The Georgian Gold Rabbit got some basketweave background last night, then I started beading the inner sleeve. I tried to do the background around the sleeves to make less chance of snagging thread on the beads later. I should have waited to add the beads toward the end but I couldn't help it--I was dying to see how the color worked with the silks and wool. The beads go in the empty spaces made in skip tent but since they are size 11 beads from Toho in the color 1955-133 Hexagon Pale Copper, they probably don't need the skip tent stitches. Size 11 beads fit 13 count canvas. I prefer size 14 beads for 18 count. But the Toho beads only came in size 11 and you goes with what you got!
Note that I am stitching the beads in a backwards tent stitch \ with one ply of the same Silk Mori that couched the Lorikeet wool on her bodice and over-sleeve. That makes the beads look like the slant of the rest of the sleeve stitches which is more pleasing to my eye. I can't say it matters much but since I like that, that's usually what I do.
Tonight I'll attempt to finish beading the inner sleeve, then start back on the Background Marathon to get a bit more of that finished.
Jane/Chilly Hollow
Main blog at http://blog.360.yahoo.com/chillyhollow