Friday, February 14, 2014

Curving the Butterfly Wings

Kurdy Biggs has a new design on her Threedles website called "Butterfly Effects." It celebrates the curve and non-rectangular designs.  It's beautiful!

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at
@ Copyright 2014 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

Finishing Friday--Beautiful Box and Hearts

Nimble Needle got lots of lovely pillows back from their finisher, but the winner here to my way of thinking is the silk-lined leather box with a needlepoint top.   I think it is beautiful.

Lynn just got her Buckeyes purse back from the finisher.  It is a cutie, perfect for the Ohio sports fan!

How about these great heart ornaments from Associated Talents Diane stitched?  Perfect for Valentine's Day!

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at
@ Copyright 2014 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Today's Valentine's Day.  Mostly my love is of the painted canvas variety but today I'm celebrating St. Valentine's Day with a treat for the counted canvaswork stitchers among us.  I have created two new tabs--one listing all the online shops that have a great variety of needlepoint charts for your stitching pleasure and one listing all the online designers and teachers who have canvas work pieces to purchase.  These went live last night before I headed off to bed.

Since I am not a counted person I've asked for help from my stitching friends to compile these lists and I know they aren't complete. If you have other sources or designers or know of a shop that has a very large range of charts created with canvaswork in mind (I'm not talking cross stitch charts here, but charts for needlepoint) please let me know by leaving a Comment below or emailing me at chillyhollow at hot maildot com and I will add to the lists for you.  Thanks!

By the way, for you counted folks, Laura Perin has a new Valentine's Day Wreath. It's lovely!  It might even be better than chocolate....   No?  You are right.  Second-best, then!

For other new designs from counted folks, check the Winter TNNA tab where I am posting the new items for the Nashville cross stitch market that are counted canvas work.  H

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at
@ Copyright 2014 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.