Monday, August 10, 2020

Using a Laying Tool: The Movie UPDATED

Want to watch a short demonstration of how to use a laying tool? has a video just for you.

Yes, it really is just that simple.

If you want to read more about laying tools, Mary Corbet has a very nice introduction to them here.  She explains what to look for when deciding what laying tool to try.

I'd add that the size of your hands really is important here.  Some folks love longer, narrower tools.  Me, I have little hands so I like the fat, short laying tools.  They just feel better to me.

I also think that wooden laying tools work better (for me) with cotton floss but I prefer metal laying tools for silk floss.  When it comes to ribbon-like threads, nothing is better than the nutpick from my old fashioned nut cracking set!

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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