Friday, November 29, 2024

ANG's 2024 Seminar Report

ANG's 2024 Seminar was held in Kansas City, Missouri from August 30-September 6.  You can see the classes offered on the ANG website.

Melita Glavin went.  Here is her first actual seminar report, but two earlier blog postings talk about what she saw and ate before Seminar actually started.

Melita's first class was with Lorene Salt, stitching her counted canvaswork piece "Byzantium."

And of course I'm a big fan of the half Chilly Hollow stitches.

Melita is also taking Dawn Donnelly's class "Treasures of the Great Lakes."  Hers is on linen but this is also offered on needlepoint canvas.

Melita managed to squeeze in a half day class -- Janet Z. Casey's "Heart Swirls."  Then she visited KC Needlepoint.

Melita had fun at the Expo and bought some goodies.  I didn't know there was a Hearts for Hospice booklet now.

Melita also exhibited and talks about her design's critique.

Vicky won a Judges Choice ribbon at the ANG Exhibit.

Maureen won four ribbons for her dog portrait at the ANG Exhibit, including best of show!

Lavinia shows off the teacher models for the four classes she took.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at
© Copyright August 31,  2024 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.