Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Frankenstein and the Pixie

My Monitor Edge is Too Prominent

I've been working away on my Computer Pixie,* enjoying every bit of her.  She has presented challenges, though.   There is a lot of dimension in this piece.  The Pixie is in front of the computer, the tote bag is in front of the chair, the beach ball is behind the computer monitor, etc.  My first real issue was with the edge of the computer monitor.  I worked it in padded satin stitch, using Flair over perle cotton padding.  See how far forward the monitor comes?  It is overwhelming the Pixie's arm and the glass she's holding.  That was easy to fix--rip out the Flair and remove the padding, then restitch the monitor's edge in plain satin stitch.  It worked!

Frankenstein Fingers!

This closeup shows that the new monitor edge is much less prominent, but it also reveals another issue--I gave the Pixie Frankenstein fingers!  What you see are bullions done in the darkest pink floss.  That is the color the fingers were painted but when you see them stitched, it screams "WRONG!"

So I ripped again.  This time I went with the palest pink floss.  Using the dark pink drew too much attention to the Pixie's hand, detracting from the glass of tropical punch she holds.

Better Fingers

The new fingers work much better.  You don't see them before you see anything else and you don't think Dr. Frankenstein's monster, either.  The moral is you don't always need to copy the painted colors exactly.  The original color won't work with every stitch.  Bullions are plenty prominent already without making them dark pink against a light area like the glass.

The Pixie Relaxes While I Stitch Blanket

Here's my progress to date.  I have a lot still to do of course.  Once I finish the blanket her chair's sitting on, the Computer Pixie needs wings, antenna, tote bag and contents, shells and a starfish, not to mention chair arms and legs!  Stay tuned...

*The Computer Pixie is by Ruth Schmuff.   The canvas comes with a stitch guide by Sheena James which I have mostly ignored so I can have fun trying to solve the dimension problems this design presents myself.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at
© Copyright February 13, 2017 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

Hummingbird: A New Mystery Class UPDATED

Ruth Schmuff has announced the next mystery class for Bedecked and Beaddazzled--Zecca's "Hummingbird."  You can find out more about the class which will start in March on the shop website (second link below).

As always, I'll update this article as Ruth posts progress photos.  The first lesson Ruth works on the background, throwing in a twist or two.

Then she tackles the poppies.  One stitch for the red poppies, one for the orange.  But Ruth changes the threads around so that the poppies that use the same stitch look different.   Cool!

Now the little hummingbird!  Ruth uses him to show how you can create birds with various sizes of beads. Very clever, as always, Miss Ruth.

The final lesson was mainly about the leaves.  As always, there are many fun touches.

And here is Zecca's Hummingbird as a pillow—lovely!

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at
© Copyright January 18, 2017 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.