Monday, January 21, 2019

Threataholic Alert: Melita Explores Chainettes

Melita's local ANG chapter is doing a program on threads, so she has been comparing chainette-type threads.  She has looked at 24 Karets, Alabaster, Antica, Cresta d'Or, Gold Rush, Nordic Gold, Snow and Winter.  I'm not familiar with all these metallic threads (although I know all the names) so I enjoyed reading about them and will keep her tips on sewing with them in mind.  Thanks for sharing your research, Melita!

By the way, Winter is NOT discontinued.  Rainbow Gallery says it is made in England and the suggested retail price for a 10 yard card is $3.10, making it a good buy.  I have a card myself that I'm going to be testing shortly.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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