this year.  Each month the shop will offer an exclusive design from various designers on the theme "pink" with a portion of each sale going to various breast cancer support agencies.  You can see recent Pink designs (sometimes with thread kits) here.

Needlepoint Junction will ofer the In Bloom Floral Club starting April 2025.  The six 13 count designs are from Elizabeth Crane Swartz but stitch guide writer is unknown. will offer Two Sister's Snowman Star of the Month Club in 2025.  No word on the stitch guide writer.  Each month a new snowman star will be revealed.

"Champagne Stitches" is the latest club from BeStitched for 2025. There are seven champagne bottle canvases from C'ate La Live, guides from Lisa Kessler.  The thread kit is optional.

The Stitching Fox is doing Pippin's Winter Trees Club.  These five trees are various sizes and all are on 13 count.  Guides by Vicky Goodrum.

If you are an ANG member, you can participate in their 2025 JudyAnn Hearts Stitchalong.  You can buy one of JudyAnn's hearts every two months (see link below) and then use the guide from Needle Pointers magazine.

The Needlepoint's "Neon Horizon" will start March 2025.  This Neo-Tokyo design will be stitched over six months.  Designer and stitch guide writer unknown.

Stitching Fox will offer the Oak Leaves Club from Danji starting Fall 2024.  There are 12 autumn and Thanksgiving-themed leaves, with guides from Vicky Goodrum.

The Needlepointer will offer A. Bradley's Crude Canvases in their It's Giving....Reality Club starting  Fall 2024.  There are three canvases.  Stitch guide writer unknown.

Fireside Stitchery will offer Alice Peterson's Seasonal Door Club starting Fall 2024.  There are four canvases that come with a complimentary seasonal needle minder.   The first canvas comes with stretcher bars and tacks that you can reuse on each of the following three canvases.  Guides by the Fireside staff.

The Needlepointer will offer the Feline Friends canvas starting February 2025.  The club lasts for six months.  No information about the designer or stitch guide writer.

The Needlepointer will offer the Lunar New Year Firecrackers Club starting Feb. 2025.  This is a twelve month club with a dozen firecracker designs.  Designer and stitch guide writer unknown.

Juli Poitras made a new friend and created a new pumpkin for JP Needlepoint.

The Red Thread Atelier and Love MBH Studio are collaborating on their exclusive canvas club.  There are six designs over five months, starting October 2024.  

Emily's Stitchery will offer the Stitching Girl Club starting January 2025.  Pick six of Gayla Elliott's Stitching Girls, choose your hair and skin color, and work on these together with the rest of the club.  Stitch guide writer unknown.  More ornaments are being released in September 2024 to add to the six offered.

The Needlepointer will offer Chinese Lanterns from JP Needlepoint/CBK as a club again starting January 2025.  This is a six month club with guide by Linda Wimer that they did in 2022 that they are repeating.

Flying Needles offered Stitch Style's Pride and Prejudice Club.  There are six ornaments; guides from Flying Needles.

Enriched Stitch will offer the African Safari Club starting November 2024.  There are six African animal ornaments from Melissa Prince. I assume that the guides are by Suzie Vallerie but contact the shop for details.

The Needlepointer in Sacramento will offer the Needlepoint Journey to Japan Club starting November/December 2024.  Designer and stitch guide writer unknown, but there are nine round ornament designs featuring typical Japanese motifs in the club.

Needlepoint in Paradise will offer Lauren Bloch's Twelve Days of Stitching ornaments as a club in January 2025. Each of the twelve ornaments (on 18 count canvas) show part of the stitching of a project.  I think the guides are by Lauren herself but contact the shop to be certain and to get all the details.

Needle Works in Austin will offer the Mid Century Modern Club starting July 2024.  Canvases by Karen Grant and stitch guides by Eleonore Mungiguerra, there are five Mid Century Modern buildings with an option to add the church as the sixth piece if you so desire.

The Needlepointer will offer the Pride Flag Club from last year again starting in September/October 2024.  Designer and stitch guide writer unknown.  This year the project is available on either 13 or 18 count.

"My Favorite Things" Club is the latest from The Needlepoint Clubhouse.  There are twelve ornaments, shipped starting in Mid-June through November 2024.  Designer and stitch guide writer unknown.

What's the Point? will offer ten spring-themed ornaments in 2024 from Plum Stitchery.  No details available so call the shop.

Stitch Needlepoint will offer the PEEP Club in 2024.  There are three canvases in yellow, purple and aqua; designer and stitch guide writer unknown.

Stitch Needlepoint will offer the Jockey Club in 2024.  There are four jockey jersey ornaments.  Designer and stitch guide writer unknown.

Louise's Needlework will offer the Windows and Mugs Club in 2024.  The six windows are from Saturnalia; the three mugs may be from CH Designs/Danji but I'm not sure.  No information on stitch guide writer.

Needle Works in Austin, TX will offer the Mid Century Modern Village Club (designer Karen Grant, stitch guide writer Eleanore Mungiguerra) starting June 2024.  There are five mid century modern buildings plus an optional church.  Contact the shop for details.

The Needlepoint's "Tiny Signs" Club will start in August-September, 2024.  There are seven small signs by Kathy Schenkel.  Stitch guide writer unknown.

Heirloom Designs will host the Garden Icons club in 2024, designed by The Squirrel and the Snail, with guides by Lauren of the Needlepoint Clubhouse and Gingham Stitchery.  There will be a Zoom class later to answer questions about the guides and just to have fun with this unique shop exclusive.  You can sign up for everything at once or get two ornaments a month for six months.

KC Needlepoint's 24 in 2024:  Color Club Coaster Kit started shipping Feb. 2024.  There are four coaster designs on 13 count from SCT Designs, kitted with Planet Earth's Milan silk-wool thread.  Guides by Jinny McAuliffe.  Acrylic coasters are available for an additional charge.

The Needlepointer's Summer Memories Club from 2022 will happen again starting March 2024.  There are six sections on this Pippin collage canvas showing summer activities or themes.  A variety of stitch guide writers have helped with the guides, including David McCaskill, Patricia Sone, Meredith Willett, Laura Taylor, and Jill Rigoli.

The Needlepoint's latest club is "Stitching 101:  A Beginner's Guide to Needlepoint."  This starts June 2024.  You'll receive twelve stitches, an interesting mix of fibers, and ten tools to help smooth your needlepoint learning.  There will also be a Facebook group to answer questions.

Third Coast Stitches is offering a Kristine Kingston Club in March 2024.  There are eight canvases to choose from, two each Cubs and Bears-themed sweaters, and four geometrics. You will pick four to stitch. Note the sizes as half are on 13 count and half on 18 count.   You can pick kitted canvases or those without threads if you wait to raid your stash.

Needlepoint Junction's "Safari Club" starts April 2024.  There are 7 adorable African animal ornaments from Melissa Prince.  Stitch guide writer unknown.  If you have the canvases already you can buy just the thread and guide kit.

The Flying Needle had a Pride and Prejudice Club starting Sept. 2023, featuring canvases from Jinny at Stitch Style.  There are six canvases.  Not sure if Jinny did the guides or not.

Louise's Needlepoint will team up with Saturnalia Stitchery for the Window Club in 2023.  There are a dozen seasonal windows and the first shipped will be the October window.

The Wool and the Floss's Blue/Green Chinoiserie Perpetual Calendar Club from Kirkland Studio/Gingham Stitchery will start in 2024.  Sign up by January 2024.  Stitch guide writer unknown.

Stitching Fox will offer Danji's Vixens in 2024.  There are twelve ornaments featuring foxes, guides by Vicky Goodrum.

The Needlepointer's California National Parks Club starts December 2023.  There are seven canvases for the seven months of the club.  Designer and stitch guide writer unknown.

Chaparral will start their Winter Animal Club in November 2023.  Three cute animals are from StitchRock Designs.  Guides by Stephanie Chase?

The Needlepointer will start the Zodiac Wheel Club in November 2023.  The club lasts 7 months.  Designer and stitch guide writer unknown.

The Twisted Stitches will offer the Southwest Ornaments Exclusive Club from Danji Designs starting January 2024.  Stitch guide writer for the six canvases is unknown.

Needlepoint by the Bay will offer Pippin's Fanciful Forest Tree Club starting in January 2024. There are nine trees with guides also by Pippin.

Quail Run will offer the Four Seasons Club starting Jan. 15, 2024.  Four views of windows with window boxes, available either on 18 or 13 count canvas, designer and stitch guide writer unknown.

The Needlepointer will offer the Splendid Starlight Club starting October 2023.  The six ornament stars are based on Rainbow Gallery's Splendor Designer Collection colors.  Designer and stitch guide writer unknown.  This club may be counted canvaswork.

Needlepoint Now magazine will offer The Collection Designs' "Home" plaque for 2024.  I don't know who will do the guides but the magazine says there are 14 ornament-sized painted canvases and that they'll post the guides for two of the ornaments in each issue.  You order the canvases and threads from any participating shop.

The Needle Bug will offer the Fall Favorites Club starting in September 2023.  There are five ornaments celebrating fun fall activities, designed by Stitch Style which likely did the guides, too.

Starting January 2024, Stitch Boutique will offer The Collection Designs' Fashion Fun Floral Club.  It features five women wearing floral patterned dresses.  The guides are by Elaine Aidonidis.  Call the Winchester, MA shop for details.

Enriched Stitch will offer the Seasonal Wagon club starting late September/early October, 2023.  Designer and stitch guide writer unknown but there are four seasonal little red wagons in designs on 18 count that are roughly 4 inches square.

