See this? This is a rock slab necklace modeled by Neva, a friend who is a very talented and inventive stitcher. Neva's made a lot of these using dollar rock slabs from rock shows or bead shops.
First, get a rock slice (or large bead or whatever you can scrounge from your local shops) and then raid your stash for matching or contrasting colors in various threads. Find a small piece of canvas in whatever shape you like. Glue the slab somewhere on your canvas, then stitch around it using whatever shapes you like. Design anything. Do a stitch you like, stitches you always wanted to try, stitches that are too big/little/fat/thin for your typical style of stitching. Run wild!
Then put bullions around the edge of the rock to sort of hide the edge. Finish your canvas with cording and wear your do-it-yourself rock and thread jewelry!
Neva says people in her local guild who never thought they could design anything have tried this and turned out lovely pieces. So today at lunch I headed to the bead shop and picked up a blue crazy lace agate and a white carved bead in the shape of Buddha. We'll see what I'm able to make of them. As always, stay tuned. This time the madness is rocks and scrap threads....
Neva, thanks for letting me use a photo of your necklace. Have fun in Africa!
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