I had planned to work on finishing the Squiggee goldfish canvas next but I need to make a visit to the crafts emporium for supplies and to see if my idea is workable first. And that can't happen for 2-3 days. In the meantime, I think I'll work on a very small project for my ANG guild.
I am a long distance member of the San Bernardino Chapter (California) of the American Needlepoint Guild. Here's the chapter website.
It's a great bunch of folks and since I can't attend meetings locally, I have greatly enjoyed belonging to a guild that encourages long distance members. I can't participate in local classes but occasionally I do one that allows "ghosts" (classmates who aren't physically present) and have enjoyed belonging to SBCANG a lot.
Those of you who belong to ANG know that each year they host an annual seminar of classes for us rabid needlepointers. The location changes from region to region each year to enable the most number of folks to attend. The next seminar will be in Indian Wells, California and SBCANG is the host chapter. So we are busy getting ready. I'm not going to be a lot of help but I am going to stitch one of the nametags for the teachers. What you see above is the packet that Laurie McLellan sent me. I am to stitch it and return it by August 1. Laurie said I could post about it here in the hopes that it will encourage other chapters and members to volunteer to help run any seminar that might be near them. Here's the ANG website section on seminar so you can read all about it.
Now I need to read the instructions. What you see above are charts, ribbon that looks like a strip of film, star beads and charms, and a piece of canvas already taped and ready. Stay tuned and find out what star teachers are wearing at seminar this fall!
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