A while back I wrote this about the ANG Seminar exhibit, "By the way, the blue ribbon for painted canvas without a stitch guide (professional) *and* the first Nina Goerres ribbon for Christmas projects went to Vicky DeAngelis who stitched Kelly Clark's Twelve Months of Santas. I think these are Vicky's pieces which served as the models for the stitch guides."
http://www.I have managed to wrangle a good photo of all Vicky's Santas together which you can see and drool over above. These were stitched in Vicky's role of part owner of Needle Nook of La Jolla and they are available as kits from the shop for those who saw them on display at the Indian Wells Seminar and despaired of ever doing anything as wonderful themselves. But this isn't the only example of Vicky's fabulous stitching for you to see. I've managed to accumulate lots of links to Vicky's work for your viewing pleasure. Most of these have won awards, too.
Terry Enfield kimono
Christmas ornament
Gay Ann Rogers? Christmas ornament
Geisha by Sandra Gilmore (Once in a Blue Moon)
Lee's Needlearts black and white geisha
I just wish I could charm Vicky into revealing her stitching secrets! How did she get to be so good? Is there hope for us all?!
Jane/Chilly Hollow I just wish I could charm Vicky into revealing her stitching secrets! How did she get to be so good? Is there hope for us all?!
Main blog at http://blog.360.yahoo.com/chillyhollow