Friday, August 31, 2012

Still More Seminar News

ANG's Seminar ends today.  Can you believe it?!   Vicky is about to head home as she has to jump on a plane shortly and head to TNNA's Baltimore trade show which is a week.

Remember Kate's Fishing Lady piece?  I am pretty sure it won the First Timer's Award at the ANG Exhibit.   Congratulations!!!

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at

Shop Visit: Needlepoint Inc.

If you have never heard of Needlepoint Inc. (both the shop and their silk thread), you are going to have a lovely time reading about the shop and browsing their website.  Don't miss the San Francisco tool box on the shop's home page!

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at

Seminar News

ANG's Seminar is when classes for the following year are announced. Here's the LizArt piece called "Bargello Techniques" which will be offered as a correspondence course by ANG in 2013.

Nimble Needle is offering a preview of what they'll be selling at Merchandise Night.  If you are at Seminar, remember to line up early as things sell out.

Naturally Vicky is still reporting on her class and all the great things to eat!

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at

Look at the Horsey!

When we traveled us kids tried to spot horses along the road we were driving. My White Horse! was a yell we would let out in the back seat. Why our parents didn't just abandon us along the side of the road is a topic for another day....

I thought of that game when I saw these horse pillow canvases designed by NeedlePaint for a custom order.  I think they are charming.

Oh, there is a giraffe, too.  It's at a different site.  Never saw a giraffe in a field off the Interstate, though!

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at