Monday, January 16, 2023

Winter 2023 Mystery: Helen Heins Peterson's "Dragonflies"

Ruth Schmuf just announced her Winter 2023 Mystery class--Helen Heins Peterson's "Dragonflies," which features dragonflies, flowers, frogs and flying insects and a beetle.

As always, I'll add to this posting as Ruth posts class updates.  The first of four classes is February 5, so hurry to sign up if you are interested.

Ruth is like me and almost always does her backgrounds first.  These look really sparkly!

Now we have leaves and stems (and bugs).

There are sparkly wings and fuzzy bugs.

The final step is frogs and tulips!  The frogs have big eyes and the tulips are really lovely.

Here's the whole finished piece.

UPDATE:  This is Maria's version, made into a pillow.  Magnificent!

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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© Copyright December 31, 2022 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.