Petei's Angel with Stars |
Things are going much faster on the little Petei angel I choose to work on during the holidays when my big canvas was just too large to have out during Christmas prep. She has silk stockings (ok, they are an overdyed cotton from Thread Gatherer in green alternating with red Soie d'Alger silk) and the first part of her dress and sleeves are in. Some of the gold stars on the ribbon she holds are finished. The stars are tiny size 15 round gold beads attached using reverse tent stitches. The angel has a halo which is simply gold Kreinik braid couched down with more of the same thread. I finished the cross stitches using the same Kreinik gold on her elaborate collar and filled in the empty spaces among the gold with tiny size 15 pearls. Her billowing skirt is done in Staggered Mosaic, which you can see better here. Step one is all in red Lorikeet wool. The filled in spots are in the same silk used on her stockings. I'm sorry I couldn't find a diagram for you but this stitch is in the third Stitches for Effect book as well as in SuZy Murphy's books.
Her sleeves are in the same threads (or they will be when I add step two of Tony Minieri's Kimi Stitch). You can see the stitch diagrammed here. I turned the chart to have the stitches run the way I wanted for each sleeve.
Once I finish the angel's outfit and add the rest of the stars, I will tackle her face and hands, then move on to the green part of her elaborate collar. I also have to stitch in the string the little gold stars hang from. I think her hair will be last as it will take the most time. Stay tuned!
Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at http://chillyhollownp.blogspot.com
and at http://chstitchguides.blogspot.com