Friday, April 29, 2022

Let's Stitch Cacti

Palma Seljan has been busy stitching quite a few of the Ashley Dillon "march" canvases that Susan Roberts sells.  Her latest is the Cinco de Mayo March.  The cacti on this one are magnificent!  I noticed because I have a seven foot version of these growing in my breezeway and what Palma did very much resembles what I water once a week.

Palma says she took inspiration for her amazing cactus plants from this video on YouTube. There are three ways of stitching cacti demonstrated, each wonderful, and each useful for those who have Southwestern designs in their stash.  Thanks for sharing, Palma!

By the way, here's how the canvas looks now that Palma's finished.  Cynthia Thomas is writing a guide for it.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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© Copyright March 27, 2022 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.