Needlepoint Junction in Hilton Head had a Shift Club featuring the shift designs from Barbara Bergsten/Two Sisters.

Needlepoint Junction in Hilton Head started their Five Designs, One Tray Club in January 2023.  Designer unknown, but the five designs all fit into one acrylic tray and are meant to be changed out with the seasons.

BeStitched's latest club is the Llama Artistry Club, six candy cane shapes featuring llamas from CH Designs/Danji.  Guides by Lisa Kessler.

The monthly clubs from Two's Company in South Carolina are now available (wholesale only so your favorite shop will have to order for you) from JJ Needlepoint Designs since Jane has retired and sold the shop.  Available under "Standups" are her classic Cat and Dog of the Month series, the Nutcracker and Halloween series, the Thanksgiving series and the Funky Reindeer series.

Labors of Love Needlepoint Shop will offer the Sneaky Seagull Club from Laura Love Designs starting Fall 2023.  Besides the Sneaky Seagull, there are seven seasonal food canvases for the seagull to steal plus your choice of a Christmas or Hanukkah canvas to complete the set.

Downing Street Needlepoint in Denver will offer Pippin's Downing Street Forest Club in October 2023.  Eight trees (all on 13 count) of varying heights are included plus embellishments and threads.

Poppy Pointe will offer the Four Seasons 2024 Club from Blue Ridge Stitchery, guides by Whimsical Stitches.  May order starting Sept. 1 2023 with delivery in late 2023.  

Old World Designs will offer the Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer and Friends Series starting in June 2023.  Guides by Suzanne Attenborough.  The seven canvases are probably by Raymond Crawford.

The Needlepointer will start the six month Fall Train Set Club in Sepember 2023.  You will receive the wooden train and six leaf designs designed to be standups with magnets on the bottom to attach to the six cars of the train.  Designer and stitch guide writer unknown.

Stitched Up Needleworks will offer the "Gnomes Looking for Homes" club starting June 2023.  The twelve canvases are from Danji and the stitch guides by Denise Park.  Email the shop for details.

The Needlepointer will start their Mini Monograms Club is a six month club starting June 2023 (?) with a monogram design, stitch guide and thread pack plus a self-finishing item of your choice.  The self-finishing items appear to be Planet Earth key fobs, a pendant with chain, or a bottle stopper from Point2Pointe.  You will be asked to list month, initial and self-finishing item for each month.  Stitch guide designer unlisted.

The Stitching Fox has the Vixens Club from Danji, which has twelve round ornaments featuring foxes.  The designs are exclusive to the shop.  The guides are by Vicky Goodrum. The ornaments are five inch rounds on 18 count canvas, by the way.

The Needlepointer will offer the Exotic Fans Club starting June 2023.  The club lasts for 12 months with a fan per month.  Designer and stitch guide writer not credited.

BeStitched will offer a Thread and Bead Tasting Club in 2023.  There are two options:  one threads from Treenway Fibers and Straw Silk only, the other includes beads color coordinated to the threads shipping that month.

Needle Works in Austin will offer the six piece small squares in the Fun Florals Club starting March 2023.  Designs by BP Designs/Danji with guides written by Donna Gunter.

Enriched Stitch will offer Kelly Clark's "Winter Acorn Club" in March 2023.  There are seven acorns; each comes with a free guide.

Homestead Needle Arts will offer the Snowman Club from Renaissance Designs in the Fall of 2023.  There are six snowmen, with the stitch guides done by Theresa of Homestead.

The Needlepointer's Quarterly Subscription Box includes a themed project and other items.  

Stitch Stash will have a magnet of the month club starting in January 2023.  The monthly cost includes shipping.

The Needlepointer will offer a Crown of the Month Club starting in March 2023.  No information on designer of the twelve crowns or the stitch guide writer.

The Black Sheep will offer Love You More's Gnome Club.  Guides by Joyce Gresh.  There are six gnomes for various holidays and the club starts October 2022.

Stitchers Garden will offer a Happy Signs Club.  No details available yet.

Stitch Stash will offer the Magnet of the Month Club featuring Accoutrement Designs' needle minders.  The magnet you get will be a surprise.  I don't know when the club starts in 2023 but you can sign up for a 4 month, 6 month or 12 month club.

Emily's Stitchery will offer A Canvas for All Seasons starting May 2022.  There are four canvases with a spring, summer, winter and fall theme.  Designer and stitch guide writer unknown.

The Needlepointer's Summer Lovin Club will start August-September 2022.  There are six canvases with summer activites, all by Pippin.  A variety of stitch guide writers have helped with the guides, including David McCaskill, Patricia Sone, Meredith Willett, Laura Taylor, and Jill Rigoli.

Two's Company in South Carolina will offer their "Cat of the Month" series in 2022.

The Flying Needle will offer Stitch Rock's "Pink Club" canvases in 2022.  Guides by Carolyn Hedge Baird.

The Black Sheep in Orlando will offer a seasonal Gnome club in 2022. Designer and stitch guide writer unknown. Looks like there are six canvases. Contact the shop for details.

The Meredith Collectoin Doorways Club was offered by Wellesley Needlepoint and is still available. There are four doors decorated in seasonal attire.

The Needlepointer will offer Chinese Lanterns from JP Needlepoint as a club starting May 2022.  This is a six month club with guide by Linda Wimer.

Stitch by Stitch Larchmont plans to offer the four flower market cart canvases by EyeCandy as a club. Marina at the shop will do the guides for all four.  Check their website for more information. will host the Bridgerton Stitchalong starting March 27, 2022.  Canvases by Melissa Prince and guides by the staff.  They will post the stitches for the designs each Sunday on their Instagram account.  (Second link below)

The Needlepointer will offer EyeCandy's Funky Pumpkins club in 2022. Seven pumpkins with Linda Wimer's guides and an estimated start date of September 2022.

The Wool and the Floss will offer the seven piece London Series Club by Blue Ridge Stitchery in the spring of 2022.  The corgi is fabulous!  Guides by Mary Legallet.

What's the Point's newest club is Vintage Postage Stamps.  There are six designs, some Christmas-themed, and the club starts in Fall 2022.  

BeStitches will offer Rebecca Wood's "Weathervane" club which has a dozen small weathervane canvases, with guides by Lisa Kessler.  This is a stash buster club wihout threads but there is an optional bead pack.  Starts March 2022.

Emily's Stitchery will offer "A Canvas for All Seasons" starting May 1,  2022.  Four seasonal designs from Lynn Deininger with guides by Chris McCoy.  Contact the shop for details.

KC Needlepoint will offer the Spring Shamrock Club starting Feb. 2022.  There are five canvaese by Jessica Lehane, stitch guides by Lale Verhulst.

The Needlepointer will offer JP's "Lanterns" club in 2022.  Guide for this six month club are by Linda Wimer.

Enriched Stitch will offer Patricia Sone's Seasonal Topiaries Club starting.March 2022.  I think the guides for all four are by Patricia herself.

Stitch Boutique will over Patty Paints' Snowman Monthly Club starting November 2021.  There are six cute snowmen rounds.

The Needlepointer will offer the eight Mini Totes from Vallerie Needlepoint Gallery as a club starting Spring 2022.

Danji's Snowman Club (starting January 2022) is BeStitched's next club.  The guides are by Lisa Kessler and there are eight canvases.  There will be four virtual classes for these.

Winter Wildlife, eight ornaments from Pepperberry, is the newest club at The Needlepointer, starting in September 2021.  Mary Ward-Smith has done the guides for these four inch rounds.

What's the Point? will have the Spring Foliage Club from Plum Designs (guides by Linda Breman) in 2021.

The Needlepointer will offer The Cute and Cuddly Critter Train from Associated Talents starting September 2021.  Five critters with guides by Linda Wimer. will offer Plum Stitchery's "Floral Club" starting May 2021.  Three designs, guides by's staff,

Abigail Cecile will offer a Wildflower Background Club starting April 15, 2021. There will be six small floral canvases, each with Abigail Cecile's favorite background stitch. Six lovely surprise canvases and six multimedia lessons on the backgrounds are planned.  There will also be a private Facebook group.

Stitch Boutique in Massachusetts will offer a Purse Club from Giddy Paperie/The Collection Designs using guides by Elaine Aidonidis starting April 2021.

Nashville Needleworks will host the four standup snowmen heading to Oz in the Off to See the Wizard Club in 2021.  

Stitch-Stash will have four Summer Sleds as a club starting mid-March 2021. 

Kirkland Designs will have a Needle Minder of the Month club in 2021.

Enriched Stitch is also doing their Home Interchanagle Ornament club in 2021.  The large Home sign ships in the winter of 2021, then each month you'll get an ornament.  Designs by Vallerie Needlepoint Gallery and guides by Suzie Vallerie.

Enriched Stitch has a Kelly Clark mini Acorn Club this Fall 2020. There are three acorns, all with Suzie Valerie guides.

Amy Bunger's shop now offers the Carter Clubs, the various months clubs that Lori Carter has written guides for.  The themes are Christmas, Halloween, Birds or just Seasonal, but all offer Lori's unique talents.

The Chaparral will offer Kate Dickerson's Fancy Pumpkins as a six month club shortly.  Contact Chaparral for details and to get on the mailing list once they have pricing and an idea when they can get the canvases and threads for this beauty.  Guide by Carolyn Hedge Baird.

The Needlepointer is starting Kathy Schenkel's Six Simple Sayings club starting in October 2020.  Three of the little ornament-sized signs are exclusive to the shop.

Not exactly a club, Stitch-Stash will offer their Twenty-Five Days of Needlepoint again in December 2020. Sign up at their website.

