Friday, July 25, 2008

Want to Be a Las Vegas Showgirl Instead?

Then you will need this Leigh canvas and stitch guide! The headdress and bodice are beaded, then the rest of the canvas is long and short feather stitched with one ply of Splendor. The words in the background are the finishing touch. Leona, who wrote the guide, added them. I think they make a lovely background! Here's the link to see more--

You can see the rest of the Leigh showgirls here.

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Want to be a Commando Nerd Needlepoint Patch Beta Tester?

Do you have an iPhone? Better yet, know lots of folks who do? Then this NP patch is something you really need!

I am not sure the patches themselves are needlepointed-John Young doesn't say. If you follow his blog, he does needlepoint designs that are machine readable and that can direct the machine (or in this case, the iPhone with the reader downloaded) to a website. Any website. You can send folks to the ANG website, to your home page, to your shop, etc.

This is exceedingly cool. Especially for NP nerds like us.

Jane, waving like mad from CH

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