Friday, January 5, 2024

Breaking News: Carole Lake Has Died UPDATED

The admins of Needlepoint Nation have just announced the death of Carole Lake on January 5, 2024.    She was so funny, so talented, so clever, and the author of some wonderful designs and terrific books, some in collaboration with Michael Boren.  If you haven't seen Carole's work, here is the StitchPlay website.

Carole was a long time teacher for ANG and worked tirelessly behind the scenes to make Facebook's Needlepoint Nation a success.  Fiber Talk has reposted the interview they did with Carole on their website if you'd like to listen.

I'll miss you, Carole!

UPDATE:    From Carole's Obituary:

"We will be honoring Carole with a Celebration of Life held on Saturday January 27 which will be held at 2 pm at The Church of Highland Park, 5206 Balcones Dr., Austin, TX 78731.

Carole was an avid supporter of the Texas Preforming Arts. In lieu of flowers donations to the Texas Preforming Arts youth program are encouraged to assist in keeping generations to come enjoying the fine arts that Carole so cherished."

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at
© Copyright January 5, 2024 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

Queens Court: Winter Mystery at Bedecked and Beadazzled

Ruth Schmuff just announced the new mystery class for Winter 2024--Lane Tree and Lily's "Queen's Court."

As always, I'll update this article as Ruth posts reports on each of the three classes in this mystery project.  First, Ruth worked the background in an open pattern and gave the dog a trellis patterned coat.

As a bonus, Ruth explains how to count out the trellis pattern around the flowers and leaves on the dog's body here--

Now the crow and the bunny are stitched along with the dog's and the crow's crowns.

And we finish up with silk ribbons on the dog!

Here is Jan's which is finished but not framed yet.

And here are three that are finished and framed, but all differently.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at
© Copyright December 10, 2023 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.