The Needlepointer will start Pippin's Cowboy Boots club in October 2020.  These four coaster-sized designs ship with finishing instructions and coasters in either red or green if you choose the optional self-finishing package.

Stitch Boutique of Boston will offer a fancy shoes club starting in October 2020.  Guides by Elaine Aidonidis. I think the shoe canvases are from Kate Dickerson but I'm not certain.

Twisted Stitches in Albuquerque, New Mexico is offering dede Odgen's New Mexico Missions as their club for 2020-21.  There are twelve canvases in this limited edition club.

Old Town Needlework will have CH Designs' Cactus Candy Cane Club in the shop.  Nancy Yeldell is doing the guides for these items which are shop exclusives.

Old Town Needlework also has the Southwest Club from Julie Mar, the set has 7 Southwestern-themed items.  You can buy the canvas and guide only or also get the thread kit.  Nancy Yeldell is doing the guides for these items which are shop exclusives.

Old Town Needlework features the Lee Kimono Club.  Nancy Yeldell is doing the guides for these items, three of the nine are shop exclusives.

Hook and Harbor is doing a monthly mystery ornament club, based on various themes that change each month.

"Join us for a monthly mystery club where each month you will receive an exclusive ornament canvas that corresponds to the theme for that month! These designs will be exclusive to club members until after a full calendar year when they will be added to the shop. So whether you want to increase your ornament stash or just gift yourself some happy mail, this is the club for you!
The theme will be announced prior to the start of each month and orders will be open until the first 7th of that month. Ornaments will be shipped out during the third week of the month. Ornament design size and canvas mesh will vary based on theme/design."

Nashville Needleworks will have a Stitching Safari club in 2020.  I don't know who did the designs but Carolyn Taggart has done some of the guides.  Contact the shop for more information.

Nimble Needle in Atlanta will offer Kate Dickerson's Patience Brewster Club in 2020-2021, starting in June 2020.  This is a shop exclusive with 10 small figures.

Nimble Fingers in Texas will introduce their Melissa Shirley Bunnies series starting Fall 2020. Guides for the 6 (with a bonus optional Halloween bunny) by Chris Tirey.

BeStitched is hosting the Wild Animals Club, from Colors of Praise.  Guides are by Lisa Kessler.  Club is starting in spring 2020.

Chandail is doing a Pretty Packages club as well.  They are doing them in sets of four, with three sets (or twelve canvases) altogether.  No information about designer or guide writer at this time.

Enriched Stitch will start their Pretty Packages Club in April 2020.  I don't know which VNG designer did the designs, but the guides for the four canvases are by Suzie Vallerie and Kimberly Orton.

Old Town Needlework is going to offer the six Southwestern Candy Canes club from CH Designs/Danji in 2020.  It's not on their website so contact the shop for details.

Bedecked and Beadazzled is offering the Rebecca Wood Canine Capers Club (guides by Sheena James) again in 2020.  Not a dog person?  Then try the Rebecca Wood Feline Follies club.

BeStitched is also offering the three month Accessories Club again in 2020.  You can choose between various tools.

BeStitched is doing something different—the Stitch Addiction Book Club.  Based on the Lone Star ANG Chapter's Grab and Go book, this six month club comes with the book, a doodle canvas (a second doodle canvas will ship in month four, threads and six months of videos explaining stitches from the book.  This will start sometime in 2020.  Contact the shop for more information.

Kirkland Design Studio is offering a Magnet of the Month club in 2020. You can sign up for a three, six or twelve month club.  Contact them via their Etsy shop.

Queen Anne Stitches will offer the All Seasons Ornament Club with twelve designs by Frank Belec/Maggie and guides from Sherry Bray starting mid-January 2010. Call the shop to sign up or contact them via their Facebook page.

BeStitched will start a second three month long Accessories Club in November 2019.

The Needlepointer will offer Pippin's Polar Bears starting in December 2019.  There are four tiny bears, a thread kit and a finishing kit can be ordered separately.

Rachel Donley's "Sealed with a Stitch" series of mini letter canvases is going to be a club at Needlepoint Clubhouse.  There are 18 mini canvases to choose from.

Needlepoint Junction will offer Shooting for the Stars, a series of 10 stars from 10 designers with various themes starting Fall, 2019.  These are all exclusive to the shop for now.  The 10th design is a mystery so it's not on their website.

The Black Sheep will offer Plum Stitchery's Whimsical Menagarie club starting January 2019.

The Needlepointer's Haute Couture Handbags club of five small four inch round ornaments is starting now (July 2019).  Designs by Alice Peterson and guides by Linda Wimer.

BeStitched will start their three month long Accessories Club in mid-August 2019.  Note you need to choose the style of light you want and one item in each of the three shipments will be personalize with your initial.

The Needlepointer is offering a quarterly subscription box full of surprises.  The first box ships in August 2019. will offer Plum Stitchery's Vintage Stamp Club starting June 2019, featuring six small stamp designs.

Sign of the Arrow is going to offer the It's a Good Sign club from Melissa Prince starting in May 2019. Four fun signs, guides by the shop staff.

The French Knot will offer Raymond Crawford's four Cactus Stars canvases with guides from Paula and Karen starting in May 2019.

Needleworks will offer Patricia Sone's A Company of Angels club starting in July 2019.  The six canvases and guides are from Patricia.

Starting in July 2019, The Needlepointer will offer "Pitcher Perfect" from Pippin Studios.  The guide is from Laura Taylor.

Park Avenue Needlepoint will offer the Snowflake Cap Series from January through June 2019.  Designs by Patty Bee.

Needle Orts is doing a club using EyeCandy's pumpkins and candy corn canvases in new black and white and lime or teal colors.  You can still choose the original orange versions.  There are three pumpkin canvases and six candy corn canvases available in the club.

Melissa Prince has created four canvases for a club at Sign of the Arrow.  More information when the club becomes public.

Amy Bunger's club for 2019 is Breezy Vanes, four seasonal weather vanes from Rebecca Wood, guides by Lori Carter.  UPDATE:  Now there are six.  Lori's added one for Christmas and one for Thanksgiving (second link below).

Three Hens and a Friend from Pippin will be The Needlepointer's latest club starting Feb. 2019. These canvases fit in the self-finishing coasters and you can order those for a bit extra.

Blue Dogwood Designs offers "My Blue Quilt" as their mystery project for 2019.  Design and stitches from Blue Dogwood.

It Takes a Village by Patti Mann is Nashville Needlework's club for 2019.

The Porcupine Needlepoint Shop in PA will offer Snoop Dog, a 3-d stuffed puppy, as their project of the month for 2019.  Designer and stitch guide writer unknown.

Nashville Needleworks will offer the Ann Spiess Mills Chili Wreath Angel from Tapestry Fair as their stitch club for 2019.

The Whimsical Menagerie Collection will be the January 2019 club from The Black Sheep in Orlando.  Canvases from Plum Stitchery.  There are a dozen small animal canvases with a bonus 13th of a butterfly.

BeStitched will offer the Funky Flowers Club starting January 2019.  Guides by Suzie Vallerie.  I am not sure of the designer of these four little floral pieces.

BeStitched will offer Patti Mann's Swingset Kids as a club in 2018.  Details are sparse but apparently there are three Super Hero Kids and Halloween Costumed Kids which are all double sided to choose from and you can get the metal display tree with swing.

Homestead Needle Arts will offer Leigh Designs' A Year of Fun ornaments (guides by Carolyn Taggart) as a club in 2018.  The eight ornaments have seasonal themes.

Patty posted a photo of the 2019 Christmas club from Park Avenue Needlepoint, eight snow hats from Patty Bee.  Details to come.

Family Arts will start a Hearts Club (Melissa Shirley Designs) in October 2018. There are four hearts with guides by Paulette Paquette.  Looks like they will add four Spring Hearts to the club starting June 2019.  Talk to the shop for more information.

Nashville Needleworks will offer Rose Hill Design's "Bathing Beauty" as a club in 2018.  Canvas distributed by Patti Mann.

The Needlepointer is going to offer Leigh Design's Ice Cream Socials as a club starting now.  You may pick one or several or all eight.  The guides are from the talented Leigh Designs team of guide writers.

BeStitched in Arizona just posted a video about three new clubs for 2018:  Patti Mann's Food Trucks, Melissa Shirley's Seaside Houses, and Weather Vanes from Rebecca Wood.  The first two start in June 2018 while Weather Vanes starts in Summer 2018.  Melissa Shirley's Autumn Hearts starts in Autumn 2018 and her Christmas Hearts start in Winter 2018.

Judy's Stitchery Nook in Texas will offer six Penny Macleod ornaments (guides by Elaine Sellhorn) starting in June, 2018.

The Needlepointer will offer Peter Cottontail and Friends (Pippin) as a club starting May 2018.  Three three inch designs, these are designed to be fast and fun.  An optional finishing kit will also be available if you want to try finishing these yourself.

Ladybug Stitches, Inc. will offer Julie Mar's Twelve Tribes of Israel Club starting March, 2018.

Lousie's Needlework will start their Rebecca Wood Seasonal House club in March 2018 with the Spring House.

Starting April 2018, will offer the Burnett and Bradley Cosy Critters Club.  This club has three fun animals bundled in their winter scarves.  If you want to do more on your own, there are 9 critters in all (second link below).

Needle Orts will offer the 13 Bejeweled Bargello Ornaments from EyeCandy in 2018.

The Needlepoint Clubhouse in St. Louis will offer three St. Louis-themed round ornaments as a club in 2018.  The designs are by The Plum Stitchery and stitch guides by David McCaskill.

