The Feb. newsletter is up on Amy Bunger's website. You'll find the link to it in the text or on the left side of the page.
The newsletter has details on the new Barely There DVD #6 which focuses on this JB Designs (distributed by Julia' Needleworks) canvas of 12 plain vases in a row which is above. There are many other canvases in the DVD that illustrate the technique of not covering the canvas mesh entirely.
There is a new YouTube video, this time showcasing the standups that one of Amy's customers stitches. The photos are detailed and give you a good idea of how the featured Santa was put together. Fans of Elliott the Cat will see him in the last shot, checking the standups to make sure their hair is all combed and makeup on!
The Russian Magi from the Home Study of Kelly Clark's Nativity set is ready. You can see the other canvases in this series, some stitched and some not, by clicking on Previous or Next at the upper right hand corner of the photo. I had been told Amy is pulling out all the stops on the Wise Men. Looks like my informant was right!
I can't imagine what Amy will do with the Brenda Stofft trunk show coming to her shop soon. She's just discovered the Elizabethean Rabbit and the Elizabethean Cat. You are doomed, Amy, DOOMED! Here is Brenda's website, in case you want to check out her work before the trunk show arrives. The two Elizabethean queen canvaes are in the Cats & Dogs and Rabbits & Hares sections.
Have fun reading the newsletter, seeing the eyelet heart stitch diagrammed, and looking at what Sarah found in her new needlepoint stocking.
Jane/Chilly Hollow
Main blog at http://blog.360.yahoo.com/chillyhollow