Friday, October 17, 2008

About to Finish

The stitching on the Joan Thomasson wizard was finished last weekend except for the smoke coming out of his cauldron. I have to get it partly put together as a standup before I can add that touch so I don't damage it in finishing.

I have a medium blue polished chintz for the backing fabric and found a feathery boa trim to edge the design. The feathers are white with silver metallic strips woven in. I already have quilt batting and foam for the stuffing. My next step is to pick up something to weigh the base. I thought I'd use aquarium gravel but a friend suggested buckshot. I'll have to see what I can find in the stores but that probably will wait until the weekend. I have too many more urgent errands to accomplish at lunch today and something will remain undone. You know us stitchers--our needlepoint is usually less important than other life chores!

I've also finished my mystery project I can't show you--the Stitch of the Month Project that ANG unveils each December. I did one of the models, so it's a secret for another two months. I'll just whisper in your ear that I choose Caribbean blue as my main color....

The next project is chosen and I've been thinking a lot about it. But more on that after I finish the wizard!

Finally, Yahoo and Google and MSN all changed their interfaces slightly yesterday. Yahoo 360 now has a social component but I want to assure all of you I removed the email addresses Yahoo pulled from my contacts and have turned off everything there I can find to protect your privacy and mine. I don't need any more social interaction, thank you! And certainly not in public. I don't even much like the Friends function that Yahoo 360 has built in but I tolerate it as that boosts the "findability" of Blog in searches. I've not signed up for the Follower component of Blogspot (owned by Google) either. I don't really care to demonstrate how many folks read Blog publicly, how many sign up for readers, etc. That's your business, not mine or everyone else's who wanders past.

Yes, I am an old fogy. Sue me.

Or if you are 20, laugh and then pick up your needle and let's get back to NP.

Jane/Chilly Hollow

Main blog at

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