Sunday, December 6, 2009

Lazy Jane and the Purple Shoes

I didn't stitch a lick yesterday, despite being trapped at home by the snow.  I just was too tired from Christmas preparations, shoveling heavy wet snow, taking the dogs for walks, and running up and down the stairs to tend to the fire in the wood stove (we keep it going when there is danger--like heavy snow on the power lines--of losing the heat in cold weather).

You'll have to forgive me, but sometimes I just am not in the mood, despite being in love with the art of needlepoint and stitching almost every day.

I decided I'd distract you with some rarities.  First, the pair of witch slippers above are a charted design from Margaret Bendig.  You don't see many of her designs for sale.  She mostly teaches although occasionally she'll publish something like the line of small seasonal themed kimonos she did for Needlepoint Now magazine in 2008, or her Southwest Sampler (second link) in the same year.

I keep hoping she'll get her website up and running, but it isn't yet.

Her Holiday Fun stocking is in the Project Book for ANG.

Have fun looking at Margaret's work while I try to get my rear in gear....

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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