Monday, April 13, 2020

Rainbow Gallery and Needlenook of La Jolla to the Rescue

Worried that you won't be able to get threads for your projects now that so many things are closed?  Don't be.  There will be minor disruptions but it looks like things are going pretty well.  Just heard from Vicky at Needlenook of La Jolla:

"In the last week I've gotten orders from Silk & Ivory, Vineyard, Planet Earth, Fleur de Paris (DMC & Kreinik) and Rainbow Gallery. Gloriana is shipping and that's my next order up on my evergrowing to-do list! Planet Earth & Vineyard shipped immediately, while the others take a little longer than normal. but there is nothing normal now."

I also heard from Sally London of Rainbow Gallery:

"We are shipping out orders at least 2-3 days a week. We do have a limited warehouse staff and I am working every day off site. I have personally talked with many shops in the last 2 weeks and given them my cell phone number and told them I am available to take an order from them 7 days a week. All shops can email, phone or text orders to me and I send them off to the warehouse. We are making every effort to get orders out to the shops as soon as possible. If you know of any shop that is in need of goods please have them email:  Thank you very much for getting the word out that we are shipping."

With dedication like this from our thread manufacturers and our shops, we are not going to be short of things to stitch with, that's for sure.

Your guys are our heroes.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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© Copyright April 12, 2020 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.