Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Border Test (with Scissors and Magnet)

Last night I worked on O'jishi's background ang also tested my idea of using one strand of my Watercolours (Chili 217) for a border using the same stitch as in the background.  What do you think?  I am not certain myself whether this is what I want.  I probably will need to work on the central mask before I decide whether a border of faux bamboo or this stitch will look good.  However, I don't like filling in the Watercolours area with tent stitches in the same thread.  I think those central tent stitches between the Alternating Cashmere Pairs need to be in a gold metallic.

What do you think?

Before I forget, there is a new Kelmscott magnet featuring a crown and new scissors out.  I saw them on the Needle in a Haystack blog.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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