Thursday, October 13, 2011

And Even More Monthly Club News

This is the time of year when announcements of the new monthly clubs are popping up all over.  Seeing how beautifully Denise's floral calendar pieces are turning out reminded I promised to summarize even more club news the last time I mentioned these clubs.

I think you can still sign up to stitch Raymond Crawford's monthly flowers at the shop like Denise did, but they do have a neat Kelly Clark tiny witch series that just started.  I think if you search on Raymond Crawford on Denise's blog, you will see good photos of all the series she's done to date.

Now for the newest clubs!  Starting off the list is Fancy Stitches in Texas with their Thanksgiving Stars set from Kathy Schenkel.  With the holiday just around the corner, this is a perfect time to start on a set for next year's display. They have done Kathy's Halloween and Nativity Stars in the past, so you could have a stars ornament theme going for each holiday.  Just sayin'....

The French Knot (also in Texas, the birthplace of monthly clubs!) has updated their website to show the latest finished ornament of the month models.  This year they have chosen Christmas themes.

Nashville Needleworks is doing a monthly club with the Tapestry Tent/Susan Roberts Halloween March canvas.  You'll work a part of this larger piece every month until all the darling children in their trick or treat outfits are finished.  Looks like you can still sign up for their spring Egg club, too.

If none of the above appeal, you can  order from the Heart Kit Collection from Nature's Palette, the company behind the custom colors of NP canvas.

I think that's enough for now.  I promise more clubs later.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at