Right now she's talking borders. What you see above is the border she created to mimic an expensive triple matted framing job for her version of the Gay Ann Rogers' "Mystery in a Corner" design. It is what I call a KNOCK-OUT idea.
It's not the only one she's had, either. Head over to Laura's blog and back up until you find the 10/6/08 posting about her Halloween House, then start reading forward to discover several cheap and easy ways to put fake mats and lovely borders around your pieces. You may never pay Big Bucks to a frame shop again.
Laura's website lives here.
Gay Ann Rogers just has finished her annual e-Merchandise week but in about three weeks you ought to be able to see various stitched Mysteries in a Corner on her website again. But nobody has a mat as beautiful as the one Laura stitched!
Jane/Chilly Hollow
Main blog at http://blog.360.yahoo.com/chillyhollow
Main blog at http://blog.360.yahoo.com/chillyhollow