Monday, April 16, 2012

Jolly Nutcrackers Mystery Classes UPDATED

dede's Jolly Nutcrackers
The Needle Bug's latest newsletter announced their first mystery class, a three lesson session with Julia Snyder. The canvas for the class is dede Odgen's Jolly Nutcrackers which you see above. Each lesson costs $265 which includes the cost of the canvas, the stitch guide and all the threads.  The first class is in May and mail order participation is possible in case you can't make it to Montgomery, Alabama this summer.  There are no details up on their website yet but if you are as charmed by this canvas as I am, you'll want to make inquiries of the Needle Bug staff.

UPDATE:  Needle Bug published more info about this class on their blog this morning.  (File that under Great Minds Think Alike.  LOL)

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at


These days we create fewer pillows and chair seats, and more purses and framed items. A good framer is always hard to find, so I've been watching New Creation Framing (in Pasadena, California) on Facebook for a while. They post photographs of their finished pieces at their FB account. Lots of what they frame are stitched items, so drop by and talk to them if you live in the area.  I can't tell you anything about customer satisfaction, cost, or how long a framing job takes, but their website is worth a visit.  When you look at the folks who use them, it's an impressive client list from a stitching standpoint.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at