I got a note and a photo from Odette this weekend. She's working away on her household pet guardian angel, the Georgian Rabbit. I thought (with Odette's permission) you would like to see how it is coming along. This is what Odette told me:
"Thought you would like to see that I have progressed. I was hoping to finish bunny angel this weekend and only have the background to complete but that did not happen.
You can't see the shimmer on the wings - I put a green pearlessence DMC threads over the stitching. I used the same green rayon thread that is in the border for the centre of the 'feathers'. I thought her face turned out quite well. It shows up a bit fluffy."
The face looks great! I think Odette told me it is a knitting wool. As she is in South Africa, the threads she has available are a bit different than what I can buy in the United States, which makes this a very special international angel!
Nice job, Odette. I especially love the contrast of her dark gray furry face with the lavender and spring colors of her clothing.
Jane/Chilly Hollow
Main blog at http://blog.360.yahoo.com/chillyhollow