I've started the interlocking goblein layer on top of my tent stitches in this picture. You can see the light ecru spots on the rat's head and neck. I did those first. They are awfully close in color to the ecru background but I think that'll be ok. I plan to work a stumpwork-style halo on top of her head and that'll distract from the fact that the spot and the background are too close a shade. They don't look it in the skein, however. That's why I chose the Impressions #1166 for the white spots. It looks good with the Impressions #1136 which is the darker brown.
Just goes to show you can't trust colors to look good when stitched just because they look good together lying on top of your canvas!
Jane/Chilly Hollow
Main blog at http://blog.360.yahoo.com/chillyhollow