Down Sunshine Lane now has a Needle Minder of the Month club.  Receive a random needle magnet each month!

The French Knot in Fort Worth, TX will offer Melissa Shirley's Fall Leaves series starting in March 2018.  There are eight canvases.  Contact the shop for more information.

Louise's Needlework will offer an Ohio State Buckeyes Team Pennant Set in 2018 featuring four pennants with Ohio State symbols.

Homestead Needle Arts will start their "Year of Favorites Club" in January 2018. Talk to the shop for further information.

The Needlepointer will start their ""Little Black Dresses club from Pippin Studio in November 2017. Five little black dresses, stitch guides by June McKnight!

A. Bradley Needle Arts has new Cookies of the Month, stitch guides by Mary Waldsmith.  You can see four models here.

Diversions Needlepoint offered an Ornament of the Santa Month kit in 2017-18, stitch guides by Mary Lou Kidder.  All designs are exclusive to the shop.  This series will continue in 2019 and many of the previous year's ornaments are still available.

The Needlepointer will offer Little Black Dresses from Pippin Designs as a club starting November 2017.  The stitch guides are by June McKnight.  There are five dresses.

Old World Designs has added four new designs to their Days of California series.  You can see them here.   The second link shows the original set and the third the 2011 additions. UPDATE:  The 2017 series is here, guides by June McKnight.

Five Low Country Houses is the newest late July 2017 club from Needlepoint Junction in Hilton Head.

The shop will also offer It's All About the Beach starting in September 2017.  There will be six Julie Mar and Friends designs.

Old Town Needlework will offer six Southwestern themed ornaments from Julie Mar in 2017. These are exclusive to the shop for now.

The Needlepointer will offer six of Melissa Prince's movie coaster series in their "Let's Go To The Movies Club" in 2017.  Acrylic coasters are also available for finishing for your in home movie theatre!

The Needlepointer will offer Labors of Love's 3-D "Bugs, Blossomes and Butterflies" Club  starting in August 2017.  There are four flowers, four butterflies and four bugs in the series designed as clip on ornaments.  Sorry, I do not know who wrote the stitch guides for the set.  

UPDATE:  Offered again in 2020.  Stitch Boutique of Boston is offering a Penny MacLeod ornament club starting in April 1, 2017.  There are six ornaments in Penny's signature colorful style.  No word as to the stitch guide writer.

Old Town Needlework has a Heart Club that is a heart disease/breast cancer fundraiser, featuring a huge range of designs to suit any stitcher.

The Enriched Stitch offers Leigh Designs' Fascinating Feathers club starting in April 2017. There are four ladies, each wearing a different hat covered in feathers.

Chaparral will do three teacup canvases in a club called "Not Your Usual Cup of Tea" with guides by Carolyn Hedge Baird, starting in 2017.  Canvases from Melissa Shirley Designs.

You can see all three here.  Use the side arrows to browse.

Pocket Full of Stitches will offer "Perfectly Presents" from Pippin starting in April 2017.  There are a dozen small canvases of wrapped presents for your stitching pleasure.

Needle Orts in Florida will have the Meredith Collection's dozen Wizard of Oz ornaments for their club in 2017-18.

Stitch By Stitch in Larchmont, NY will have a "Golf Course Coaster Club" in 2017.  If you order any four of the golf course coasters, you'll receive a fifth free.  These are sized to fit in the round Lee leather magnetic coasters.  I think, although I am not certain, that the designs are by Purple Palm.

The Needlepointer is going to have Pippin's "Bumpershoot Club," featuring six umbrella ornaments, starting in December 2016.

Homestead Needle Arts will have a Melissa Prince "Wreaths" club starting January 2017.  Pick the wreath you prefer and work it in the shop each month or do mail order with supplies.

Ruth Schmuff's shop (Bedecked and Beaddazzled) now has a Magnets Mavens club.  It's not necessarily monthly but you can call the shop and ask for a magnet exclusive to the shop to be sent to you periodically.

Needlepoint Junction on Hilton Head offers the Kirk and Bradley "Flowers of the Southeast Coast" club in September 2016.  Eight flowers, eight months of stitch fun.

The Needlepointer will have an Elephant Club  starting in October 2016 using canvases from CH Designs/Danji.  There are three round and three square ornament-sized canvases.

What's the Point? Needlepoint will have a Traveling Snowmen Club starting in 2016, with guides from Cheryl and Ann.  Use the side arrows to see all 12 photos.  Some of the snowmen are stitched and some are not.  This is a shop exclusive for now.

The Needlepointer will offer their Third Kaleidoscope of Kolour club in August 2016, featuring fifteen threads of the same color each month for the next year.  The colors this year are based on the monthly gemstone, so the August 2016 club will be all peridot.

Needle Arts in New Orleans has a new series (from Jude Designs) that features a dozen musical themed canvases.  It is called "The Sounds of New Orleans."  You can see the first one here. Other musicians will be Harry Connic, Louis Armstrong, the Nevill Brothers, Fats Domino.  They aren't ready for sale yet.  You have to order the whole set, sorry.

In Stitches Atlanta has the Sock Monkey Club for 2016.  Four cute little sock monkey canvases!  I don't know the designer or guide writer--sorry.

Beth's Needlepoint Nook will offer the Tickled Pink Club in 2016, and donate some of the profiles from the club to breast cancer research.   To see all the pink designs and the varied designers participating, check the shop website.

Chaparral will off a new 2016 Year of Texas Ornaments club of a dozen Texas-themed canvases from Pajamas and Chocolate, using stitch guides from Karen Lea. will collaborate with Kirk and Bradley to offer the "Mini Hot Air Balloon Club" using stitch guides from Virginia Barney.  There are six hot air balloons. The club starts April 1, 2016.

Beth's Needlepoint Nook has a new club starting in March 2016 from Kathy Schenkel called "Let's Go Shopping."  The club is four stand ups of people and a needlepoint shop interior background.  Unique!

What's the Point?  Needlepoint is going to feature the Perpetual Calendar Club from Julia Snyder/And More, featuring the And More canvases and Julia's stitches from her books.

The Enriched Stitch is collaborating with Melissa Prince on the new Girls' Night Out Movie Coaster club, featuring all new movie coaster designs from Melissa.  I don't know when the club starts but there are 8 movie themed small designs.

Although this isn't a needlepoint club, Thistle Threads' Frostings Club is perfect for the threadaholic as the shipments are threads that are specially made in the 17th Century style.  You can see more in these two links. Note the free projects in which to use the threads in case you want to go 17th Century all the way.

Stitch Boutique will have the exclusive Scott Church animal ornaments club starting in January 2016.  Contact the shop for more information.

Enriched Stitch is promising a new club for 2016 based on Melissa Prince's Movie Coasters.

Amy Bunger's shop will have a Singles Club for 2016. Each club offers three small but intermediate level projects that are perfect for travel.  You can see the three themed clubs and the try out piece in Amy's latest newsletter

Chaparral will do a "Strawberries and Cream" club in 2016 based on Vicky Sawyer's small animals with strawberries.  No details yet but four of the six are pictured on Facebook by Carolyn Hedge Baird who is doing the stitch guides.

What's the Point? Needlepoint is going to offer Debbie Mumm's "Petite Bouquet Club" with stitch guides from Mary Legellett of The Whimsical Stitch.  The Mumm canvases are distributed by Melissa Shirley.

Enriched Stitch's newest club is & More's Sassy Ladies, with guides by Suzie Vallerie and Julia Snyder.  There are five ladies in the club which starts in January 2016.

What's the Point? has a new club of six small floral round ornaments from Debbie Mumm/Melissa Shirley with guides by Mary Legallet that they have posted photos of on Facebook.

Needlepoint Junction's newest club is Pigs in Paradise--seven fun pigs engaged in various activities such as fishing, flying, golfing, shopping, etc.

3 Kittens is doing an exclusive club of Melissa Prince ornaments called Twelve Ornaments of Minnesota.  The second link to Facebook shows two of them stitched. Use the side arrow to see both.

Bedecked and Beadazzled's newest club (starting in September 2015) is called "Gadgets, Gizmos and Great Inventions."  It's 9 months of great tools for your stitching and comes with a custom tool bag.   This club has sold out so the shop is going to have a second round starting in December 2015 but there won't be a third so read the information in the second link below to get started.

Chandail's newest club is Just Because Gift Bags, six little canvases that fold up into tiny four sided gift bags.  The designer and stitch guide writer are unknown.

BeStitched's Stitch Addiction Box-of-the-Month program is explained in this video.

Melissa Prince Designs is doing an eight canvas series called Homes of America for shops to use as a club.  Seven are available to view on their FB page.  Use the right side arrow to navigate.  No. eight is the second link below.  Guides by Patricia Sone.

Homestead Needle Arts is participating in Melissa Prince's Homes of America club described above.[UNIQID]

Fireside Stitchery will have three-dimensional birds from Sew Much Fun in 2015.  The first is the pastel Betsy Bird. The other two haven't been announced yet.

Homestead Needle Arts is starting a new Landscape Club.  The canvases appear to be from Julie Mar and are 5 inches square and on 18 count.  For more details, contact the shop (second link below).

Nordic Needle is  featuring the Laura Perin counted canvas work exclusive called Nordic Panel again in 2015, this time with three color ways.  The design will be stitched in ten segments.

BeStitched has announced they will do Tapestry Fair's Finnian Fish as a club this year.

The Raymond Crawford/Tony Minieri collaboration has resulted in an exclusive club at The Edwardian Needle--The Muses in Marie Antoinette's Court!  There are nine canvases, each with a Tony stitch guide.  You can order a thread kit if you like, and can buy one only from the series if you wish.  The series starts in January 2015.  Photos of finished muses are on Facebook.

