Sunday, February 9, 2014

Fun at Stitcher's Treasure

Stitcher's Treasure has posted a little video about their Escondido, CA shop on their Facebook page. What fun!  (And they have chocolate, folks....)

If you are curious about more than the chocolate, here is their latest shop newsletter.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at
@ Copyright 2014 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.


I am not sure what I think about this NY Times piece from 2006.

Needlepoint is easy?  Well, I guess it can be, but the author's obviously never met Tony Minieri!

You don't see Martha Stewart or Julia Roberts carrying NP supplies?  Julia needlepoints (although she is better known for her knitting) and Martha Stewart used to publish needlepoint pillow charts in her Martha Stewart Living magazine.  I haven't read it in years, though, and her website doesn't have any needlepoint on it.

Needlepoint will never hit Hollywood?  Obviously the author never heard of all those Jean Smith pillows that were cut from The Big Wedding! The author doesn't know about all those movie stars who needlepoint to keep busy while sitting around waiting for their next scene.

An intricate 12 foot square canvas can cost $150?!!  You can buy machine made needlepoint rugs for $150?!  Ok, this was written in 2006 and the author has not read this--

...but a project that cost $150 plus $100 for threads would not be considered really expensive today.

Although the article purports to be about how the author likes needlepoint, I don't get that sense.  Maybe she likes it in spite of herself thinking it is just for dumb dowdy hicks with no taste or style and more money than sense?  Needlepoint isn't cool?

Who cares?  (Except for the NY Times.)

I think I'm starting to get a headache....

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at
@ Copyright 2014 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.