Friday, January 1, 2016

What Kind of Stitcher Are You? UPDATED

Needlepoint for Fun has created a survey to decide what kind of stitcher you are.  There are just eight questions so it won't take long.  (Of course I could answer the question without any surveys for those who read Blog regularly--you are an OBSESSED stitcher.  LOL)

Start here--

Send comments, complaints and laughter to the shop website.

UPDATE:  The latest e-newsletter from Needlepoint for Fun breaks stitchers down by the survey results:  Meryl Streep (62%), Tina Fey (32%), Garfield (4%) and Sean Connery (1%).

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at
© Copyright December 26, 2015 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.