Sunday, March 5, 2023

News from Woodlawn Exhibit 2023 UPDATED

Melita has won a ribbon for her 2023 Woodlawn entry!

You can see the list of ribbon winners here and also see photos of several winners of special awards.

Woodlawn's needlework exhibit will be open for the month of March (except for Tuesdays) from 10-4 p.m.  The entry fee is $15 for adults.

By the way, Donna won a blue ribbon for her sampler but I think it is likely on linen, not needlepoint.

UPDATES:  Donna's Count from Janet Zigler Casey didn't win a ribbon but he has so much personality!

Here is Melita's report on her visit.

Donna is acting as a docent at the show and posted some general pictures so you can see how things are displayed.

NJNA has two members who won ribbons and hopes there are more when the full award list is announced.

Beth won Honorable Mention for her Tony Minieri piece!

Mercedes won a third place ribbon!

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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© Copyright  March 4, 2023 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.