Tuesday, August 3, 2010

From Background to The Next Thing UPDATED

Cha's background is done!  HURRAH!

While stitching all those zillions of tent stitches, I've been busy thinking about Cha's tail feathers and the next project.  I'm not ready to reveal either item yet, so I'll distract you with some of the fun stuff I've found on the World Wide Web, ok?

The DMC blog is starting a new project, a needlepoint flower.  This project is suitable for someone who is relatively new to NP and wants to move from endless tent stitches (Boy, can I relate!) to projects that use a mix of stitches and colors.  Since the DMC threads used for the project are easily available to most folks, this is a good learning project.  Here's the link to part one.

UPDATE:  Part Two

Part Three

Pepita Needlepoint has been busy building a needlepoint news site that automatically finds and posts links to stories about needlepoint.  The stories seem to be grouped into three columns, one for forum mentions, one for feeds from NP blogs, and one for items from online newspapers (this time of year it's full of county fair stuff and ads to sell NP via Craigslist).  There is some advertising because Pepita needs to pay to have the site hosted.   I'm not sure how interesting this is going to be but trend-watchers may be interested in this.

Rachel at VirtoSew has written a well-thought-out article about copyright, theft, and chart sharing on her blog.  It's worth reading on its own merits but I am posting about something I've already talked about recently to remind us all that those who steal impact designers, who stop designing because they can't profit enough, and then we have fewer design choices.  It hurts us all in the long run.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow Blogging at http://chillyhollownp.blogspot.com Archived Yahoo 360 postings at http://profiles.yahoo.com/chillyhollow