Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Over at the Stitch Guides Blog

This morning I posted a new article over at the CH Stitch Guides blog. It's all about using stitch guides for uses other than the intended one!

No, I'm not using them to start fires in a pinch, patch a leaky roof or other DIY things.  But a stitch guide for a certain canvas can have all sorts of applications elsewhere.  You just need to use your imagination.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at

Thread of the Month Clubs

Monthly canvas clubs aren't the only ones available.  Stitcher's Workshop has some great thread of the month clubs, including a very inventive overdyed thread of the month that is pared with coordinating threads.  Here are the wonderful clubs available.

Fireside Stitchery has the first thread of the month club I ever heard of.  You should check them out, too, then sign up for both.

Hey, we all need threads!

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at