Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Blog Housekeeping

I've been rearranging things at Blog this last few weeks, adding new tabs under the header title and sorting things a bit differently.   I've got sections for the three main trade shows each year so you can check out the latest designs, the Monthly Clubs section has been updated recently with the clubs starting this fall, I have a section now for Interviews I've done on Blog so you can read those if you missed them earlier, there is a section of Tutorials and Tips to help you with tricky stitches like bullions or to understand how to use a laying tool or what stitches to use for hair or skin, Needle Felting and Beading have their own separate tabs as does Needle Painting, there is a list of painted canvases I've Blog-Stitched so you can look at those to understand how I approach choosing my threads and stitches, plus information about Canvas Embellishment,  I've listed Counted Thread Designers and their websites (if any),  there are sections about highly recommended Shops including ones that cater to international stitchers and shops that have a large selection of counted charts, and sections that answer the most frequent questions I see online—Where to Donate Unwanted Stash, Where to Have Designs Put on Needlepoint Canvas and How to Paint Your Own Design.

Hopefully this will help you find useful information, especially since very few people use the search box at the upper left corner of Blog to find things.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at
© Copyright August 8, 2017 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

The New (and Old) Painters Threads

Robin King is a big fan of ribbon floss as am I. This blog entry talks about YLI's ribbon floss types and how Painters Threads uses it for overdoing, then shows off the newest colors of Painters Threads ribbon floss.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at
© Copyright July 9, 2017 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.