Sunday, April 15, 2012

WSJ's Fashion Tips

The Wall Street Journal has a tip on how to spice up a man's wardrobe.  Unfortunately, they don't seem to know most of these are needlepoint belts.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at

Magnets Go to Dallas

Accoutrement Designs, the new magnet and scissors fob company, has posted photos of their first trip to the Dallas trade show on their blog.  That balloon strong man has to be seen to be believed!  (The Circus was the theme of the trade show.)

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at

New Counted Charts and Classes

If you love counted canvaswork or geometric patterns, I've got a double treat for you this morning--a new Laura Perin cyberclass and a new Threedles design.  Let's start with Kurdy Briggs (Threedles) who has a new chart available.  The design is called Sands of Time.  You can see it on the Scarlet Thread website in three colorways.  I think the sage green one's my favorite but check all the colors.   The jeweled "Calypso" colorway shows the patterns better in my opinion.

Laura Perin's next cyberclass which is called Fleur-de-Lis is going to be based on irises.  You can choose either the blue or purple colorway for the class, although this will be very pretty in many colors.  After all, irises come in a multitude of color mixes!

This class starts in early June.  Check Laura's website for more information.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at