Amy Bunger has started her club for 2015 and it's a bit different this year. She calls it Amy's Book Club and the bi-monthly offerings are her Mysteries of Needlepoint chapters. If you are a fan of Amy or just want to tap into Amy's vast knowledge of the stitching we all love, there is more information here.

Wellesley Needlepoint has a new exclusive series for 2015 from Kathy Schenkel called Fenway Park.  There are six small figures and a background of the wall at Fenway.

The French Knot in Fort Worth will start their Melissa Shirley Autumn Critters series in March 2015.  Information is not on their website yet but there is an ad in the Nov./Dec. 2014 Needlepoint Now magazine.

UPDATE:  French Knot just posted photos on Facebook of four of the six critters.  Charming!  Use the side arrows to see more.

The Needle House in Texas has a new exclusive series from A Collection of Designs called "Butterfly Kisses."  There are six butterflies in lovely pastels that start shipping in March 2015.  Nancy is doing the stitch guides.

BeStitched has a new exclusive series of Barbara Elmore canvases called Sharp Shoes.  I think this is a kit series, not a monthly series, but you'll have to ask the shop for details.  The second link is Barbara's finished model which is fabulous!

Beth's Needlepoint Nook has the Pansies Club (Sandra Gilmore) starting in June 2014 so you can stitch a delightful pot of pansies still life for your garden.

Beth's Needlepoint Nook has the Just Buggin' Around club, which is a box or brick cover featuring a garden with all sorts of fun critters including a koi pond and cat, just watching.

Beth's also has the Snowman Hats club (unknown designer) featuring six hats fit for the most discerning snowman.

Cast On Cottage and Needlepoint Garden has a Once Upon a Time Club (fourteen canvases designed by Rebecca Wood) that apparently is small ornaments with a fairy tale theme.  I don't know much about it yet but I'll update this information as I find out more.  The shop website is the second link below but there's nothing about the club there.  Call the shop and ask for Marcie.

Amy Bunger has announced her Home Study for 2014-2015--Sheherazade!  There will be three small canvases and a large one, all abstracts.  You can sign up for just the small ones or just the large--or both!

The Porcupine Needlepoint Shop's 2006 club, a dimensional bear, is available still.

The Needlepointer is adding to their "stash builders" clubs with the second Kaleidoscope of Kolour Club 2, which will deliver a group of threads they don't usually carry to your doorstep for ten months straight starting in August 2015.

Starting in October 2014, 3 Kittens will have Raymond Crawford's exclusive Peter Pan club.  There is a pirate ship, Captain Hook, his first mate, the alligator, Peter Pan, a group of Lost Boys, and Wendy and her brothers, plus the window of the Darlings' bedroom through which Peter enters their lives.

Ruth Schmuff has announced the newest club at Bedecked and Beaddazzled for 2014--The Towne Square small houses (stitch guides by Robin King, canvas designs by Ruth herself).  This club will start in October 2014 and run for 12 months.  There are fourteen tiny buildings.

Needlepoint in Paradise has the Kathy Schenkel Tiny Inspirations Signs club for 2014.  There are a dozen rectangular signs, each with an inspirational word.

BeStitched has a new club that isn't canvases, but a Stitch Addiction Box of the Month which delivers new techniques, new threads, beads, ribbons and other items plus how to use them.  At least some instruction is on a DVD.  First month's payment is $99 with each additional month $79 starting in April 2014.  The second link below is to a video about this club.

Fireside has the Molly Cow, a dimensional cow available kitted out in silks (first link) or in cottons (second link).  This might be a Sew Much Fun design, but I am not certain.

Fireside has added six new counted designs to their X-Octagons Old and New Club (Finger Step Designs?) of geometric patterns, making a full set of a dozen.  Perfect present for a group that wants to learn new stitches together!

Louise's Needlework's got a new club, the Gail Hendix/Squiggee's Basket Club.  There's a sewing basket, a gardening basket, a cooking, football and beach baskets, and a Christmas and winter basket. All are round ornaments about 3 inches in diameter, so they'll be a quick stitch.  The stitch guides are by Saundra Campbell.

Needlepoints Ltd. has the Kathy Schenkel Garland club.  Choose from eight different garland ornament designs:  Halloween, Thanksgiving, Nativity, Jolly Christmas, Jolly Christmas Stripes, Tiny Inspirations, Tiny Christmas Inspirations or Hannukkah garlands.

Peacock Alley Needlepoint is planning a Supercalifragiliceticexpialidocious mini club according to their FB page.  I think the long pillow canvas is from The Collection.

In 2006 The Porcupine had a 3-D teddy bear club.  This canvas is still available.

A Stitch in Time Needlework has announced their 2014 club, Elizabeth Turner Collection's Majestic Jewels.  These little ornaments show crowns of all styles.

Thistle Needleworks/Alex Paras has a brand new club for 2014:  Finger Step Designs' All that Jazz.   These are tiny geometric patterns, a cross between stained glass and abstract art.  Use up leftover threads and create a ton of small, fast ornaments, box tops or assemble it all into an amazing pillow at the end of 2014.

Nimble Fingers has a three canvas club of Frank Bielec designs.

The French Knot has announced their newest club, Tapestry Fair's Talavera Angels set. This will start in June 2014.  Follow the links for photos and pricing.

Chaparral has announced a new Kelly Clark sampler club called A Collection of Samplers for January, 2014.  There are seven sampler-like designs, two with chickens, a sheep, a Fourth of July angel in red, white and blue,  a traditional house, a motif and alphabet sampler,  and a primitive vase of flowers, all using common sampler motifs.  It's not on their website yet but they can send you their e-newsletter with photos if you ask nicely.  The stitch guides are by Carolyn Hedge Baird, by the way.

A Stitch in Time still has the Raymond Crawford Flowers series on their website.  These were an exclusive series at one time but I think they are available other places now.

Here is the first Kelly Clark sampler for Chaparral from their FB page.  It is called My Favorite Things.  The second link is to the second sampler, which is flowers in a vase.  The other links are to the others, all on Facebook.

Looks like Beth's Needlepoint Nook has a Box Club for 2014!

The Needle Works has announced a new club starting July 2014--Raymond Crawford's Horse Play:  The Carousel Collection.  There are six decorative horse heads for your stitching pleasure.  Corliss from the shop will be doing the stitch guides.

Fireside's club starting in January 2014 is called Hooters.  There are six owls with various themes from JP Needlepoint in this fun club.

The Needle Works is teaming with Labors of Love to offer their new butterfly clip-on designs as The Flying Jewels Club starting in April 2014.

The Needlepointer has The Royals,  five regal ornaments in honor of Prince George.  Sorry, I don't know the designer of these gems.

Looks like It's a Stitch in Charleston is going all 'gator in 2014.  They are collaborating with Labors of Love on six crocodile and alligator designs.  The first one is on their home page and the second on their FB page.  Stay tuned....

Atlanta Needlepoint and Monogramming is doing a bi-monthly club using Labors of Love's Eau De Parfum bottles.

Fireside has announced Chrissy Cat (a 3-D patchwork cat from Sew Much Fun) will be one of their new clubs for 2014.

Chandail has the Bluebird Handbag as a club.  I think this is a Zecca piece.

Melissa Prince's Mon Petite Lapin series of rabbit designs will be the Creative Stitches and Gifts' monthly club in 2014.  You have to get all six designs.  The stitch guides are by Patricia Sone.  The shop has posted photos on their Facebook page.   Use the arrow on the right to see all six.

Fireside has added the children of Henry VIII to their Henry VIII and Wives Club.  The guides for the royal kids are also by Palma Seljan so the entire series will look very similar.  The second link shows the King and the Queens.  To reduce clutter, I am going to delete earlier mentions of this club.

Nimble Needle has announced an exclusive club from Squiggee called The Black Tie Dress Club.  There are six dresses, one shipped every other month, with a stitch guide from Karen Milano.  The Nov-Dec. 2013 Needlepoint Now will have an ad about this but here's a sneak peak at the Little Black Dresses of your dreams.

The Needlepointer has announced a new fiber club called "The Elements" Stash Cache.  Each month you receive a themed selection of threads and you also receive the two fabulous books from the Little Shoppe Canvas Company folks-- Ins and Outs and Landscapes.  You'll be able to pick stitches from the books to use with your new fabulous stash!

Alex Paras has announced their monthly ornament club for 2012-13--Funky Fantasy Flowers by Finger Step Designs.  Their clubs are always fun and inexpensive since they are geared towards a stitcher picking threads from their stash.  Thanks for the tip, Diane!

Yarn Explosion has an exclusive double sided Woodland Animal collection from Labors of Love (rabbit and squirrel) starting in November.  There will be a series of these animals.  They aren't being advertised as a club but they would make a lovely personal stitching challenge for those who love wild animals.

The Beloved and Bewitched club at Pocket Full of Stitches offers Needle Deeva's fun in heart shapes.

BeStitched is doing a Perfect Pick Club that allows you to choose how many and what sort of canvas you want in your club.  The first series, Melissa Shirley's angels, are ready now.  The shop is redoing this club for 2014 (second link).

Rittenhouse is doing a flower of the month club, with amazing dimensional flower canvases.  Here are photographs and all the details.

Alex Paras's ornament series for 2012-13 is called Funky Fantasy Flowers.  It's lighthearted fun from Finger Step Designs that encourages you to use up your stash of threads as much as possible.

The Needlepointer offers a series of small owl ornaments called Lil'Hoots that are their own design.

