Saturday, November 14, 2020

Winter Morn: The Winter 2021 Mystery Class from Ruth Schmuff Updated

Ruth Schmuff has revealed the Winter 2021 mystery class—a new design called "Winter Morn" from Brenda Stofft.

As always, I'll update this article as Ruth posts progress reports.  If you are interested in the class, the link above tells you how to sign up to participate.

UPDATES:  Ruth creates a blanket of snow that looks like a quilt or lace pattern.

And the trees have snow!  (Don't miss Ruth's video on how she created the trees with Buttonhole Stitch.)

Now the house is finished and the roof is covered in snow.

Ruth promises big things for the border.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
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© Copyright November 4, 2020 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.