I subscribe to all the shop newsletters I can find. Yesterday's email brought me one from Threadneedle Street in Issqauah, Washington. This is my go-to shop for all things silk gauze and for books. It is a wonderful place and Denise the owner really knows her silks. The newsletter lists the new thread colors in Gloriana silks, Impressions, Soie Crystale, ThreadWorX floss, Neon Rays+, Crescent Colours and Weeks Dye Works flosses.
Denise also announced that Anchor is discontinuing colors in their perle cottons. I'm going to quote her in full here for the benefit of folks who have projects that use the Anchor perle cotton:
"Anchor is in the process of discontinuing a fairly large number of pearl cotton colors. We have never stocked much of the Anchor #3 pearl cotton, but in Germany they have discontinued nearly all available size 3 colors, and as a result, the US will no longer import size 3 Anchor at all. In size 5 pearl cotton, Anchor is discontinuing about one third of the colors. In size 8 pearl cotton they are also discontinuing about one third of the colors, and in size 12 pearl cotton, they will discontinue 12 out of 47 colors, leaving only 35 colors still available. Some inventory still remains of discontinued colors, but if you have a project requiring Anchor pearl cotton, this is a good time to check availability of colors and purchase any colors slated to be discontinued."
If you need more information, call or email Threadneedle Street. Please note that the Anchor floss colors are unchanged. Only their line of perle cottons is effected. Here is the website for Threadneedle Street.
The shop stocks a lot of books, including the new English Embroidery catalogue from the museum exhibit, SuZy Murphy's new Mini Stitches book, and of course buttons galore. above the the newest and oddest button in their collection--a bedpan button!
Well, you can't say Threadneedle Street doesn't make every effort to satisfy their customers.
By the way, I forgot to mention that if you visit Threadneedle Street's online shop, you can see their new painted canvases by clicking on Needlepoint at the top of the page, then finding 2009 Part I on the left side of the new page and clicking there.
Jane/Chilly Hollow
Main blog at http://blog.360.yahoo.com/chillyhollow