Last night I redid the lower skirt of the Rabbit Geisha's kimono, using two plies of my Mandarin Floss # M912. I like how it looks a lot. Using just the bottom part of the Tony Minieri's Sally's Diamonds stitch looks great and is perfect in scale for this small area. I hope to finish the skirt tonight and perhaps get more background stitching done but I doubt I'll get it all finished in one stitching session. I hope you can see the stitch well. I wanted you to get an overall look at the skirt in relationship to the rest of the canvas. We often focus on the small part we are stitching currently and forget it has to look good with the rest of the canvas.
TheresaA tells me that what she calls "tick tack box" bead storage is available through Whim Beads. She's right--here it is. Sadly, it is not available right now as they wait for more to arrive from their supplier. Apparently there are many folks copying this system so you can probably buy something similar like the link I found yesterday, but I think waiting for the original if you know it is good quality is worth it unless you are swimming in beads. Thanks a lot, TheresaA!
Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at http://chillyhollownp.blogspot.com
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