I’ve not had the time to finish Fan, the second of the two little Asian girls from Melissa Shirley designs, this week. It’s spring in Chilly Hollow and there is yard work to do whenever I can. But shortly I will have her all finished and take photos for you before Fan and Butterfly leave with their purse for the finisher to be turned into what I hope is an eye-catching delight for the Indian Wells ANG Seminar Auction.
If you are going, take lots of photos of the little girls and their new owner!
Now it is time to think about the next project. I’ve already promised to do an all-tent stitch project so that we can talk about the basics each stitcher needs to master, but before I start anything new, I have a pile of finishing to do. I have two heart ornaments, the little blue wizard Santa for the ANG Auction, and two mini stockings to finish and I’m going to do most of them myself. I don’t much like finishing but doing it myself is satisfying and cheap. I’ll start gathering the supplies I will need over the next week with visits to the crafts emporiums in the area for trim, backing fabric, quilt batting for stuffing, etc. And I promise to take photos and describe what I do to finish these pieces as long as you promise not to mention the glue I have in my hair. Deal?
Meanwhile a thunderstorm has just moved through and it is too wet and overcast to do either yard work or needlepoint, so I think I’ll relax with my copy of Needle Pointers for May 2008 which just arrived a day or so back. I read it cover to cover--the ads, the ANG officers’ report, everything. I always find neat stuff and today there’s a brief mention that Terry Dryden has a blog now.
I admire her designs, which are always different but not all that hard for someone with basic skills in needlepoint. She is primarily a teacher, but her retired class pieces are available as kits, which tickles me pink. I love her happy pastel colorways and I know I am going to check out her blog to see what someone who uses stitches in ways totally different from everyone else has to say. Here’s her redesigned website with the link to her Color Texture Stitch Journal blog. Have fun exploring!
Jane, off to look at dogwoods in the rain once more but I’ll meet you at Terry’s shortly
UPDATE: Actually, I was unable to post to Blogspot last night. The rain slowed my Internet connection so much that I couldn't even log on to Blogspot. Sorry!
Main blog at http://blog.360.yahoo.com/chillyhollow
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