Needlepoint This in Dallas has just started Raymond Crawford's Cluck of the Month Club.  If you love silly chickens or admire Bonnie Cody's and Julia Snyder's stitch guides, this is for you!

The French Knot starts the Melissa Shirley Birdhouse Ornament Club in September, 2013.

Beth's Needlepoint is starting a new club in July called A Day at the Races.  These are an exclusive series from Kathy Schenkel all about the Kentucky Derby.  Different and very very cute!

The French Knot has added the Melissa Shirley's Acorns, and the Patti Mann Longhorn Pudgie to their current clubs.  Don't forget that the shop also does a monthly small ornament for those who just don't have the time for something more elaborate.  Note that the latest designs--a new Melissa Shirley Birdhouse Ornament series and a new set of Kelly Clark Pear Ornaments have been added.

Stitching Studio in Richmond has a Downton Abby club with Sandy Arthur stitch guides but there is nothing on their website.  Here's their contact information.  The second link shows the ad for this on their Facebook page.  They have posted on their Facebook page that there will be a 7th exclusive canvas of Lady Sybil in her harem pants!  They've also posted in January 2015 on Facebook that there will be six new characters.  I think the guides for the second series are from Kay Wray.

Fireside has a counted series from Kathy Rees/Needle Delights called Double Delights.  It is a study of color and pattern, perfect for the counted canvaswork lover.

Chandail has the Circus Circus club from Kirk and Hamilton with all sorts of animals in the circus ring.

Chandail also plans to have Raymond Crawford's Garden Gnome club in 2014, with each gnome depicting a different hobby.    For the first twenty folks who sign up, there will be a bonus--a magnet that "mirrors our first gnome, the Stitcher."  The link below shows all seven gnomes in a slide show, with the finished models replacing the unstitched canvases as they are worked up.  These canvases are currently exclusives from Raymond.

What's the Point? has added a Kathy Schenkel "Under the Big Top" circus themed club for 2013.  Here's the first canvas, the Big Top.

Fireside has a new club:  Zecca's mix and match cube designs.

What's the Point? is going to have a garden gnome club from Kirk and Bradley (formerly Kirk and Hamilton) soon.

Firestide offers the Lee small kimono ornaments as a full kit or partial if you already own one of these classic and popular designs.  NOTE as of July 2014:  the partial kit is no longer on their website so it may not e available any more.

Chaparral has announced two clubs for 2013--Candy Hearts and a fun dressed up pig in red heart glasses.  The hearts have little sayings on them like the Valentine candy hearts do.  Sorry, I don't know the designer for either series or who is doing the stitch guide.

Quail Run has just announced Melissa Shirley's Fancy Forest Topiary Club (stitch guides by Rebecca Booth).  Contact the shop for details.

If Kathy Schenkel is one of your favorite designers, you'll want to sign up for Park Avenue Needlepoint's "My Favorite Things" club.

Ridgewood Needlepoint has the Paper Dolls Club from several years ago still available as kits.  I believe these are Maggie designs but I am not certain.

Are you interested in nature and want to sign up for the Bird Club (Labors of Love)?  The Knotted Needle can fix you right up.

Kimberly is working on six original biscornu designs (with matching original fabric) to be a monthly club called Biscornu for You at Needle Works in Austin.  

You can see the full set of Kimberly's designs for the club which will start January 2013 in the latest Needle Works e-newsletter.

Religious Themes

The Needle Works in Austin, TX will offer the Jeweled Cross Collection as a club starting April 2023.  Designs by Ann Wheat Pace who also wrote the guides.  There are four crosses, and you can buy kits for any number of these.

Stitch Boutique will offer the Welcome Home Club in 2022.  There are six seasonal canvases you switch out on the sign.  Canvasese by The Collection Designs and guides by Elaine Aidonidis.

Barbara's Needlepoint will feature ten angels from Ann Hanson as their Angels Club starting late 2021.  Guides by David.

Gone Stitching will offer their "Seven Days of Creation" panel starting in the fall of 2017.  The 18x36 inch design—on 13 count—is exclusive to the shop.  Contact Gone Stitching for more details.

Pocket Full of Stitches has announced their newest club--"Blessings" which is a series of crosses from A Collection of Designs.  You can see the crosses stitched here and here.

Judicia Ornaments from Chandail.

Thanks to a tip from Anne, I have information on Needle Bug's (Montgomery) latest club which is called Cross Club and is a series of nine crosses from a variety of designers.  The guides are by Julia Snyder.  All the details are here.

Chandail also has a Classic Crosses club.

Art Needlepoint is hosting a Garden Club from their line of art reproduction canvases.  Choose six canvases with threads from their selection of floral or botanical designs and get a discount on the seventh design and the threads.

Seasonal Themes

The monthly clubs from Two's Company in South Carolina are now available (wholesale only so your favorite shop will have to order for you) from JJ Needlepoint Designs since Jane has retired and sold the shop.  Available under "Standups" are her classic Cat and Dog of the Month series, the Nutcracker and Halloween series, the Thanksgiving series and the Funky Reindeer series.

Park Avenue Needlepoint wil offer the No Place Like Home series of six little cwinter house ornaments starting in late February 2022. The canvases might be from CH Designs but I'm not sure and I don't know who did the guides.

The Needle House will offer Funda Scully's A Series for the Seasons, which is four hinged boxes, each with a seasonal theme.  This starts in the Fall of 2019 I think.  Guides by the shop staff.

Louise's Needlepoint will offer Raymond Crawford's "Autumn Train Set" as a club starting summer 2018.  Stitch guide writer unknown.

Chaparral will over Melissa Shirley's Snowy Days series in 2018.  There are five small rectangular ornaments, each with a wintery critter (and a snowman).  Stitch guide by Carolyn Hedge Baird.  Call the shop for details.

What's the Point? Needlepoint will start a Plum Stitchery monthly ornament series in April 2018.

What's the Point? will offer Melissa Shirley's "Fall Foliage" leaf canvases as a club in 2018. There are 8 leaves, each with a different shape and pattern.

Good Harbor Needlepoint will offer their Summer By The Sea house as a club starting in November 2017.  This is a design distributed by Painted Pony and the guide is by Sue Reed.

Osterville Needlepoint will starting their "Snowpeople Trio" club in January 2018.  There are three snowmen, the mother, father and baby.  No word on the designer or stitch guide writer.  Contact the shop for details.

Chaparral will offer Melissa Shirley's "Snowy Days," a a set of five "wintergreen animals" with stitch guides by Carolyn Hedge Baird.  Starting time unknown so ask the shop.

Needlepoint Junction will offer Michele Noiset's six "Snowball Fight" canvases as their newest club in November 2017.

Enriched Stitch is doing Leigh Design's "Summer Sips" as a club.  All guide are by Suzie herself instead of using the guides Leigh's model stitchers have crated.

The Needlepointer is doing Leigh Designs' "Summer Sips" as a club, too.  They are using the stitch guides furnished by Sharon Quick, Sandy Arthur, Pat Miller, and Carolyn Taggart.  The club starts July 2017.

Snowball Fights is the late September 2017 club at Needlepoint Junction.  The designs are from Michelle Noiset and feature ornament sized snow people romping in the snow.

What's the Point? Needlepoint will offer the brand new Melissa Shirley mini owls, leaves and acorns canvases as a Fall Wreath Club.  More photos to come in September 2017 with the club to start after that.

Amy Bunger will offer Rebecca Wood's "Seasonal Birds" ornaments as a club in starting August 2017. Stitch guides by Lori Carter.

Judy's Stitchery Nook will offer CH Design/Danji's "Snowmen with Hearts" Club  starting in May 2017. The stitch guides for the six snowmen candy canes are by Elaine Sellhorn.

Good Harbor Needlepoint will offer the Bounce Into Spring Club in 2017.  The rabbit design is from Melissa Shirley and the stitch guide by Mary Legallet of Whimsical Stitch.  Details will be on their website soon.

Chandail will offer 3-D Mini Houses in 2017.  Each of the four houses from have a seasonal theme. with guides by Jan Wilkens.  I don't know the designer of the little houses.  They also have a Chandail Homes series, houses stitched by Patricia Sone and framed in house-shaped frames.  In 2021 Chandail added Christmas to the Holiday houses.

Pocket Full of Stitches will start CH Designs/Danji's "Seasonal Spruces" club in January 2017 with 9 fun and seasonally appropriate trees.

The Classic Stitch will offer "A Year of Pippin" starting January 2017 featuring a dozen smell, seasonally themed canvases.

In Stitches Atlanta will offer Kelly Clark's Summer Wreath as a club in 2016.

The Stitching Studio in Richmond, Virginia is starting a new club featuring character tulips in Spring 2016.  No information on the designer or stitch guide writer.

French Knot's Ornament of the Month series for 2016 offers seasonal small canvases for stitching fun.

A Stitch in Time is doing another series of Kelly Clark Winter Village houses for 2016 with stitch guides by Alison Hodgkiss.

The Needle Bug in Montgomery, AL will offer Melissa Shirley's "Pumpkin Patch" mystery club with stitch guides by Julia Snyder.  I think the club starts in November and lasts for five months. Sign up at The Bug.

Nashville Needleworks will have Snowman Row/A Snowman for All Seasons (from Melissa Shirley) starting in October or November 2015.

The Needlepointer will start their Reverent/Irreverent Club in October 2015.  There are six seasonal traditional and six funny sayings included.

Enriched Stitch's doing a Seasonal Bunny club featuring four canvases from Melissa Shirley.

