With Halloween over and the time change looming tonight, I think it is really almost Thanksgiving. So let's head over to Amy Bunger's November newsletter and admire the stitched Thanksgiving Pilgrim and Indian set Amy showcases. By the way, she mentions Blog! I now officially have the big head. Thanks, Amy and Robin. And thanks for the diagrammed T stitch for the background. That looks like a fun stitch to add to our stitch tool kit.
You can read the newest newsletter at the link below, or check out older ones, or even sign up to get it as a PDF in your very own mailbox so you don't have to remember to visit Amy's website the first of each month.
A newsletter from Lani let me know she has posted 150 new designs on her website! The three inch rounds on page one are beautiful and very reasonable in price. There are both Asian and Jewish designs on page two, the Asian ones spill over to page three which also has flower collages and advertising signs that are knockouts, and page four has more collages and some wonderful inspirational word pieces. Very nice job, Lani! The Lanterns and Birds scroll from her new group illustrates this blog entry above.
Shortly I am stuffing the Joan Thomasson wizard and hope to get the base sewn on tonight. I have my next two pieces ready to start and I'll be talking about them once I have a standup wizard ready to give to my niece for her Christmas present. Stay tuned!
Jane/Chilly Hollow
Main blog at http://blog.360.yahoo.com/chillyhollow