Monday, January 26, 2015

The Callaway Exhibit

The Callaway Gardens School of Needle Arts has an exhibit of needlework as part of their yearly seminar. This year they have posted photographs of eight of the items in the exhibit on their Facebook page. Use the side arrows to see everything.

Here's the big winner at the exhibit, which is open to the public, by the way.  Just in case you live near Callaway Gardens.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at
© Copyright January 24, 2015 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

A New Film is Underway

Mark Young (the creative genius behind Labors of Love) revealed on Facebook yesterday that there is a new film currently scheduled to come out next December that has needlepoint playing a small part.  Here is what Mark said:

"More great exposure for needlepoint coming this year! I was asked to stitch a piece of needlepoint for a prop in a movie that is currently filming here in Atlanta. I'm prohibited from posting details about the movie but it is supposed to be out around Christmas. I had the great privilege of being on the set to watch the filming all day yesterday and to sit with the actor who is doing the needlepoint in the film to show him how to do the stitching."

So the stitcher is a guy?  Sounds like Hollywood might have started to ignore some of the stereotypes around needlepoint....

I know of two movies being filmed in Atlanta currently.  Stay tuned to find out more as Mark is allowed to say more.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at
© Copyright January 24, 2015 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

The Loudoun Sampler Guild's Mystery Band Sampler Now Available

The Loudoun Sampler Guild lives over the mountain from me in the D.C. suburbs, where historical samplers are very popular.   Some of the members are published designers in their own right, so the fact that the mystery band sampler the membership designed in 2014 is now available for sale as a fund-raiser is worthy of note.  The money raised will all go to a fund established in Betty Flemming's honor to help museums acquire and preserve samplers.

If you like samplers, this offer is for you.

By the way, the contact person for purchasing the Loudoun Sampler Guild mystery band sampler is Betsy Morgan. Yes, THE Betsy Morgan of Willing Hands.  She does exquisite work.  This UK company showcases some of her lovely things especially well as does her blog (second link below).

Good luck to all my friends over the mountain!

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at
© Copyright January 14, 2015 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.