Petei Angel Has Hair |
This morning the Petei angel has streaming wool hair (one ply of the overdyed wool Lorikeet from Gloriana in straight stitches) and the start of green beads on her elaborate collar. There's a problem with the collar. The beads look too yellow when attached.
The problem is with the color of the thread I'm using to attach them. In the photo above you see it hanging down. It's ecru.
Two Bead Colors in Collar |
Now look at this photo where I have switched to a dark green floss (left side) to attach the beads. Both flosses are visible so you can see what color I used. There is quite a difference. It is the same green bead and it isn't a transparent bead, but the floss color makes the beads more olive or more yellow in color which effects the look. Moral of the story, I need to be more careful of the color of thread I use when beading. It can make a huge difference. Only a few beads are "silver lined" which means the hole is coated with silver paint. Those probably can get by with any color of thread, although sometimes the thread shows at the base of a bead. It's just another thing to keep in mind.
Bead Collar Fixed and Stars Strung |
Last night I added a length of silver DMC memory thread as the string the stars hang from. Next I plan to do something totally unexpected to finish her. Stay tuned!
Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at http://chillyhollownp.blogspot.com
and at http://chstitchguides.blogspot.com