Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Needlepoint at Kips Bay, the Movies, and Elsewhere

Folks who pay attention can spot needlepoint in the wild in the most amazing places!  One of Ridgewood's customers spotted a great needlepoint pillow at the Kips Bay Decorator Show House.

I stumbled across this article on favorite movie posters that claims the movie poster for the Coen Brothers' Fargo was done in needlepoint.  It looks like cross stitch to me but I am unable to find out for sure, which means we can add one more mystery to all those you find watching the film.  There are a ton of cross stitch diagrams to reproduce it available here and there online.

Carolyn Hedge Baird found this fabulous wicker and needlepoint chair in what appears to be an antiques store in Texas.

So what needlepoint sightings have you made lately?

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at http://chillyhollownp.blogspot.com
and at http://chstitchguides.blogspot.com
© Copyright June 24, 2015 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

The Whimsical Stitch Celebrates Wednesdays

Mary Legallet of the Whimsical Stitch posts a new stitch diagram each Wednesday.  Here is the Woven Ribbon Stitch...

...and here is another woven ribbon stitch with variations.

Mary doesn't just post stitch diagrams, she talks about how to dress a stitch up (or down) and various places she's used it.

Better bookmark this blog to see what Mary does next Wednesday!

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at http://chillyhollownp.blogspot.com
and at http://chstitchguides.blogspot.com
© Copyright June 25, 2015 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.