Monday, October 1, 2018

What I Want on My Christmas Tree This Year

Those who love 17th Century reproduction embroidery already know Rachel Kinnison's name. She makes and sells all sorts of stumpwork pieces as well as beautiful decorated frames.  She also creates a special Christmas kit each year.  This year's is my personal favorite, a tiny music box in the shape of a 17th Century stumpwork casket!   You can read a bit about it here and see it in the video Rachel made.

Here's another look, with emphasis on the "flirty eyes."

For more details and to pre-order, visit Rachel's website.  Remember, all proceeds go to help support the Lady's Repository Museum, which specializes in early American fashion, particular children's clothing.

By the way, Rachel will be teaching two beaded stumpwork classes this year.  Isn't that dog darling?!

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
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© Copyright August 6, 2018 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.