Sunday, June 5, 2016

Fish Leather, Pliers And More

The June 2016 newsletter from Amy's Golden Strand is out and once again it is fabulous! Want a good water stitch? Amy diagrammed one for you.  Would you like to know how to remove one bead that is in the wrong place or is the wrong color?  Amy tells you now.  Want to learn all about fish leather and how to use it?  Amy's got you covered!  Need a new magnet (White House, wool felted animal, shark, Americana, or Elvis)?  Amy probably has it in stock or can get it for you.  Just want to look at eye candy or see what new stitch guides Amy has available?  This is the newsletter for you!

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at
© Copyright  June 2, 2016 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.