Monday, July 4, 2011

July Means Sales UPDATED

July is the traditional month for needlepoint shop sales.  I've heard about some good ones in 2011, so I thought I'd post the details here for your enjoyment.  In alphabetical order,

Alex Paras Needle Arts is having a one day Mid-Summer Madness sale on July 10.  For that day only, save at least 20% off on everything currently in stock at the store.  You must use the coupon code MADNESS when you check out.  If the item you wanted is sold out, they will let you know.

UPDATE:  Amy Bunger's three day on-line sale for the month is July 15-17.  During that time random items on her website are on sale.  Sale items are limited, so you have to move quickly if you see something you want.

UPDATE:  BeStitched is having a Christmas in July sale.  All Christmas themed canvases are 20% off this month.…20-off-christmas-needlepoint-canvases-the-entire-month-of-july/

UPDATE:  Busy Needle has all in stock canvases for sale at 20% off.  I'm not sure how long this sale lasts, so move quickly if you are interested.

Canvases Be Gone has put everything on their website on sale at 20% off for the entire month of July.  They only offer older canvases from folks' stash but it's worth keeping an eye on the site for the excellent values they offer, especially if you stumble across that canvas you wish you'd bought when you could.

Homestead Needle Arts is preparing for their garage sale.  Starting July 5 until July 9, you can drop off unwanted but in excellent shape needlepoint items.  Everything must be labelled with your initials, item number and the price and you also provide a list of your items to the shop so they can keep up with everything.  The sale itself is July 14-16.  Anything that is sold gives the buyer a great deal and the seller gets store credit in that amount.  If you have questions, talk to Theresa at Homestead for more information.

UPDATE: Madonna Needle Works is having an Alice Peterson trunk show with designs 20% off.

The Needle Bug is having a more than 20% off sale called Margarita Madness on its regularly priced items tomorrow (July 5) only.  When you are ready to pay, you draw for your exact discount.

Needlewoman East's Xmas in July sale is July 23 this year.  I don't know any other details yet....

UPDATE:  Pocket Full of Stitches has all in stock and special order canvases on sale at 20% off for all of July.

UPDATE:  The Point of it All is also having a 20% off Christmas in July sale. All in stock cavnases are 20% off.  Thanks, Whitney!

If you know about any great sales happening in July I didn't mention above, please add details in the Comments.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at

Cat Topiary Garden's Little Bushes

dede Odgen's Cat Topiary Garden
Last Monday I hadn't finished the central dark green hedge that the topiary shaped like a cat sits upon.  I made it a priority to finish all the bits of the hedge visible through the white gate, then moved on to the smaller bushes that flank the cat topiary.  All three of these little bushes (the two behind the bird topped posts and the small one on the extreme right) I stitched in a light teal green thread (DMC cotton floss #992).  Using one ply, I returned to the Double Stitch that I used for the two big bushes in the rear just in front of the background.

Double Stitch

Here's Double Stitch again for those who've forgotten. I haven't stitched the second step of this SharonG stitch, just the long skinny cross stitches which are the blue ones in the example above.  I may go back and add the tiny cross stitches or I might use beads in their place, or I might just leave things as they are right now.  I think I'll wait until more of the front of the design is stitched to make up my mind.  Here is what the three little bushes look like all stitched up.  Note that the small bush on the right is done with the same stitch as the bush behind it, but because the little bush is done in a lighter color, it seems closer to the viewer than the larger spruce behind it.

Three Small Bushes
I have started working on the egg shaped topiary in the middle of the canvas.  I am using three plies of the DMC 992 at the top.  I'll mix in the darker teal color used for the big juniper bush on the left side of the design (dark spruce green Au Ver a Soie #1826when I get down to the darker area of the egg. Right now I'm using two plies of 992 in my basketweave but will switch to one of 992 mixed with one of the Au Ver a Soie 1826, then switch to two of the Au Ver a Soie as the egg topiary gets darker and darker.

Once I finish the egg bush, I will only have the topiaries themselves and one large bush on the left to stitch.  I am still debating what stitch to use in these areas.  You'll have to wait until next Monday to see what I decided.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at

Happy 4th of July, America

Peacock Alley's Display Window

Peacock Alley Needlepoint in Michigan is celebrating the 4th with their June display window.  It is full of patriotic delights and lovely reds, whites and blues.  I asked Sandy what the window contains and she replied:

"Our window features Melissa Shirley's July 4th children (stitch guide, too), and other canvases by Peacock Alley, Amy Bunger, Kathy Schenkel, Danji Designs, Painted Pony and Cooper Oaks. Threads shown are Bellalusso, Threadworx, Vineyard Silk Shimmer, Kreinik and Snow."

Not everyone who visits Blog is American, but I hope good design charms everyone.  That is a heck of a nice window!

Peacock Alley posted closeups on their Facebook page.

If you happen to be in the Ada, Michigan area, do visit.  If not, you can always check out their latest at their website.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at