3 Kittens has a mini Pepperberry ornaments set exclusive to the shop featuring four little winter penguins.

Bedecked and Beaddazzled offers Rebecca Wood's "Feline Folies" and "Canine Capers" ornaments, with stitch guides by Sheena James starting in October 2015. Nothing is on their website yet but the silly cats and dogs are doing seasonal things for each month of the year.  Fourteen canvases in all.

Starting in September 2015, Pocket Full of Stitches will release Annie Lane's Calendar Critters series.  Each month a chicken, cow, cat, dog, moose, bird or sheep will do something funny that's appropriate to that month.  The second link shows the finished designs.

BeStitched will offer the Doggy Dozen seasonal dog portraits from Ginny Diesel Studio/Maggie starting in July 2015.  The links to their website don't work but hopefully they will fix that soon.  When you sign up, you choose between the Christmas Golden Retriever or the  Hanukkah Golden Retriever.  The stitch guides are by Lisa Kessler.

The Needlepointer has a new exclusive Pippin Studio design called "Spring" which is one of four exclusive seasonal collages from this designer.  One will be available every four months in 2015.  See "Celebrate Autumn" below.  Second link below is Winter, available January 2016.

The Needlepointer's newest club is Celebrate Autumn, using a canvas by Pippin Studio.  This collage type design has stitch guides for each of the sections by a different stitch guide writer, including Vicky De Angelis, Ruth Dilts, Robin King, Laura Taylor and Meredith Willett.  There will be four canvases in all, with Celebrate Autumn the first.  The 2014 club is available again starting August, 2020.

Good Harbor Needlepoint will start a Winter White Ornament club in July 2015 with these lovely Melissa Shirley blue and white pieces and guides from Patricia Sone.

Needlepoint This will offer Raymond Crawford's Baker's Dozen cookie series, guides by Bonnie Cody Varney.  Ornaments are available on either 13 or 18 count.

Hingham Square will start BB Needlepoint's Monthly Squares club in Feb. 2015.  There are twelve 4x4 canvases, each featuring a different month's activities.

This appears to be a strawberry cake.

Beth's Needlepoint Nook is going to collaborate with Cynthia Thomas on this Snowman Winter Houses piece over the summer of 2015.  The designer is Debbie Mumm/Melissa Shirley.

Beth's Needlepoint Nook will have four Seasonal Wreaths (Valentine's, Easter, Halloween and Christmas) as clubs this year, all designed by Laura Perin.  These are charted for the counted canvaswork fans.  Use the left arrow to see closeups of the four stitched.  The third link below is the schedule for 2015 from Laura for when you can pick up the charts even if you aren't in this club.

Family Arts has a series of six Whimsical Snowmen Stars for their club (stitched by Paula) starting in January.  They posted photos of the finished stars on Facebook.  Call the shop (second link below) for details.

Needle in a Haystack in Montrose, CA will offer A Seasonal Beech Tree Club (stitch guides and canvases by BB Needlepoint).  The finished model for the fall trees is on their website.

Laura Perin is going to pair with Beth's Needlepoint Nook in 2015 for a Seasonal Wreath Club.  Detaiils to be released later.

Beth's will also have a Seasonal View club in 2015, featuring four of Mindy's tree landscapes.

A Stitch in Time and Kelly Clark are collaborating on a new Kelly Clark series called The Winter Village.  The set includes eight large buildings and six "small village accent canvases" with stitch guides by Alison Hodgekiss.  This will be offered in two club sections.

BeStitched is offering a new Kitty Cat Club--starting with your choice of a Christmas or Hannakah small cat canvas from Maggie/Ginny Diesel Studios.  The rest of the series is at the bottom of this page, each with a monthly theme.

BeStitched has added the new Autumn-themed acorns and holly Melissa Shirley presents to their Endless Presents club.  You can see the newest ones here.  The original presents were Christmas-themed and that club is described under the Christmas clubs.

Nimble Needle-Atlanta has announced the ICs Club from Labors of Love.  This bi-monthly club starts August 2014 and features six clip on seasonal snowmen canvases that are two-sided.  The guides are from Stacy Brown.

What's the Point? is doing the Pepperberry Snow Much Fun club featuring seasonal snowmen.

Fireside has Rebecca Wood's Seasonal Doors club, featuring twelve decorated doors, one for each month of the year.

Fireside has a cute Forever Trees Club (Rebecca Wood?) using Cynthia Thomas' stitch guide.  There are twelve Seasonal Trees, each with that month's iconic symbols.

The Porcupine has the Snowmen monthly project in 2014.  The canvases look like upside down ice cream cones.

Homestead Needle Arts has the Starry Snowmen Ornaments club starting in April 2014.  I don't know the designer but there are a dozen stars featuring snowmen with a thirteenth free bonus star.

Fireside has the Fall Acorns and Corn Club (Associated Talents?) with acorn and leaf shapes filled with wonderful fall patterns and colors.

Nimble Fingers has the Associated Talents mini corn club, three little Indian corn designs for your fall harvest table.

3 Kittens is offering Renaissance Designs' Snowmen Melt Your Heart Club.

Beth's Needlepoint Nook is going to have a Seasonal Hinged Box club in 2014.

Looks like What's the Point? Needlepoint in Ohio is going to do a snowman ornament club with seasonal snowmen from Pepperberry Design.  So far I have seen a Valentine Snowman and a New Year's Eve Baby Snowman on their FB page but nothing is on their website yet.

Enriched Stitch has decided monthly clubs are too much pressure so their two clubs for 2014 will each be four canvases, one every three months.  They plan to use Seasonal Trees (Machelle Sommerville) and Melissa Shirley's Pattern Bunnies.  You can see the 8 designs on their blog and on Facebook.

Enriched Stitch's 2013 club has been Melissa Prince's Six Seasonal Birdhouses.

Hingham Square has a new Seasonal Doors club (unknown designer) starting soon.

A Stitch in Time has all of the Seasonal Fetch a Pail of Needle Art series available still.  I am unsure of the designer but there are ornaments sets, meant to be finished on sticks and displayed in painted metal pails, for Christmas, Thanksgiving, Fourth of July, Valentine's Day, Easter and Halloween.

Needle Works puts the finished Angels of the Month on their blog.  Here are the ones they've stitched to date.

Beth's has announced Holiday Baskets as a new club.

Needlepoint in Paradise (Naples, FL) is starting  a seasonal heart series.  The heart ornaments have stitch guides by Susan Portra and Lynn Grace.

Needlepoints Ltd. in California has added a Snow People club (13 snowmen and women with personality!) to their club lineup.  The snow bunny cracks me up!  (This might be a series from Rebecca Wood but I am not certain and the shop website doesn't say.)  The guides may be from Timmy.

Fireside Stitchery offers the Teeny Socks, Mittens and Hats Club.  I don't know the designer but these small winter ornaments are toasty warm and fun and will be a very quick stitch.

Seasonal Sampler Club is the newest club (starting in June) from Homestead Needle Arts.  Each canvas has a time of year theme and the simple shapes are filled with a sampler of stitchers.  The Summer Star is shown underway at the top of the newsletter page. Scroll down a third of the way to see the rest of the designs in the club.  Sorry, I don't know the designer of these beauties.

Ruth Schmuff and Zecca are collaborating on a monthly club called Fabulous Fripperies and Baubles that has a special, fun ornament design for each month of the year.  This one starts in December 2013.

Texas Themed Clubs

Pocket Full of Stitches will offer Raymond Crawford's Texas Club in 2024.  Contact the shop for details as it's not on their website yet.

Chaparral has a Texas wreath club —design by Melissa Prince-- that started sometime in 2019.  It isn't on their website so call the shop for details.

Chaparral has an exclusive Elizabeth Turner set for 2016 in their Texas Teenie Sampler.  The guide is from Carolyn Hedge Baird. This isn't on their website yet.

Fancy Stitches is doing an Eye Candy Texas Ornament club in 2019.  It comes in a Twelve Days version or a plain one.

Chaparral is also doing a set of a dozen Texas-themed ornaments from Pajamas and Chocolate in 2016.   You can see all twelve stitched on Facebook.  Use the side arrows to browse.

Creative Stitches and Gifts in Dallas has a brand new Cowboy Nativity from Kathy Schenkel starting in January 2015.  This is an exclusive for the shop currently.  There are ten figures plus the creche.  Photos on the shop website--

Nimblefingers is doing this Texas Nativity club from Kathy Schenkel in 2016.

Chandail has Merry Tex-Mas for the Texan who wants Christmas ornaments.

Chandail also has the Lone Star Texas Flag Sampler.

Thanksgiving Clubs

The monthly clubs from Two's Company in South Carolina are now available (wholesale only so your favorite shop will have to order for you) from JJ Needlepoint Designs since Jane has retired and sold the shop.  Available under "Standups" are her classic Cat and Dog of the Month series, the Nutcracker and Halloween series, the Thanksgiving series and the Funky Reindeer series.

Ridgewood Needlepoint will offer Melissa Shirley's Fall Hearts club in 2022.  Guides by Adrienne, Gretchen and Stephanie.

Chandail will offer a Thanksgiving Collection club by Tapestry Tent (stitch guide writer unknown) of standup figures starting in late 2020.  The first double-sided standup figure is a Pilgrim woman.

The Nimble Needle in Atlanta will have Labor of Love's A Time For Thanks club starting in Feb. 2019.  There are 8 canvases of Indians, harvest, Pilgrims, ship, and turkey.

Fireside Stitchery is going to offer Sew Much Fun's Thanksgiving Family club in 2017.  Five figures (Indians, Pilgrims and a turkey) will make for a wonderful dimensional display.

