Saturday, January 16, 2010

Woodlawn Deadline February 11

The deadline for sending needlework to Woodlawn Plantation for their March 2010 show is February 11.  Show information, hours, and a link to the brochure application that has to accompany each entry is at this URL.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
Archived Yahoo 360 postings at

Second Bead Border

I've finished the second beaded border around the edge of my laying tool and scissors case.  It looks very pretty, even though it is not done with the triangular beads that Kimberly's model used.  Here's a link to one of Kimberly's versions done with the beads she intended so you can compare the looks.

At one time there was a bead kit available for this piece, but I don't know if Kimberly still is able to furnish one.  I will email her and ask.  However, it doesn't matter whether the kit is still available because you can have a blast at a bead shop looking for alternatives that look good with your own color scheme.  It took me a little while to work out how to arrange and space the beads to cover the edges evenly but it is fun to play around with beads.

Sorry the photo above is a little blurred.  The beads are raising the piece off the scanner so it is getting hard to get a clear and detailed photograph.

The next step is to use my paper pattern (from a xerox of the design) to cut a piece of Ultrasuede for the inside lining and pockets for scissors and laying tools.  I also plan another bead shopping trip to pick out the closure beads.  The Potomac Bead Company didn't have anything that I thought looked great with my colors so I am hitting another bead store today to see what I can find. Here is their website.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
Archived Yahoo 360 postings at