I have done the silver trim on the blue over robe for the Joan Thomasson wizard and last night I added beads to the jacket and sleeves and hood (but not the blue robe area from his waist down). Before I go any further, does he look like he has measles? I can't decide....
I used three shades of Mill Hill Petite Beads--dark navy 42041, dark blue 40020 and the slightly purple tinted blue of 42040. I couldn't decide which one I liked best (although 40020 showed up best on both the lighter blue and darker blue areas of the robe) so I used them all.
I am indecisive today, so vote in the poll at my main blog whose address is below, ok? Thanks! Here's a larger photo of the entire design to help you decide.

UPDATE: I discovered Yahoo 360 has changed the poll. You don't see any results until you vote! That's new, or maybe how it displays has only changed for me as the blog owner. Anyway, if it seems no one has voted, it's probably because you haven't and Yahoo's not going to give you any hints to influence you.
Main blog at http://blog.360.yahoo.com/chillyhollow