3 Kittens Needle Arts will do a Thanksgiving club starting in April 2016.  The designs are by Danji and include an exclusive cornucopia.

Enriched Stitched has announced their new Thanksgiving Club (stitched by Aggie Aspinwall) based on the Debbie Mumm/Melissa Shirley standup characters.  The club will start in November 2014 and you can join the club for just the thread kits and guides if you already have the canvases. You can see all the canvases stitched on Facebook as Aggie just posted a photo there (second link below).

Porcupine Needlepoint Shop's Thanksgiving stand up club from 2010 is still available.

BeStitched will do a Vintage Thanksgiving Kids Club using Melissa Shirley's new Thanksgiving Kids piece. The club will start in July 2014 and run through November.

The Kelly Clark Firecracker clubs and the Needle Deeva's Thanksgiving set is all laid out for your stitching pleasure by Vicky DAngelis who is doing the guides.

The Porcupine had the Thanksgiving Stand Up Set club for 2010.  This is still available.

Enriched Stitch is going to do this Debbie Mumm/Melissa Shirley Thanksgiving set as a club.

So is Ridgewood.  Stephanie is doing the stitch guides for seven of the twelve Debbie Mumm Thanksgiving characters and will do guides for the others if there is demand so that they can be all stitched to look alike.  You can also buy individual pieces and the people pairs (like the Indian girl and boy or the Pilgrim girl and boy).  Note the sign up date for this club is May 5, 2014!

Needle House's Nancy Laux has finished the stitch guides for the Sandra Gilmore/Once in a Blue Moon Thanksgiving trio.

Fireside has a three dimensional turkey from Sew Much Fun.  It's called Talula Turkey and can be seen here.

Nimble Needle in Atlanta has the Associated Talents Thanksgiving Small Acorns and the Indian Corn clubs still available.

Thread Collector Clubs

The Needlepointer's 2000s Movie Thread Club starts in June/July 2025 and features 12 months of threads based on the movies of that era.  

Bestitched will offer their Thread & Bead Tasting Club in 2025.  You may choose between shipments of thread only (alternating between Straw Silk and Treenway Fibers) or add color-coordinated thread packs to the shipments.

The Flying Needles will offer their Straw Silk Palette Club starting Jan. 2025 with palettes offered every four months.  

Bedecked and Beadazzled will offer the Au Ver a Soie Metallic Thread Collector Club in 2024.  You'll receive 8 spools of size 8 metallic each month.

Homestead Needle Arts has a Thread Color Club.  For $35 each month, you receive a selection of assorted threads all in one color.  No DMC floss or perle included.  Join this club any time of the year.

Fireside Stitchery's 2024 Thread Collector Club is going strong.

The Needlepointer will offer the Kaleidoscope Colors Club starting January 2024.

They are also offering the Stash Builders Box in June 2024.  I'm not sure how they differ.

Sign of the Arrow has a Silk Road Thread Collectors Club with the new color palettes available, three each month.  Signups are limited and due by Oct. 12, 2023.

The Needlepointer will offer the Zodiac Fibers Club starting June 2023.  Each month will bring a thread pack coordinated to the zodiac and an information card.

Thre Needlepointer's 2021 Thread Collector club will start in February 2021 and be based on Disney cartoon colors so it's called the Magical World of Threads.  A free needle minder comes with each shipment that is somehow tied into the Disney program theme.

Hook and Harbor is doing a Thread of the Month club on their Etsy store,  The thread of the month choices are a custom dyed thread that looks like the inspiration photo posted.  The photo is posted before the first of the month and orders are taken from the first until the 7th of the month.  Thread club orders are also shipped in the third week of the month.

The Needlepointer is also offering their Color Wheel of Fortune club starting May 2020.  The club lasts eight months.  During each month, you will receive 15 threads based on the color wheel.

The Needlepointer's Kaleidoscope of Kolour Club for 2020 is here.  It starts in January 2020.

The Needlepointer will have an auto ship club starting Sept. 2019 for the new Straw Silk colors.

The Needlepointer will add the Loudon Fashion Week colors to their thread clubs starting May 2019.

The Needlepoint's Thread Collectors Club for 2019 is Gemstomes and Metals. This starts in January 2019.

The Needlepointer will offer their Thread Builders Box program in 2018 with a theme of New York Fashion Week 2018.  In other words, they will try to match the colors popular with the couture world.

Needle in a Haystack in California plans a Au Ver a Soie Metallic Thread Club in 2018.  Here are the details.  They do have to wait until the company has enough colors made and ready to ship before they can start but you can sign up for further information by emailing the shop.

The Needlepointer's newest Kaleidoscope of Color Club for 2018 is Flower Power, floral colors starting in January 2018.

Fireside Stitchery has the widest range of Thread Collector Clubs for the threadaholic.  In 2015 they offer twenty-one different clubs!

The Needlepointer has the Kaleidoscope of Color Club for those who like an assortment of threads in one set of colors in their mailbox.  The 2017 club starts in August and features Pantone's Color of the Year — Greenery — plus coordinating colors that aren't greens.

Cottage Garden Threads just announced a thread collectors' club, starting in 2014.  Threadaholics will be charmed by their color collections, even if a monthly club isn't really something you want to commit to.

Dragonfly Lotus Designs has several thread clubs for the threadaholics among us using their wonderful line of colors.

Valentine's Day Clubs

The Nimble Needle in Atlanta offers the Conversation Hearts Club starting January 2025.  There are fourteen hearts, designer and stitch guide writer unknown.  The designs are a shop exclusive.

The Needlepoint's Box of Love Chocolates Club, Wave 2 will start October 2024.  There are two small truffle canvases each month for twelve months.

The Needlepoint's Box of Love Chocolates Club will start January 2024.  Four designs return and there are twenty new chocolate designs.

BeStitched will offer the Heartfelt Stitches Club starting August 2023.  The five heart designs and guides are from Patricia Sone.

Nimble Needle Atlanta will offer the Valentine Cookies Club starting October 2022 with eight months of Valentine cookie ornaments from Laura Love Designs.  Stitch guide writer unknown.

BeStitched will offer Love You More's Valentine Gnomes as a club starting in Feb. 2022.  The guides are by Lisa Kessler and you can either get the canvas, stitch guide and support videos or you can add the threads option.  There are four gnome canvases in total.

BeStitched will offer the Melissa Shirley Valentine's Hearts Club starting April 2022.  Guides by Lisa Kessler.

Chaparral will offer Ms. Pig and her Valentines Club starting April 2020, guides by Carolyn Hedge Baird.  There are eight little saying hearts and the canvas of Ms. Pig herself. Designer unknown.

BeStitched will offer the Valentine's Houses Club starting April 2020.  The five small house canvases are by Melissa Shirley.

The Needlepointer is offering Pippin's "Matters of the Heart Club" starting in December 2016.  Three sweet hearts that are a quick stitch come with or without the thread kit for each.

Stitches in Time will have a Sweet Memories Club starting August 2016.    The club features small Labors of Love canvases with stitch guides from Patricia Sone.

French Knot's Melissa Shirley Valentine Hearts series will start in June 2016. There are six hearts but I don't know the stitch guide writer's name.

Ridgewood is going to have a Needle Deeva Hearts club in 2016.  Purchase any 9 hearts from Needle Deeva and the 10th one is free,  Ridgewood will do guides for your chosen hearts for an extra change.

The Nimble Needle in Atlanta will have Fiori's Time for Love Valentines garland club, canvases by Fiori/Dreamhouse Ventures,  guides by Stacy Brown.  This starts in April 2015 and features five wonderful smaller canvases.

What's the Point?  has announced a 3-D Hearts Club featuring canvases from Little Shoppe. There are six hearts and the club starts now (Feb. 2014).  Photos and information are on their Facebook page.

Fancy Stitches has Little Shoppe's 3-D Candy Kisses for Valentine's Day.  I put this club in the Edible category as well.

Nimble Needle in Atlanta has the Associated Talents Valentine Hearts club still available.

Fireside has the Patterned Hearts Club (Associated Talents?) with fourteen (!) wonderful hearts to stitch.


Napa Needlepoint said...

Napa Needlepoint has several monthly clubs, you can see them all here:

Mittens & Mini-socks - new applications of Bargello in your choice of two ornament outlines.
Little Bargello Treasures - a variety of lovely small Bargello projects
Stash Busters Club - 12 projects, with easy finishing instructions, to use up your thread stash.
Color through the Ages - Color schemes from different periods, along with thread information
Christmas Lights - 24 stitches in this series of ornaments
Color, Thread, and Quilts - learn about color and over 60 different threads in this club.

Unlike many other clubs these clubs do not require painted canvas, are designed to allow you to use your stash, and are focused on teaching you, not just the project but about color, thread, Bargello, and/or design, so that you can increase your knowledge & creativity.

Sign-ups can happen anytime.

Laura H said...

Wow thank you so much for this list. There has to be something here for everyone lol I know I clicked on a few links. Thanks again! Been following your blog just never posted before lol.

The Chilly Hollow Needlepoint Adventure said...

I'm glad you find it helpful, Laura. I've been thinking it is unwieldy because it is so long, but you are right--something for everyone! Thanks for coming to read Blog. I appreciate it.

Anonymous said...

Looking for baby mickey and minnie tissue box patterns.

The Chilly Hollow Needlepoint Adventure said...

Needlepoint designers steer clear of Disney character designs due to copyright issues. You might find them on eBay under plastic canvas or cross stitcpatterns, though. But when it comes to needlepoint, Disney and Harry Potter things are very scarce because of the very active and aggressive legal teams that look for copyright violations.